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[Leaves] Community Edition

its possible have best config for stars? ;) any file? or view img?

, and for Feral Tank; you dont have any routine in construct ?

For Feral/Tank, TUANHA DRUID [PUBLIC BETA RELEASE] is really good and Superbad works great!
i bought premium yesterday, the "Druid castle bundle"

bit i cant login with my account name...do you have to activate me?

i send you my order number via pn...
i bought premium yesterday, the "Druid castle bundle"

bit i cant login with my account name...do you have to activate me?

i send you my order number via pn...

Could be, will check after sending my paper to the professor. ~ 2 hr max
After using Leaves Special Edition for quite some time now, I felt the need to give the Resto Druid community some love as I haven't seen input that will possibly help new Leaves users and also members that can still improve their settings. Mirabis has created a very strong CR that deserves a proper guide to go along with it, as a 4x Gladiator Resto Druid I thought maybe I could help out. As we open up Mirabis CR and get ready to change values around to get the full potential out of the CR, let’s glance at our important healing spells and spell priority...

Important Healing Spells

Lifebloom - Our most important heal. It heals quickly and is nice to dampen incoming damage. Lifebloom stacks up to three times. If it expires, it will bloom for a burst heal. In addition it grants us clear casting procs, which allows us to use hard casted heals at no mana cost. We want to keep Lifebloom on whatever target is the focus of damage. Keep in mind, outside of Tree Form, you can only keep Lifebloom on one target. You can swap Lifebloom to a new target and it will retain its stacks.

Rejuvenation - The most iconic Resto Druid healing spell. It is heal over time (HOT) effect that is quite bursty, but heals slower than Lifebloom. We can use Rejuvenation in combination with Genesis, which will make it heal much quicker. Note, overuse of Genesis will have a negative impact on our mana. The secondary function of Rejuvenation is that it allows us to use Swiftmend on the target.

Regrowth - A hard casted burst heal with a high crit chance and a short HOT effect. Regrowth costs a lot of mana but luckily this cost is completely reduced by clear casting procs (which you get quite often). In tree form, Regrowth is instant cast. It is sometimes worthwhile to cast Regrowth on a target with full health if you have a clear casting proc. The reason for this is because Regrowth will give the target Living Seed. Living Seed absorbs 30% of the healing done by Regrowth, and heal the target for that amount the next time they take damage.

Swiftmend - An instant cast burst heal on a relatively short CD. In order to Swiftmend a target, they must first have Rejuvenation or a Regrowth HOT rolling on them.

Wild Mushroom - A heal that we place on the ground. It creates a 5 HP mushroom that will heal in a circle around it. Its healing is comparable to a 3 stack Lifebloom and will heal all party members within its range. In addition, Wild Mushroom will absorb over healing done by Rejuvenation and will store it as a charge. We can use this charge to detonate Wild Mushroom, which will distribute the over healing to all party members within range.

Tranquility - A channeled heal that heals all party members in range for a large amount. Tranquility is our big 3 minute CD healing spell. It is meant for situations in which multiple party members are at low health. Because the channeling time is long, we need to use this spell when we are 100% certain we won't be interrupted. Tranquility's channel time is reduced by Soul of the Forest.

Spell Priority / Tips

One of the biggest issues with Resto PvP is our ramp-up time. Stacking Lifebloom, casting Rejuv/Swiftmend all take precious GCDs to get their full effect. To counter this, we need to prioritize our spells. Understanding our spell priorities will allow us to set more useful number values for each spell later on.

Light damage - Feel free to stack Lifebloom and then Rejuv.
Moderate damage - Rejuv then Swiftmend. Then stack Lifebloom.
Heavy damage - Regrowth, Swiftmend, Rejuv, then stack Lifebloom.

Druids are the masters of kiting. Disentanglement allows us to escape snares/root effects by shifting into Travel Form. Be prepared to kite a lot, especially to get away from melee. With automatic shape shifting we avoid incoming CC and are able to get out of roots almost instantly.

Druids have the best CC abilities of any healer. Between Cyclone and Entangling Roots we have the ability to interrupt casting and snare our enemies. Use these to disable your enemies and to kite!

