Okay. I've been seeing some questions about optional settings and spec and macros. I am giving my information in hopes it helps people. This is for frost pvp
Portal Settings
1st page, use healthstones at 35%, all other options disabled and set to never. (Even if you have the ability)
2nd page, armor=none
cone of cold checked 1st box only
deep freeze checked
use spellsteal checked 1st box only
Kill totems checked
Use frost nova checked 1st box only
use arcane brilliance checked
ice block on low 35% checked
polymorph all boxes checked, for arena only, rbg, just focus and any healing
evocation = never
mirror image = never
remove curse = decurse self only
blink when stunned or rooted towards team member only
mana gem, use gem @ 75%, deselect conjure
Alter time offensive only in 3s, and both checked in 2s
last 2 unchecked
USe Polymorph when someone healing pom is checked, deselct others
Temporal shield use on low hp 60% and when cc'd, never for ib
ROF when x unit in range, x=1
cold snap completely disabled
INcanters ward on low hp 99%, there should be an option for all the time when in combat, and 2nd box checked =1
Frost Page
USe aoe abilities deselect
frozen orb should be disabled
icy veins = never
WE, use freeze selected
Talents and Glyphs to use Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Only really need a few.
Burst Macro
#showtooltip icy veins
/cast icy veins
/cast grievous gladiator's badge of dominance
/cast grievous Gladiator's Silk Handguards
/cast mirror image
decurse your healer/teammate macro, this only works with shammy poly, change player to your teammate name
#showtooltip remove curse
/cast [target=player] remove curse
Focus poly macro
#showtooltip polymorph
/cast presence of mind
/cast [target=focus] polymorph
This is a hard cs macro to get used to, but once you do it's awesome
#showtooltip counterspell
/cast [@arena3,mod:ctrl] [@focus,mod:shift] [target,nomod,exists][]Counterspell
ENter arena, CR cast AB and WE, You Cast which armor you need depending on comp, never molten and always frost in RBG, conjure mana gem and food table.
The way this CR works is awesome, i start on target with LB, then start ccing whoever, when ready to burst pom poly healer and frozen orb and burst macro, the CR, does the rest. This CR does great damage when allowed to stand still so, try to position your self in areas where you don't have to move much. Obviously don't stand there and let a war hack you to bits. I like to control CS and POLY as much as possible, it's just hard getting it off cause cr is so fast, i should put /stopcasting in front of all my macros.
On a side note, engineering buff is great, because you get two frozen orbs in between your icy veins cd, so i just use same macro on my second Frozen Orb, for more burst. gem all intellect and haste, im reforged ~1000 haste and ~ 500 mastery, obviously make sure you have soft hit cap. That's all i can think of for now, will update if i forgot anything