ok so reporting a few problems I found over the weekend on your paid version
when it enters arena it doesn't cast frost shield, make mana gems/ food / summon elemental, what I found is if I dont do all that manually before the arena starts as soon as I start a fight with someone it begins to cast food/mana etc meanwhile im already getting beat on. as for the frost rotation the dps is a bit low and it seems to cast ice lance alot when it shouldnt I get around 200k - 600k total damage with portal meanwhile KingWoW I get upwards of 900k + on avg. The escape using blink mechanic you have implemented is absolutely fantasic infact I think I pissed off quite a few warriors due to their charge never hitting me, however when im chasing an oponent and hes going out of range it sometimes uses blink to catch him leaving me open for a stun/ snare etc id rather blink be kept for an escape route as I can do the chasing myself, also an implementation to cast frostjaw on cd( on target/ focus) or on command aswell like poly would be of great benefit, also with racials a loss of control selection would be great as for us undeads it doesnt seem to use our racials when we get feard etc
to sum it all up this cc is fantastic for ccing and staying alive, the dps just lacks a bit for now
keep up the good work