This might be what i have been looking for.
Say i only want to loot all cloth (or any specific items of my choosing,including currency of course) i come across, during my killing sprees,and ignore everything else,will this plugin do this?,if so ,can you explain how? i'll buy it right away.
You have a lot of possibilities more than just delete items
But you can delete everything you loot and keep what you want.
I farmed silk cloth when prices where high on AH. I checked delete all grey, green, blue and epic items. I let the bot running for 1 hour. All what's not deleted I add it to the delete list. Finaly I only kept the silk cloth in my bags
The delete list is toon bound. If you change you mind, you can remove items or clear all items from the list.
Ok ,so i understand clearly,it loots everything,then it deletes what you don't want?
If so,can i filter down to specific items? or just by colors? (grey,blue,green,etc.)
And by "All what's not deleted I add it to the delete list",you mean it's added to a list, that will always delete those items?
Ok,I see how it works now.
Not exactly what i wanted, but it's good enough.
You will be updating this plugin right?,maybe adding new features?
Oh noo!!. Here's what happened.
I went to farm a dungeon ,i had lootfilter to disenchant everything up to blue, i noticed it kept trying to disenchant while bot is running so kept getting "can't do that while moving",thats fine cause as soon as movement paused for whatever reason,it disenchanted the item.
But then,while moving,as before ,i noticed with a green santa hat ,it kept swapping out back and forth ,with my purple conquest point head piece (trying to disenchant the green hat i'm guessing),then i thought ,there's no way it will accidently disenchant my purple head piece,it's set to disenchant up to blue,boy was i wrong,cling, purple headpiece disenchanted,all my conquest grinding gone for a Temporal crystal.
Now i run in pvp battles with a green santa hat.
Can you fix that if possible?
So I bought this plugin. Is there something other than checking "Delete grey items" I have to do in order for this plugin to actually delete grey items?
No, he should delete them by the next loot.
Unfortunately nothing is getting deleted. I'll submit a log next chance I get.
Delete grey items is what it said, armor and weapons only.
Is there a way to make it delete ALL greys period?
In version 3.3 it's possible to delete all grey, white, green and blue items, no matter what kind of item it is.
I also added a keep list. Items in that list will be kept untouched.
He will check the items in your inventory and do what he has to do and at the very end, if you have choosen to delete it, he will delete it.
example : you checked disenchant green items and you choose to delete all green items :
if item is listed in the keep list => he will keep the item untouched.
if he can disenchant the item => he will disenchant.
at last => he will delete it.
example 2 : you wanna farm Silk Cloth.
Start Farming.
When you have looted 1 silk cloth and it's not in the keep list : add it to the keep list and check delete grey, green, white and blue items. ( add it before you check the delete items !)
Continue farming and you will end up with only silk cloth and epic items, or other items you want to keep.