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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

But why it ll wait for invisible aura has ended? It should break invis and start attack when i target anyone... I am confused...

The routine should NEVER break Invisibility aura. It's too dangerous - it would cause all sorts of problems (like you get the target but haven't finished moving into position yet, and it pops you out in the middle of the open ready to get ganked). Just cast the first spell and it'll break invisibility, then the routine will take over.

Can there be a setting so that Alter time won't be cast while moving? Sometimes, I'll be trying to move out of "stuff" it casts alter time while I'm moving out and then hits it again moving me back into the "stuff"

Yeah good point. Pushed an update;

[26/Jan/2014 - Update #3]
- Will no longer cast Alter Time when moving.
Hey Millz is the combat routine addon that shows toggle modes broken? doesn't seem to be updating when I toggle. Just says everything is disabled.
My mage is coming right along using this CC, Im just leveling by questing using the preset questing settings. But my question for more experienced users of this CC is... how is this profile in a arena (2v2) environment?
The bot stick to my target 2/3 seconds before dismounting, is it a problem with the CR ?

EDIT : Seems to be a problem with Ultimate pvp plugin
EDIT 2 : Sometimes the bot won't stop when dismounting and still run forward like a dumb
Have you stopped the plugin from working?
Hey Millz is the combat routine addon that shows toggle modes broken? doesn't seem to be updating when I toggle. Just says everything is disabled.

Yeah I disabled the addon. Too risky given the PQR/PE bans. Unlikely that they're detecting it via the CHAT_MSG_ADDON channel, but I don't want people to get banned for the sake of that.

The bot stick to my target 2/3 seconds before dismounting, is it a problem with the CR ?

EDIT : Seems to be a problem with Ultimate pvp plugin
EDIT 2 : Sometimes the bot won't stop when dismounting and still run forward like a dumb

Ultimate PvP Suite doesn't play happy with these routines.

Not stopping when dismounting is the bot base (I've got the same issue in my new BGFarmer bot base currently).
Heya Millz

Thats a good idea about the plugin and not worth getting banned over.
But in that case can you please remove the 10 second burst mode aswell. For pve use it was to short anyway and tbh I'd rather control the duration required.
Heya Millz

Thats a good idea about the plugin and not worth getting banned over.
But in that case can you please remove the 10 second burst mode aswell. For pve use it was to short anyway and tbh I'd rather control the duration required.

There should be an option to turn it off in the config. I know there is over on the SPriest version. It is under General for that version.
Not stopping when dismounting is the bot base (I've got the same issue in my new BGFarmer bot base currently).

WOuldn't it be possible to cast a spell as soon as we've got a target ? With the auto dismounting option selected in game it would maybe avoid that ?
WOuldn't it be possible to cast a spell as soon as we've got a target ? With the auto dismounting option selected in game it would maybe avoid that ?

Enabling Force Combat in the routine should do that. It's still not the correct way to do it though - it should be fixed in the bot base.
Okay. I've been seeing some questions about optional settings and spec and macros. I am giving my information in hopes it helps people. This is for frost pvp
Portal Settings
1st page, use healthstones at 35%, all other options disabled and set to never. (Even if you have the ability)
2nd page, armor=none
cone of cold checked 1st box only
deep freeze checked
use spellsteal checked 1st box only
Kill totems checked
Use frost nova checked 1st box only
use arcane brilliance checked
ice block on low 35% checked
polymorph all boxes checked, for arena only, rbg, just focus and any healing
evocation = never
mirror image = never
remove curse = decurse self only
blink when stunned or rooted towards team member only
mana gem, use gem @ 75%, deselect conjure
Alter time offensive only in 3s, and both checked in 2s
last 2 unchecked
USe Polymorph when someone healing pom is checked, deselct others
Temporal shield use on low hp 60% and when cc'd, never for ib
ROF when x unit in range, x=1
cold snap completely disabled
INcanters ward on low hp 99%, there should be an option for all the time when in combat, and 2nd box checked =1
Frost Page
USe aoe abilities deselect
frozen orb should be disabled
icy veins = never
WE, use freeze selected

Talents and Glyphs to use Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Only really need a few.
Burst Macro
#showtooltip icy veins
/cast icy veins
/cast grievous gladiator's badge of dominance
/cast grievous Gladiator's Silk Handguards
/cast mirror image

decurse your healer/teammate macro, this only works with shammy poly, change player to your teammate name
#showtooltip remove curse
/cast [target=player] remove curse

