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[Mining] w00ts Full Cobalt - Zul'Drak+Grizzly Hills

I dont see this profile in the drop down menu, and it doesnt explain how to get it to show in the manual! Im sure I just overlooked something simple, please help :)

EDIT: I just bought GB and this is my first time running it, the build in ones works fine, just need to know how to load new ones!
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worst profile ever, its flying on land :s (maybe bug)

Yeaaaaaa... about thattttt...

Fixed =D

I made a booboo earlier when editing the file. I viewed the xml in an editor to see if the paths were far enough from water and I appeared to have saved it. Doing so caused the z axis to be ground level. Sorry. I have no time to test this but should work good. If anyone runs it, let me know if it makes it over that log alright, it should be high enough.
in conclusion: ton getting agro from elite trees on grizly beach and it fly quite high
What level is your char? I RARELY ever die, Ive yet to get stuck(that Ive seen).

I run this on a lvl 80 dk with a 2.5k gs

Also there are some areas where it flies high, but that wont cause any problems.
Add Cobalt Deposit: ( 5953.863, -2800.035, 270.2115 ) to the blacklist. Bot simply gets stuck in water, all attempts to move out of the water simply puts the bot further from the shore.

I run this with a 2200gs (wow-heroes) 4300gs (in-game) death knight, and I have NO issues with mobs.
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Awesome. Ill try to run it for the entire day tomororw and see if I can pick up any blackspots. Ill add yours to the main post. Thanks for the input. Hope it runs well for ya.
might want to check this again, the formatting is all f'd up. i found 3 errors in mine, header was wrong, <Faction/> lol, and about 2/3rd's of the way down a bunch of waypoints were all on 1 line.

works great now btw. i think woots been "herbing" too much!
Haha, yea I know it looks like crap, but the xml itself is fine. Ive had it validated and no errors. Its just a bit sloppy. When I fixed this up I made it a mess and didnt bother to fix it up since it worked the way it was.

Thanks for the feedback =D
w00ts, please re-upload initial profile xml.... you have a bug inside it....

<Factions /> - ??????????
<Waypoint>3274.798 -1797.274 251.5844</Waypoint>

I assume it should be like that
<Waypoint>3274.798 -1797.274 251.5844</Waypoint>
Good profile, but toon flies too too too high (((( He spent a lot of time for going down and for flying up .. to many time spent for nothing

why do you record profile on such huge height?
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Sorry having errors. For some reason I dont run into any issues like that. Ill see if I dont have time to fix it tonight and lower the height it flies at. I didnt think I had it flying tooooo high, but tried to stay high enough where you could run it nonstop and never worry about a farmer or anyone seeing you.
Update Oct 6 2010
Big Update. I went through and edited the profile piece by piece while in game. It should now mine TWICE as fast considering I took away about HALF of the height through the entire route. Some area's it was getting as high as 600 z axis. Those areas were dropped down into the 200s!
Blacklist location: Rich Cobalt Deposit: ( 5018.21, -4794.48, 217.757 )

gets stuck in water.

Also thanks for the update w00t, sounds really promising for this one day I get to test it out xD
Profile report for the new updated profile: Gather 840 ores in 3 hours 26 minutes.

Stack of 5 ores sell like hotcakes for 6g per stack = ~1000g = ~250-300g/hour.

Fucking epic.