Leaves Talent.webp

Tier 1: Displacer Beast - This is the ideal talent for this tier. We can use this ability both offensively and defensively. We can use it to move toward the enemies for a Disorienting Roar or Bash. We could also use this ability to gain distance from enemies who are training us. An advanced use of this ability is to avoid getting feared by Priests/Warriors by using the ability when a Priest is running towards you to fear (Options for this trick later in the guide)

Tier 2: Cenarion Ward - This is the best talent in this tier. It's main strength in arena is that it is able to be used while silenced and even while locked out on your nature spell school. The other advantage to this ability is that it will only activate when someone takes damage, meaning you can put it on a target in anticipation of them taking damage. This spell also has high healing per second during its healing duration.

Tier 3: Typhoon - This is the strongest talent in this tier. It has many usages. Aside from simply knocking players away, you can use this ability to knock players off ledges and even remove certain classes from stealth. Another use of this talent, though hard to time, is using it to interrupt casts (Although we have the option to auto use Typhoon to interrupt I choose not to). The reason why this is sometimes hard to time is because the travel time is quite slow for the ability, so in many cases you will have to use it at the very beginning of someone's cast in order to interrupt it. Use this talent especially if you are playing against a priest. You can use it to avoid the priest landing fears though his Spectral Guise + Feather fear bomb.

Tier 4: Soul of the Forest - This is the first of the very powerful talents within this tier. Soul of the Forest is the talent of choice for many top Druids. After using Swiftmend, you will receive a 100% haste bonus to the NEXT spell you cast. This means if we have the Soul of the Forest Buff, our Cyclone cast will be super fast. Additionally, if we use a healing over time effect with the Soul of the Forest Buff, the HOT itself will be super fast. Using SOTF with Regrowth will not only make the cast super fast, but will also affect the HOT portion of Regrowth.

Tier 5: Disorienting Roar - This is the talent of choice, especially if you aren't playing with a Fire Mage or Hunter. This is an AOE disorient on a short CD which cannot be dodged or parried. Because it is a disorient, the enemy players can't use any abilities during its a duration. For example: A Holy Priest won't be able to use Guardian Spirit while disoriented, even if he is able to use it while stunned.

Tier 6: Heart of the Wild - This is the best talent of this tier. Not only does it provide an increase to base stats (so that it scales with gear/buffs) but it also allows you to put out massive damage as a Resto Druid. The highest DPS you can do with Heart is to spam Wraths, but be wary as this does put you at risk of being interrupted. This ability also increases your healing done, meaning it is the ONLY healing CD for Druids playing with Soul of the Forest.

Leaves 1.webp

Upon opening our settings, we have the General Page. Lets break each section down and start changing values:

The whole upper left corner with Rebirth/Revive, leave all 6 of those unchecked.

Below that you'll notice a Rotation and Encounter drop down, you can use these to change settings automatically while in game depending how the game is being played out. For this example we’ll use Arena with Throughput. Basically, we would set up 2 different settings (Throughput and Efficient). Throughput settings are generally going to be a little more healing done but more mana usage, and Efficient will be the opposite, more mana conservative and slower healing. Observe under the drop downs you can set when you want the CR to automatically change to Efficient, set that value to a % that when you hit that certain % you tend to worry about your mana and you want to start conserving. Check the ‘Heal Party Members Pets' option.

At the top we see our Interrupt spell area. For both Arena/RBGs I like to manually cast interrupts as I'd rather save my interrupts for important incoming spells such as CCs/Chaos Bolts, also using utilizing some of these spells to help spin flags in RBGs. If you don't mind what you interrupt and just want to interrupt, you can check any of these boxes you wish to use, I strongly advise you to not check Typhoon if you are going to check any of these. We can use Typhoon is knock people off cliffs (LM/EOTS). After you'll see Casting Spells and Channeled Spells, these are simply slider bars you can configure so your CR knows when you want to interrupt. To make yourself look less like you are using an interrupt bot, do not set your values to interrupt too quickly as it will be obvious and you could get reported.