Focus poly macro
#showtooltip polymorph
/cast presence of mind
/cast [target=focus] polymorph

This is a hard cs macro to get used to, but once you do it's awesome
#showtooltip counterspell
/cast [@arena3,mod:ctrl] [@focus,mod:shift] [target,nomod,exists][]Counterspell

ENter arena, CR cast AB and WE, You Cast which armor you need depending on comp, never molten and always frost in RBG, conjure mana gem and food table.
The way this CR works is awesome, i start on target with LB, then start ccing whoever, when ready to burst pom poly healer and frozen orb and burst macro, the CR, does the rest. This CR does great damage when allowed to stand still so, try to position your self in areas where you don't have to move much. Obviously don't stand there and let a war hack you to bits. I like to control CS and POLY as much as possible, it's just hard getting it off cause cr is so fast, i should put /stopcasting in front of all my macros.
On a side note, engineering buff is great, because you get two frozen orbs in between your icy veins cd, so i just use same macro on my second Frozen Orb, for more burst. gem all intellect and haste, im reforged ~1000 haste and ~ 500 mastery, obviously make sure you have soft hit cap. That's all i can think of for now, will update if i forgot anything

what ratings are you playing at?
There should be an option to turn it off in the config. I know there is over on the SPriest version. It is under General for that version.

I still want to use the hot key I just want to remove it only working for 10 seconds and want to be able to turn it on and of manually the way it use to be.
I still want to use the hot key I just want to remove it only working for 10 seconds and want to be able to turn it on and of manually the way it use to be.

would be cool if he made a box that said 'enable burst mode for X seconds" - x where you input the amount of time you wanted 10 20 30 whatever.
Is there a way to make this CR intelligently cast ice block when 20% HP, tried all HP settings from 5-45% still wont cast it at all.

Hi, first post here :) recently bought the premium version and am really impressed with it so far, having come from PQR (probably not the only one) obviously there are a few differences in the way things work but I've got to grips with most of them now. A couple of questions though,

I realise you need to "start" the rotation with the first initial pull, which is fine (unless set to force combat which I didn't like, i'd end up pulling bosses hehe). Even with force combat it actually took 2-3 seconds before it started casting. Sometimes takes 3 or 4 arcane blasts or frostbolts (depending on spec) before it will start and even then it basically "hangs" for around 2 seconds before it kicks in, any ideas? Maybe my FPS is a bit low on pull (especially if we Hero etc). I tried turning the lag setting 1 off as mentioned before but it didn't help. Do not have this issue on target dummies. Also turned my framelock settings down. Bombs seem to be even worse for "initialising combat". I can probably get around this with an opening macro which i had when i played manually, but that's only for bosses.

I'm having serious problems casting blink, I've tried binding this to different keys, it's currently the number 5 but also tried wheel up/wheel down and clicking/keypressing but it will only cast it in the brief window between spells, can this not be instant (interupt any cast in progress), or as the PQR profile I used did "queue" it so it casts as soon as the current spell is finished?

Similar to above but with frozen orb, I can't find how to cast this manually (short of spamming it so it goes off between rotation casts). I'm currently just rolling my wheel up and down frantily to blink and spamming the crap out of my frozen orb, the PQR rotation had an orb queue so it would cast as soon as it was off cooldown, this was a great feature. PS, I know this can be automated but I really need control of this for a lot of heroic content, Immers adds, Protectors (misery/sorrow/gloom / dark intent), nuroshen solo phase, sha of pride adds, galkaras when multiple adds are up (seeing it send an orb off with 1 add up is frustrating when there is a 5 mob incoming) etc etc :) tbh the only boss I leave it on auto is iron jugg :).

As a workaround I have a programmable mouse, do you know if a macro would work? Has anyone done this? Something like, pause rotation, cast blink, resume rotation. (does pausing the rotation take effect mid spell of finish its cast?)

Thanks for any feedback on the above, all in all though I've been very impressed with the routine :)
I still want to use the hot key I just want to remove it only working for 10 seconds and want to be able to turn it on and of manually the way it use to be.

Will add a setting.



Haha, glad you're having fun with it!

