The cycle current target / Focus target boxes are disabled in the GUI, not sure if this is a bug or if you disabled them on purpose.
Anyway, in PvE it keeps Lifebloom always up on a target but not in PvP. I'm new to druid so I don't actually know but I think it would be better if it kept the 3 stacks up at all times on yourself so you can transfer (Assuming you have the glyph) them all to a target who needs to without wasting 2 extra globals. So maybe have it just keep Lifebloom up on yourself if there are no other more important targets and you have sufficient Mana and Health. Just a suggestion.
Edit: Also as I'm going through the code I noticed you don't check or prioritize flag carriers in anyway. It should be easy enough to get the flag carrier, here's a slightly modified code that I found.
private static WoWUnit GetFlagCarrier
return (from unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(true, true)
where !Classname.SHBlackListNames.ToString().Contains(unit.Name)
where !Lists.DoNotHeal(unit)
where Me.CurrentMap.IsBattleground
where unit.IsAlive &&
unit.IsPlayer &&
unit.Distance < 40 &&
unit.IsFriendly &&
!unit.IsPet &&
where (StyxWoW.Me.IsAlliance && unit.HasAura(23333)) || (StyxWoW.Me.IsHorde && unit.HasAura(23335))
select unit).FirstOrDefault();
After checking how your priority system works, I made some adjustments to add flag carrier in the priority.
public static WoWUnit FlagCarrier;
private const double FlagCarrier_PR = 35.0;
public static int TargetHasFlag()
if (GetFlagCarrier != null) { return 1; }
else return 0;
priority -= TargetHasFlag() * FlagCarrier_PR;
I haven't tested this yet and there's probably a better cleaner way to do this but it's just something I whipped up as I was going along