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[Leaves] Community Edition

Was doing 10 man Garry last night and my healing was abnormally low. I checked my recount and it didn't cast 1 single wild growth. Is that working as intended? There was another very stronh healer in the group but it didnt seem to be casting preemptive rejuvs or SotF Wild Growths at all... Anyone else been having issues with healing number lately? (P.S I use paid edition)
Can u upload a log and settings file?
There's a bug on Norushen with reju after that we went to the other realm. When we got back the CR is spamming this:

[20:14:13.439 N] [13:439]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:13.487 N] [13:487]: Wild Growth => Healer at 66.8(-0.0/s)% <= Heal Raid
[20:14:14.752 N] [14:752]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.777 N] [14:777]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.803 N] [14:803]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.830 N] [14:830]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.854 N] [14:854]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.878 N] [14:878]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.904 N] [14:904]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.933 N] [14:933]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.957 N] [14:957]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:14.983 N] [14:983]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.009 N] [15:009]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.040 N] [15:039]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.071 N] [15:071]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.096 N] [15:096]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.121 N] [15:121]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.145 N] [15:145]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.172 N] [15:172]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.196 N] [15:196]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active
[20:14:15.220 N] [15:220]: Reached maximum rejuvenations active

yeap, me too
Does this heal for you? I got the paid version and went to do a duel and it never did anything D;
I Imported his pvp settings, am I doing something wrong? The community version worked in duels and such.

Edit: Here's my log
Honorbuddy v2.5.11034.745 started.
Logging in...
T: 5247108832434337744 H: 1907229513
Attaching to D3D11
Attached to WoW with ID 4056
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
New bot added!: Raid Bot
New bot added!: Tyrael
New bot added!: Vitalic Bot
Honorbuddy v2.5.11034.745 started!
Character is a level 90 Troll Druid
Current zone is Shrine of Two Moons
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
[UltimatePvPSuite ] Loaded Successfully!
[UltimatePvPSuite ] Version: 1.22
Installed plugins
* Ultimate PVP Suite * Version: 1.22 - Enabled
Anti Cap - Enabled
Anti Drown - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
TheBrodieMan's Compendium (Public) - Disabled
[50:088]: [Leaves] -- Authorized as xsauzyx
[50:088]: [Leaves] -- Initialization Started
[50:177]: [Leaves] -- Initialization BotEvents
[50:178]: [Leaves] -- initializing our CombatLog class
[50:193]: [Leaves] -- initializing our Mushroom class
[50:227]: [Leaves] -- initializing our CastManager class
[50:331]: [Leaves] -- Latency set to 73, Use Latency : Y
[50:331]: [Leaves] -- initializing our HealEngine class
[50:657]: [Leaves] -- initializing our Hotkey class
[50:664]: [Leaves] -- initializing our Talent class
[50:977]: [Leaves] -- initializing our Lowbie Beta Support
[50:978]: [Leaves] -- Initialization completed!
[50:978]: Press [F9] to print Tree Performance
[50:978]: Press [F10] to print PerformanceLogger.Values
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Tyrael
[Tyrael] Checking if the used revision is the latest, updates if it is not.
[Tyrael] No updates found.
[Tyrael] ------------------------------------------
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[Tyrael] ------------------------------------------
[Tyrael] Tyrael 5.6.4 has been started.
[Tyrael] Leaves - Tree Heals Go Whoosh.. is loaded.

[Tyrael] Special thanks to the following persons:
[Tyrael] PureRotation Team
[Tyrael] -------------------------------------------

[04:995]: Starting Up Combatlog -- Bot Started

Idk if the fact it says Changing current profile to Empty Profile means anything?
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Ok guys I don't know if this is going to work for everyone but if you have glyph of the Sprouting Mushroom...GET RID OF IT, I took out of my equipped glyphs and it started healing like a boss again also disable "symbiosis cleanse"....now Im going to try to Norushen issue again!

Mods why do my posts keep getting deleted? Im only posting an error log

Ok I give it up...it dispelled the NPCs in Norushen but wouldn't heal them and stopped healing all together after that. Also didn't heal much on Sha of Pride.
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Hope this helps... Sorry my first time uploading log and probably something I am doing anyway... Appreciate the help.

You are using v2.2, but an old revision. Any reason ur not updating? As ur already on 2.2.