Under those sliders, we have Dispel Settings, Check 'Use Nature's Cure'

Shape shifting Settings: Check 'Auto Shape shifting' as the logic behind shape shifting is very very strong. We use shape shifting to avoid getting CC'd (Poly/Hex) when we are in LOS of the caster. Our positioning is VERY critical in winning games as most of you know, getting caught away from a pillar and getting CC chained will cost you games. Luckily the CR will have your back and shape shift when you have incoming CC that become immune to you while in a shape shifted form.

AFK Botbases, don't need these.

Innervate Setting: I manually use my Innervate but if you wish for the CR to use it for you, I would advise setting it ~80-85% Mana.


Nature's Swiftness: Typically NS is going to be used with Healing Touch for an instant giant heal. Although using NS manually is ideal because you can make an NS Clone macro and NS Healing Touch macro instead of limiting yourself just just NS Healing Touch if you enable the use of NS (NS Clone can be game breaking). If you feel you won't ever need the use of NS Clone then use NS with Healing Touch.

Wild Mushroom can be set to Auto Placement and Auto Blooming if you are glyphed for Efflorescence, which is mandatory and here's why... 1) It creates a near endless stream of location healing for 3 of the most injured that stand in the circle requiring refreshing only when the group needs to move, the shroom is bloomed, or is nearly expired. 2) Despite Swiftmend no longer leaving an Efflorescence behind after a few seconds, Swiftmend now has a 20% boost to it's direct healing. Considering Efflorescence is passed on to wild shroom which lasts much longer than a few seconds, this is more than a wonderful trade. 3) Now with wild shroom providing Efflorescence instead, your teammates will likely run to it for the wonderful healing it provides. This has two advantages, one teammates will get the constant healing Efflorescence provide. Second, if you need to bloom the shroom for a big chunk of healing, odds are your team is more than likely in position to receive the healing. Although, we can move our shrooms without losing the over healing bonus from Rejuv, it's nice for the dps to know where the shroom is currently located.

Now we get to the extensive alterations of our Single Target Healing and AOE Healing...

Single Target Healing Tab:
Leaves 2.webp

Regrowth: Enable this, set HP %'s accordingly. Setting too high of HP %'s will cause you to OOM quicker. Arena should be focused on keeping your teammates alive and in a comfortable position in health, so Arena values don't need to be super high. RBG settings, obviously keeping your team alive is priority, but so is out healing your other healers, if you are confident in your mana conservation or can constantly get leaves to regain your mana back, set to a higher Hp %. Cancel addition will cancel your cast if your target's HP goes up past the value inputted here. Example: Regrowth % for DPS is set at 10% HP, Cancel Addition is set at 5%, 10% + 5% = 15%, while casting Regrowth if your target's HP goes above 15% the cast will be cancelled.

Healing Touch: Basically our Greater Heal, you may check this Healing spell if desired, although I personally keep it unchecked. In Arena the cast time is far too long to stand in the open to free cast it. RBGs you can get away with casting Healing Touch, same as above dealing with Cancel Addition.

Swiftmend: Enable, your team will almost always have Regrowth or Rejuv active, with Swiftmend having a 13 second CD, you can use this spell frequently. Set values fairly high for great throughput healing.

Nourish: I keep this disabled, although if your target does have a rolling HOT on them, the spell will heal for 20% more. But regardless If im going to stand in LOS and have the need to hard cast, it's going to be a Regrowth that I cast. If you like being super mana conservative you can enable, although not advised.

Lifebloom: Set to Auto, the CR will move Lifebloom from teammate to teammate when needed. If you Allow Bloom Below %, the CR will let Lifebloom expire on that target when they are below the specified HP. Do you remember effects of Lifebloom expiring? If not, scroll back to the top and re-read Lifebloom. Once it expires, the spell blooms healing the target instantly and giving us clear casting, allowing us to cast a spell for free. Use your clear casting procs to cast Regrowths, as they are our fast heals that heal for a nice %.

Cenarion Ward: I use manually, as this is a defensive CD that should be used depending on the situation. If you can use Ward preemptively, you can stop incoming damage that could potentially cost the game. Throwing out Ward right before you get CC'd is very beneficial!

