Mirabis you probably know this, but when you're done with the Tsulong-behaviour, i would suggest the following:
When Daytime is activated, all Rejuvs on Tsulong and Wild Growths has to be disabled. This is why: When Tsulong casts Breath, it is a good idea for a Druid to get some Buffed Hot Ticks up.
On breath: 1 Regrowth, 1 Reju & 1 Wild Growth (and a Lifebloom (with Lifebloom glyph) reset if there is time, which there are in most cases)
The Lifebloom has to be on Tsulong during the whole daytime, so i would suggest that MAD should disable Lifebloom aswell (or just mark Tsulong as Maintank/Focus-target)
This means that if MAD casts a Reju on Tsulong or a Wild Growth after Breath has occured, the Buffed-Hot-Tick will be overwritten by a normal Hot-Tick.
Is this hard to code?
This will gain some massive HPS on Tsulong. I went from 30 % to 60 % on Tsulong-heals by doing this tactic manually (MAD was overwriting the hots after breaths, so it annoyed me a bit, since none of my PAUSE-MAD hotkeys work)