Raid Tested... I was able to keep my DPS higher then normal, 19k on the blind dragon. It did how ever cause me some issuses with Heroic Leap, it seems as though its getting intrupted by the actions from the bot. Any ideas how how I can fix this? Maybe a macro for heroic leap instead of the default. ie (/target self, /Cast Heroic Leap) or something like that. Only has problems while in combat. Actually caused a raid wipe because I was having issuses with getting away from the flame during air phase.
Also trying to get back from the GY is a pain too with the bot active, I don't know whats going on with that.
Heroic Leap Failing is a major issuse, I need to figure that out, please any advice is welcomed.
I can handle stoping bot for the run back from the GY, Thats Minor but would also like to know whats causing that and if theres a fix for it.
Other then those 2 issuses this bot is really handy, I was able to raid, pull 19k DPS and chat on the phone all at the same time... =)
Thanks alot!