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Lionheart - Fury Warrior CC

I currently use this for raiding and it does quite well for me with the current rotation. The interrupts I probably don't have an issue with as there are many in my guild and I never get assigned that duty. But as for rotation and cool-downs it works well.
Hey guys,
Joker's done a great job with this CC and maybe hes a bit busy now.
But if you want some changes made to the CC maybe I can help. If you PM me what you want done I can change it and maybe email it to you or something. Wont post it though without his permission. If you just want me to tell you how to make simple changes like remove the pummel or use HS at 90 instead of 60 its REAL easy.

oh and the enrage effect seems to be a little hard to find. Thats probably why it uses BR even when already enraged.
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could you make it so it has just the pure rotation? no interrupts no cooldowns no shouts? and I dont know if the use of BR is correct atm I don't actually play a fury warrior I just farm ore/herbs lol.
sure, just pm me what rotation and an email address, since I dont want to post someone else's code without permission.
so thanks for the basis of my current CC for my raids ... im doing 16k+ in heroics and 18k+ in raids .. fun time
slightly revised my rotation to ignore bt rb slam once below 20% straight normal execute spam w/ colossus smash refreshing w/ hs rage dump work perfect
wish there was a config ui to switch shouts in case there is no priest avail in group it would use commanding but its awesome nonetheless
I've read somewhere that @ 20% you should only exceute to get 5 stacks then do normal rotation then weave in Executes?
you probably read this or something similar to whats bleow .... in my cc i kept hs as rage dump for quick instant dmg n execute spams in most raid situations there is plenty of dmg going around im mostly over 60 rage through 20-1% execute range i mostly see my dps shoot up 2-3k during that time depends on the player then my char is ilvl 355 smf spec'd it may play out differently with diff set of gear/spec
Execute phase:

Execute is no longer our hardest hitting ability as blizzard buffed everything else and to make this easy… you’re basically only going to use execute to maintain the 25% haste buff and as an extreme rage dump.

When it’s ok to execute:

Getting stacks of executioner up to 5, or when executioner is going to expire in 2 seconds.
Rage is above 50, or the boss is going to die in the next 3 seconds and you need to empty out your rage bar.
As a filler during colossus smash, if you don’t have a slam proc, you can do BT_Execute_BT instead.
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Best thing since sliced bread....

Ilvl 358

Raid dummy 13k CC Very good stedy DPS highly reccomended!
Raid dummy 13k Hand didn't pew pew as long though. I was getting alot more burst while my big cool downs were up.

I found that you will get more bang for your buck if you start off by hand through your cool downs and then swtich it over to bot when when your frist wave of DW , Rreck, trinkets is over. Long term boss fights this is great it will make alot less mistakes then you will by hand. IE overly using Heroic Strike, which I have a bad habit of.

As far as the cool down phase, your timming is more important on your heavy hitter abilitys. I was able to push 22k by hand and never broke 17k using this CC.

Good Luck and enjoy, I will test this in raid tongiht, and maybe have time to follow up.
you probably read this or something similar to whats bleow .... in my cc i kept hs as rage dump for quick instant dmg n execute spams in most raid situations there is plenty of dmg going around im mostly over 60 rage through 20-1% execute range i mostly see my dps shoot up 2-3k during that time depends on the player then my char is ilvl 355 smf spec'd it may play out differently with diff set of gear/spec

can I get your cc?
Raid Tested... I was able to keep my DPS higher then normal, 19k on the blind dragon. It did how ever cause me some issuses with Heroic Leap, it seems as though its getting intrupted by the actions from the bot. Any ideas how how I can fix this? Maybe a macro for heroic leap instead of the default. ie (/target self, /Cast Heroic Leap) or something like that. Only has problems while in combat. Actually caused a raid wipe because I was having issuses with getting away from the flame during air phase.

Also trying to get back from the GY is a pain too with the bot active, I don't know whats going on with that.

Heroic Leap Failing is a major issuse, I need to figure that out, please any advice is welcomed.
I can handle stoping bot for the run back from the GY, Thats Minor but would also like to know whats causing that and if theres a fix for it.

Other then those 2 issuses this bot is really handy, I was able to raid, pull 19k DPS and chat on the phone all at the same time... =)
Thanks alot!
can I get your cc?
pm w/ email ill send it your way im @ work next couple of days but once i get back on here i wouldnt mind sharing...

Raid Tested... I was able to keep my DPS higher then normal, 19k on the blind dragon. It did how ever cause me some issuses with Heroic Leap, it seems as though its getting intrupted by the actions from the bot. Any ideas how how I can fix this? Maybe a macro for heroic leap instead of the default. ie (/target self, /Cast Heroic Leap) or something like that. Only has problems while in combat. Actually caused a raid wipe because I was having issuses with getting away from the flame during air phase.

Also trying to get back from the GY is a pain too with the bot active, I don't know whats going on with that.

Heroic Leap Failing is a major issuse, I need to figure that out, please any advice is welcomed.
I can handle stoping bot for the run back from the GY, Thats Minor but would also like to know whats causing that and if theres a fix for it.

Other then those 2 issuses this bot is really handy, I was able to raid, pull 19k DPS and chat on the phone all at the same time... =)
Thanks alot!

im curious bout this too, i currently got my heoric leap keybind'd and i have to spam it fast to get it off for maloriak adds n atramedes flame kiting
I tried to make the macro /target (your name) /cast Heroic Leap, seems to be doing alot better now. My bolt gun was having the same effect as heroic leap. So anything with the green cricle on the groud is conflicting with the bot actions. I haven't had time to fully test it but the macro listed ablove should help a bit. Feel free to try it your self and let me know, I'll look a little deeper into it tonight. Please let me know your findings as well.

Hey guys,
Joker's done a great job with this CC and maybe hes a bit busy now.
But if you want some changes made to the CC maybe I can help. If you PM me what you want done I can change it and maybe email it to you or something. Wont post it though without his permission. If you just want me to tell you how to make simple changes like remove the pummel or use HS at 90 instead of 60 its REAL easy.

oh and the enrage effect seems to be a little hard to find. Thats probably why it uses BR even when already enraged.

Would it be too difficult to get this to work for Arms? I tried to do it myself but once i got in there I had no idea what i was looking at. lol. I'd like it to work much like the Singular All in One Arms but I want the ability to move the bot myself like with Lionheart. Thanks in advance for any help!
I like this I think it could use a little updating, not getting that much dps but its great.
What level-range is this profile recommended to? Currently botting a 35 troll.

Level 85 rotation only cc, you have to be in control of your character when using this cc... If you are already hitting continue using fpsware by default
I'll attach a log if when i get a chance to replicate the issue, but it breaks on the Nefarian fight continues to cast recklessness and death wish but nothing else.
I'll attach a log if when i get a chance to replicate the issue, but it breaks on the Nefarian fight continues to cast recklessness and death wish but nothing else.

Lionheart was an awesome cc and is since been very dated ... I have done all content with the latest gladiatore should try that out instead of posting a log to a cc that hasn't been updated in months
Lionheart was an awesome cc and is since been very dated ... I have done all content with the latest gladiatore should try that out instead of posting a log to a cc that hasn't been updated in months

Word. I would love to see this CC updated and Slam procs prioritized for SMF...