Ok, 19:15:23 - 19:19:38 = 20 total dispels in raid (Boss dispels the rest ~ every 1 min). Dot spreads itself on +1 target every 3 sec so we always have something to dispel except some time after aoe dispel by boss.
Only 16 events in log.
[19:15:46.309 N] [46:309]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:15:55.173 N] [55:173]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:10.693 N] [10:693]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:19.612 N] [19:612]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:27.918 N] [27:918]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:16:36.052 N] [36:052]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:06.030 N] [06:030]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:14.247 N] [14:247]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:23.042 N] [23:042]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:17:31.128 N] [31:128]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:31.080 N] [31:080]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:40.119 N] [40:119]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:18:48.168 N] [48:168]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:02.782 N] [02:782]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:11.007 N] [11:007]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
[19:19:19.165 N] [19:165]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
Min delay between events 8 sec While I had only 2 times when my spell was on CD. Why? It should check for a DispelTarget on every CGD oO
[19:26:54.896 N] [54:896]: Regrowth => Me at 68.6(-0.0/s)% <= Low health and buff expiring
[19:26:55.287 N] [55:287]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane]
Dispel attempt in 0.4 sec after Regrowth cast start? I have 1.14 sec cast time.