I want to taste the free version and I cant download from buddy store. First at all I want to test it and if I like I will buy the premium version. How can I do to get the free version?
Hi millz
i can see when i use your frost spec that it's use ice lands every time it just have 1 proc. it's a bug or? and when it's use prismatic crystal and it's go down i need to select a new target, why is that?
auto targeting is enable, but it wan't shift.
Thanks for the quick response, btw seems like Frozen orb is waiting for crystal even when auto cast it on boss and manual crystal is selected
yea a setting to ice nova pet freezed mobs in aoe would be awesome. especially for trash in CM modes etc.
Hello Millz The portal does not cast frozen orb any longer. tried it out on a trainer dummy, and did everything without Frozen Orb.
I hope the New changes get approved soon because its kind of unplayable right now
Hey, my gear is 637atm, mostly dungeon/CM BiS.
The CC wastes the 2nd free FoF when u cast a Frostbollt through waterjet, if u somehow manage to force CC to use water jet at middle of first Frostbolt's cast, then I think we will probably get the 2nd free FoF.
2nd problem; I get that the CC follows the trinket proc for using Icy veins, but sometimes the trinket proc is up and bot wastes 2 Global cooldowns, one for using mirror image, and the other one for icyveins, that is not needed coz they don't share GC, which is a minor problem, and I think if u wanna tweak it, it may cause a bigger problem xD
I use the PC and frozen orb manually, and overall performance is eye catching, finished a boss on 47k yesterday. on longer period fights it's mostly +20k. and it does way more dps than Simcraft atm.
I use the PC and frozen orb manually, and overall performance is eye catching, finished a boss on 47k yesterday. on longer period fights it's mostly +20k. and it does way more dps than Simcraft atm.
Someone can post a good setting for questing and PvE or defalut ones are good?