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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

I lost movement last night in arena. Was working fine the night before. Now hes not moving around like it should :)

No movement in arena and afaik there never has been as it only works with tyrael/raidbot. bgfarmer/millz-bgfarmer dont work in arena either.
If you mean you are loosing your ability to manually move in arena I doubt it is bot/routine related unless you have some weird issue in which case you need to post a log.
People generally don't share settings files. This is purely because you're better off setting up the routine yourself so you know what to expect from it. Hotkeys especially are going to need to be tailored specifically for what you want.

Fair enough, I understand. I'm just a bit overwhelmed with all the options there are, haha.
No movement in arena and afaik there never has been as it only works with tyrael/raidbot. bgfarmer/millz-bgfarmer dont work in arena either.
If you mean you are loosing your ability to manually move in arena I doubt it is bot/routine related unless you have some weird issue in which case you need to post a log.

I could have sworn i had movement maybe i smoked too much that night. But i have movement enabled and facing and all that good stuff running Tyrael in Arena.

I lost movement last night in arena. Was working fine the night before. Now hes not moving around like it should :)

And This

I could have sworn i had movement maybe i smoked too much that night. But i have movement enabled and facing and all that good stuff running Tyrael in Arena.

Should have been in Demonic thread. Sorry now im positive ive smoked too much ;}
I could have sworn i had movement maybe i smoked too much that night. But i have movement enabled and facing and all that good stuff running Tyrael in Arena.
Auto facing will work but not advised in arena and it looks wrong imho as it looks like a keyboard turn but if you must use it try and always be strafing
I have a problem on pve when raiding there are a point when the mage stopped casting frostbolt he just stand waiting for the proc of frostfire bolt.

Any idea why?
Have news about WOD status CC?

I've done the following:

- TalentManager - Done
- Combat Log - Done
- DoTManager - Done
- Boss List - Done
- Diminishing Returns Tracker - Done
- GUI: Talent Tab - Drawn / Needs Settings

I've also sorted out some of the abilities that have been removed and changed (like alter time, temporal shield etc).

Done quite a lot of cleaning up code too and fixing the odd bug along the way. So yeah, it's coming along nicely. Difficult to do too much when I can't test if any of it works though :(

I have a problem on pve when raiding there are a point when the mage stopped casting frostbolt he just stand waiting for the proc of frostfire bolt.

Any idea why?

Hey - Will need a log file to see what's going on with that.
I have take the trial test but when i start the bot, your routine is not here. :s i dont understand because i have same login and password in buddystor and budy auth. Plz help me. Thx
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do you plan to keep this routine going in WoD? asking casue i was planning on purchasing it

^ sorry i didnt read a few posts above lol thanks :)
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I have take the trial test but when i start the bot, your routine is not here. :s i dont understand because i have same login and password in buddystor and budy auth. Plz help me. Thx

On the buddy auth page - when you login with those details, is your key listed under 'Keys'? When you trial/buy a product, it's attached to the buddyauth account, and all HB keys which are associated with it.

do you plan to keep this routine going in WoD? asking casue i was planning on purchasing it

^ sorry i didnt read a few posts above lol thanks :)

Certainly am :)
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but this one long thread :P
Is there a way we could add a feature to not cast pyroblast until heating up is up as well?
Hello, I have windows 8.1 and I run my display on 3840x2160 resoulation, the thing is that when I try to reconfigurate class in class config, or in the case of bg farme bot config, all the settings are messed up, lines cut into eachother and makes it pretty hard to select the right settings, is there any way to fix this other than reduceing the resoulation ?


just tried reducing the resoulation, didn't work either. so probably resoulation is not the issue, was wondering if you can tell me how to fix it
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I am in the same boat, and the warlock premium version is the same.

Here is a screen shot of what the "messed up" resolution looks like.


  • Screenshot_3.webp
    31.5 KB · Views: 212
i am trying to get this atm on the buddy store but no matter what i click it is not doing anything i don't know what is going on
I have buy you routine ;)
But sometimes, i have a probleme, my personnage attack in mellee for the begin of the fight :s
And sometime he use teleportation beginthe fight and he goes in melee :s
Scuse me for my bad english
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