I actually wrote a guide a couple of years ago on this with the maths of gold at the time and how you can end up with 5 accounts or so from one and how long it will take. Like any business you need to plan it out and set aside money for bans. If you expect one ban per month then you need to budget for that and have a new account ready to hotswap over. Really your going to be constantly leveling one or two accounts to offset against bans.
If you play it right then you can comfortable have 6 accounts thanks to your initial investment in one account. Even if you get $20 per bot per day and you can replicate that over 6 accounts thats $120 per day but then how much of this is going on game time and fresh accounts not to mention you need to factor electricity and other expenses. Most computers will run 6 accounts on basic settings but you will struggle for more. Once you hit this cap you need to factor in upgrades and the rest of it and the potential of more machines which again is a factor of your profit.
Based on what im doing at the minute with one account you need to budget a month to get off the ground and level 1-90 along with your profs and getting enough gold for your second account. You then need to think of how long to bot that second acc up. By the time your second acc is 90 you can probably buy a further 1-2 accs out of your profits from bot 1 during that period. Then while you level your third acc your 1 and 2 acc should generate enough gold to buy a second license for HB meaning you can now begin leveling your 4th acc while acc 1,2,3 farm ready to fill your spare two slots.
Not sure if this makes a lot of sense and dont bother commenting flawing my plan as its just a general structure that hasnt been thought through and analysed I just wrote it as an example and loose plan.
That's the way I think.
I currently have 3 accounts, 2 with MoP, the other only has Cata at the moment.
With these HB problems I've already lost money or gold, or whatever, so I have to wait until they fix the servers, so I can get back to the game.
But when I get these 2 bots running, I'll make money to get a 3rd MoP key.
When I get the 3rd MoP key, I will be stuck, because my computer only handles 3 WoW's.