If anyone is still having problems with this Plugin, by either giving up on it, not knowing to make it work now, etc..
Prelude: I am not putting Pasterke on the spot here; I just want to share some information because I was looking through my old posts and saw that, for this post and topic, no new posts had been given on this thread, nor an updated main post to recent issues with the plugin.
Anyway. After talking with Pasterke via inbox for a little while after my post here.. I sent him information on the issues of the problems with the plugin. He then fixed it to stream from the HonorBuddy store again, and then fixed the issue of not being able to see the form after clicking "show form" under the plugins menu for LootFilter.
However, there are some 'problems' that can be annoying for people that are always using clean HonorBuddy installs after each new update, and possibly more than one HonorBuddy directory -- or even for people that have a lot of characters to setup.
*However, this is important for returning first-time users etc as well.
So I'd like to add some information that may help people using this plugin.
1. When not having a LootFilter folder inside the Plugins directory when loading up HB w/ LF can 'not work'. LF will, to my experience-sometimes, make a new folder in the Plugins directory and be good to go upon a restart of HB. However, sometimes you need to created the directory yourself. Sometimes, even more than just the base directory, but also.. a sub-directory "Lists" which also contains .txt files "UseOn1" (also 3, 5, 10, 20).
With these 'fixes' you can always get LF to work properly.
2. When using clean installs of HonorBuddy upon update etc.
After running HB once, or not -- depending on your stance for clean installs, "re-install" the LootFilter plugin from your previous/out-dated HB folder by just copy/pasting it.
*Copying 'settings' files from previous HonorBuddy installations for HBStore plugins has never caused any issues with corruption, cache or error problems, etc. So you can safely do so without worrying about your 'quick fix' causing trouble. (This is, at least, true for all HBStore Plugins I have used)
3. Quickly changing settings and such.
In your LF's Plugin folder, the text files located there are are very simple to understand for how they relate to being the actual settings of the plugin for each character it has settings for.
Each character has 3 local Lists.. Server-Charactername-DeleteList, Server-Charactermame-DestroyList, and Server-CharacternameKeepList. Each of which will simply contain a 'list' of item names appropriate to the category (that you have deemed; by either using the plugin from HB itself, or added to said text files manually). There are also 5 global text files for all characters using that instance of HB: UseOn'X', where 'X' is 1, 3, 5, 10, or 20. The same principles apply.
With that being said, you should see how easy it is to manually edit/save/manage (etc) settings for new characters etc. (A.k.a. subject of this pointer is to save real-world time spent on dealing with HonorBuddy).