Hi, first post here :) recently bought the premium version and am really impressed with it so far, having come from PQR (probably not the only one) obviously there are a few differences in the way things work but I've got to grips with most of them now. A couple of questions though,

I realise you need to "start" the rotation with the first initial pull, which is fine (unless set to force combat which I didn't like, i'd end up pulling bosses hehe). Even with force combat it actually took 2-3 seconds before it started casting. Sometimes takes 3 or 4 arcane blasts or frostbolts (depending on spec) before it will start and even then it basically "hangs" for around 2 seconds before it kicks in, any ideas? Maybe my FPS is a bit low on pull (especially if we Hero etc). I tried turning the lag setting 1 off as mentioned before but it didn't help. Do not have this issue on target dummies. Also turned my framelock settings down. Bombs seem to be even worse for "initialising combat". I can probably get around this with an opening macro which i had when i played manually, but that's only for bosses.

I'm having serious problems casting blink, I've tried binding this to different keys, it's currently the number 5 but also tried wheel up/wheel down and clicking/keypressing but it will only cast it in the brief window between spells, can this not be instant (interupt any cast in progress), or as the PQR profile I used did "queue" it so it casts as soon as the current spell is finished?

Similar to above but with frozen orb, I can't find how to cast this manually (short of spamming it so it goes off between rotation casts). I'm currently just rolling my wheel up and down frantily to blink and spamming the crap out of my frozen orb, the PQR rotation had an orb queue so it would cast as soon as it was off cooldown, this was a great feature. PS, I know this can be automated but I really need control of this for a lot of heroic content, Immers adds, Protectors (misery/sorrow/gloom / dark intent), nuroshen solo phase, sha of pride adds, galkaras when multiple adds are up (seeing it send an orb off with 1 add up is frustrating when there is a 5 mob incoming) etc etc :) tbh the only boss I leave it on auto is iron jugg :).

As a workaround I have a programmable mouse, do you know if a macro would work? Has anyone done this? Something like, pause rotation, cast blink, resume rotation. (does pausing the rotation take effect mid spell of finish its cast?)

Thanks for any feedback on the above, all in all though I've been very impressed with the routine :)

Hey - I'd need logs to look into issues (such as not triggering very quickly) - but for casting spells, enable the manual cast detection on the hotkeys tab. Pauses the routine for xxx ms after you press a non-modified, non-movement key. I.e. if you set it to number 5, if you press number 5 it'll pause the routine for 500ms etc - gives you time to get the cast in.

Not casting counterspell in arena (interrupt healing/focus checked)

View attachment 118821View attachment 118821

Working according to your log;
[12:32:09.358 N] [Portal] [HP: 99] [Mana: 84.1] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Counterspell] [On: Lvl 90 Alliance Druid @ 100.0% - 496.2k]

Pushed an update;

- [Frost] Fixed Blizzard for when AoE unit count is set below 5.
- [Frost] Fixed casting FFB and IL after cancelling Blizzard to use the procs.
- DoTManager has been implemented for the current target. Will refresh DoTs on stat increases (trinket procs, heroism etc), based on the value on the talents tab.

What does this mean in basic terms?

[Portal] [HP: 95.9] [Mana: 96.4] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[Portal] [DoTManager Added - Living Bomb] [Int:16906] [Crit:17.50422] [Haste:0.7415081] [Mast:15.76]
[Portal] [HP: 95.9] [Mana: 95.5] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Incanter's Ward] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[Portal] [DoTManager] [Early Refresh] Current stats are 31.86467% stronger than applied Living Bomb on Raider's Training Dummy.
[Portal] [HP: 95.9] [Mana: 98.7] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[Portal] [DoTManager Added - Living Bomb] [Int:29177] [Crit:22.3474] [Haste:0.7415081] [Mast:15.76]

You can see the stats have increased drastically between the first and second DoT being cast, so it re-applies the DoT. People using Demonic/Insanity will already be familiar with this system.
Cheers for the reply, will try and get a log, I assume just copy and paste from main HB window? :)

I have that setting enabled "manual cast detection", does this mean it will need to be pressed twice? I.E once to enable detection and once to blink? I think I've actually got the blink to queue with an external macro now though so using that, assuming it works as expected then I don't really need the detection but we shall see. Works fine in tests anyway. What it does is basically press alt+x (disable rotation) then wait 1000ms (for GCD and it lets current cast finish in most cases) then cast blink and then re-enables the rotation. Has the effect of if you are casting frostbolt for example it will blink when it has finished it's cast. Downside is a possible few MS of downtime but that will be gained back by not cancelling the casts in the first place hehe. Did the same for frozen orb too.