If you changed your talents, u have to restart the bot. Just like Demonic and some other cc's it's the best thing to do. Although the code that detects the change in talents triggers, it does not always work. So the bot still thinks ur old talents are active, which will bug it out.
yeap, me too

Seems not to reset the count... E.g. The routine no longer sees the units / combatlog didn't trigger aura expired. Will look into it, probably hotfix with an auto reset of the lists when the Trial aura expires on us, and reset when it starts. That might make it work again.

If only no tripwire....
Seems not to reset the count... E.g. The routine no longer sees the units / combatlog didn't trigger aura expired. Will look into it, probably hotfix with an auto reset of the lists when the Trial aura expires on us, and reset when it starts. That might make it work again.

If only no tripwire....
look forward to fix:)
It seems that dispel "fails" because of single event driven attempt to dispel smth.
When event triggers (Shadow Word: Bane applied) -> attempt to dispel while I'm casting / on GCD -> routine doesn't care about failed attempt and another active debuffs :D That is why dispel is totally random now: if triggered between GCDs -- fine, if not -- who cares, wait for next event :D

Looks like event triggers only once on boss ability cast. Routine doesn't check applied debuffs. If someone else dispels my selected unit faster routine won't find another unit, it will just wait for next even oO

Please change this behavior to "queue dispel" after current cast / on next GCD or just spam dispel until triggered aura still active. If someone dispelled faster -- find another unit to dispell asap! Scan raid for debuffs, dispel important ones outside boss' events (next skill level -- count damage and take a decision "is it better to dispel it or heal it's damage").

Today's HM Protectors were funny :D Some tries I had no dispels at all while every event was in log -- just bad random with GCDs/casts.
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It seems that dispel "fails" because of single event driven attempt to dispel smth.
When event triggers (Shadow Word: Bane applied) -> dispel attempt while I'm casting / on GCD -> routine doesn't care about failed attempt or another active debuffs :D That is why dispel is totally random now: if triggered between GCDs -- fine, if not -- who cares, wait for next event :D

Looks like event triggers only once on boss ability cast. Routine doesn't check applied debuffs. If someone else dispels my selected unit faster routine won't find another unit, it will just wait till next even oO

Please change this behavior to "queue dispel" after current cast / on next GCD or just spam dispel until triggered aura still active. If someone dispelled faster -- find another unit to dispell asap! Scan raid for debuffs, dispel important ones outside boss' events (next skill level -- count damage and take a decision "is it better to dispel it or heal it's damage").

Today's HM Protectors were funny :D Some tries I had no dispels at all while every event was in log -- just bad random with GCDs/casts.

This is false. Dispelling is not event driven at all. Every free GCD it will check for a dispel.

If you had no dispels, it bugged, upload a log. Worked fine for me and other testers, guessing it's just incompatible settings or something affecting it in ur case.
View attachment 5452 2014-07-30 21.28.txt
View attachment dN sett.zip
My log and settings.
For example 19:15:23 - 19:19:38 I had only 2 (two) dispels done :D While there are 15 events in log.
Also you can't see dispel event spam on each CGD :) While raid always has Bane up (because of poor dispel from be and other healers).

+ no Symbiosis defense based on HP %. Today I had deterrence that never worked, but some days ago I've tested Icebound Fortitude. All symbiosis spells are broken now?
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View attachment 137050
View attachment 137051
My log and settings.
For example 19:15:23 - 19:19:38 I had only 2 (two) dispels done :D While there are 15 events in log.

+ no Symbiosis defense based on HP %. Today I had deterrence that never worked, but some days ago I've tested Icebound Fortitude. All symbiosis spells are broken now?

It did cast dispels, but someone kept beating u too it. You have a screenshot of recount u can PM me? Looks like u have another botter in the group, sniping dispells 0.o
I had manual descent hpal (too slow reaction on dispel and ~70% of possible healing) and manual noob DCpriest (very slow and 0 healing :D).
But.. sniping dispels shouldn't be a problem if rourine really check raid every GCD? Dispel has 8 sec cooldown so I really have a time to dispell even if my mate is faster.

19:15:23 - 19:19:38 dispels:
14 - pally
4 - priest
2 - me
I had manual descent hpal (too slow reaction on dispel and ~70% of possible healing) and manual noob DCpriest (very slow and 0 healing :D).
But.. sniping dispels shouldn't be a problem if rourine really check raid every GCD? Dispel has 8 sec cooldown so I really have a time to dispell even if my mate is faster.

It's coded to dispel instantly xD.

Anyways seeing u have LazyRaider, any chance u can run Tyrael?

Because I can't see any other reason why it would dispel slowly for u.
Can test Tyrael, but LazyRaider is my favorite (my pvp plugins work faster with it, no idea why).
Problem is not in slow dispel, it doesn't use it at all :) (when dispell used on "clean" target you can see dispel cooldown trigger for about a second then it resets).

I overlayed HB's log to track log events. Every failed dispel was triggered while casting or between GCDs, every successful was triggered between GCDs. Routine doesn't "try again" after fail and doesn't check Bane outside events :)
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Can test Tyrael, but LazyRaider is my favorite (my pvp plugins work faster with it, no idea why).
Problem is not in slow dispel, it doesn't use it at all :) (when dispell used on "clean" target you can see dispel cooldown trigger for about a second then it resets).

I overlayed HB's log to track log events. Every failed dispel was triggered while casting or between GCDs, every successful war triggered between GCDs. Routine doesn't "try again" after fail and doesn't check Bane outside events :)

Doesn't make sense.... Do you know your in-combat latency?

The flow goes like

- Am I Casting or Channeling , return to top
- Off Global cooldown stuff
- Am I on Global Cooldown, return to top
- Dispel
- Interrupt
- Heals

in a rough overview..

Every Time it casts something it returns to top, every time it goes past Dispel it will search for a DispelTarget.
Ok, 19:15:23 - 19:19:38 = 20 total dispels in raid (Boss dispels the rest ~ every 1 min). Dot spreads itself on +1 target every 3 sec so we always have something to dispel except some time after aoe dispel by boss.

Only 16 events in log.
[19:15:46.309 N] [46:309]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:15:55.173 N] [55:173]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:10.693 N] [10:693]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:19.612 N] [19:612]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:27.918 N] [27:918]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:36.052 N] [36:052]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:06.030 N] [06:030]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:14.247 N] [14:247]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:23.042 N] [23:042]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:31.128 N] [31:128]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:31.080 N] [31:080]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:40.119 N] [40:119]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:48.168 N] [48:168]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:02.782 N] [02:782]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:11.007 N] [11:007]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:19.165 N] [19:165]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]

Min delay between events 8 sec While I had only 2 times when my spell was on CD. Why? It should check for a DispelTarget on every CGD oO

[19:26:54.896 N] [54:896]: Regrowth => Me at 68.6(-0.0/s)% <= Low health and buff expiring
[19:26:55.287 N] [55:287]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
Dispel attempt in 0.4 sec after Regrowth cast start? I have 1.14 sec cast time.
Ok, 19:15:23 - 19:19:38 = 20 total dispels in raid (Boss dispels the rest ~ every 1 min). Dot spreads itself on +1 target every 3 sec so we always have something to dispel except some time after aoe dispel by boss.

Only 16 events in log.
[19:15:46.309 N] [46:309]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:15:55.173 N] [55:173]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:10.693 N] [10:693]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:19.612 N] [19:612]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:27.918 N] [27:918]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:36.052 N] [36:052]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:06.030 N] [06:030]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:14.247 N] [14:247]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:23.042 N] [23:042]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:31.128 N] [31:128]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:31.080 N] [31:080]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:40.119 N] [40:119]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:48.168 N] [48:168]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:02.782 N] [02:782]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:11.007 N] [11:007]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:19.165 N] [19:165]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]

Min delay between events 8 sec While I had only 2 times when my spell was on CD. Why? It should check for a DispelTarget on every CGD oO

Dispel attempt in 0.4 sec after Regrowth cast start? I have 1.14 sec cast time.

@ last point: It's the latency and the ticks, HB needs time to update and the bot still sees the flag as No GCD.. tries to cast.

@ Dispelling issue, I've found the case.

- There's a throttle on the Composite [UseNaturesCure] & [UseSymbCleanse] those are set to the Full cooldown duration of those spells. Meaning if the cast went successful, according to HB SpellManager.Cast(), which returns a boolean if we succeeded or failed to cast, it will not attempt to cast again for the duration of the throttle if the cast succeeded.

Now it did cast most of the times in ur log, it casted successfully but didn't dispel. This will reset the cooldown of Nature's Cure, but the routine will now wait another full 7 seconds.