Rejuvination: Enable all 3 check boxes. When fighting against dot classes, HOTs are magical. The HOTs and the DOTs basically cancel each other out. Using Rejuv pre-emptively when incoming damage is on it's way or right before you get CC'd will save your teammates life as the HOTs tick for massive amounts of healing. Set HP %'s accordingly, Rejuv costs 8,700 mana which isn't a huge cost keeping rolling HOTs out on your Arena team. In RBGs keeping everyone HOTed is going to be harsh on your mana, so if you are worried about OOMing set your Max active at a lower number, if you don't care about OOMing and want to top healing charts, set high.

AOE Healing Tab:
Leaves 3.webp

Force of Nature: Not Enabled due to the fact we are not using this talent.

Genesis: Enable this. This spell accelerates our Rejuvs effects, causing Rejuv to heal and expire at 400% of the normal rate on ALL teammates that have Rejuv active (And are in range). You won't need to use Genesis every time you have a Rejuv out, optimal times to use Genesis in arena, is if I'm being trained and can't possibly cast, it's another instant to keep me going, Rejuv > Genesis > Re-Apply Rejuv. RBG usage against a DOT cleave is wonderful when everyone is taking slow DOT damage, have Rejuv active on everyone taking damage and activate Genesis. It helps a lot, but note the use of this continued method will OOM you. So to set proper Number units to activate Genesis on: Arena 1 unit, RBGs 4+ units.

Wild Growth: Enable. Set desired HP %'s. I set my Arena unit at 1, if you don't want Wild Growth being used just because 1 teammate dipped below the set HP value due to mana issues, set Arena unit 2. RBG unit is preference, clearly the less units and higher HP % applied, the more healing you'll be doing at the cost of some mana. Set units low if you want to blanket your team.

Nature's Vigil: Can be left unchecked due to us not being speced for this talent.

Efflorescence: Since we are glyphed for Efflorescence, this setting doesn't matter, keep Enabled if you wish. (Refer back up top to the discussion about Wild Mushrooms and Efflorescence if needed).

Tranquility: Do not Enable. This should be apparent to most as you should be casting this manually when the time is right. Enabling this spell could cause the CR to waste the spell as you are moving your character manually, the CR goes to cast Tranq and you move cancelling the effect. If you were in desperate need of Tranq, and the spell was just wasted, the match is most likely lost. (Refer back to the top for proper use of Tranq).

Incarnation: This setting is irrelevant as we are not speced into Incarnation. If you are playing with the talent Incarnation (Tree Form), use the spell manually when you need to boosted healing.

Leaves 4.webp

Renewal: Irrelevant as we are not speced into that talent.

Barkskin: Should be used manually in both Arena and RBGs. Although you might be stunned and taking damage, you as a healer should have the knowledge to know if you will be able to live without the use of Barkskin. If you allow the CR to cast Barkskin automatically when you dip down to a certain HP %, it could potentially be a waste of a defensive if you would have been fine without the use of the CD.

Ironbark: Do not check this option either. This is another damage reducing CD that should be manually pressed on a teammate that trully needs it. Same principles apply with Ironbark as Barkskin, except Ironbark can be used on other people instead of just yourself. Communication plays the biggest roll when using Ironbark, will your teammate be okay without the use of Ironbark? Has your teammate popped their own defensive CDs? You never want to overlap major defensive CDs, this makes or breaks games. Be vocal, if you are shy why are you playing such a social interactive game?

Displacer Beast: I check the Prevent Fear option, but that's it. You don't need to displacer every stun you encounter and you don't need to displacer every time you are kiting. You could say the same about not having to displacer every fear, but having Psychic Scream or Intimidating Shout put on CD and the fact that they missed you is huge, that displacer could have just saved you the game. If your trinket is down and the enemy team has offensive CDs available and landed that fear on you, your teammate could have died.

Might of Ursoc: This is preference, if you are going to enable this, be sure to enable Bundle with Healthstone. Set your HP % lower if you are Bundling with Healthstone. If you don't enable this, because you use Ursoc and healthstone separately, it's wise to have a Ursoc+Healthstone macro.

Fortifying Brew: If you have Symbiosis on a Monk, you'll receive this defensive CD. In my Monk guide, I advise the use of Fort Brew manually when you predict big damage is coming your way.

Ice Block: If you have Symbiosis on a Mage, you'll receive this defensive. This should be clear to use manually, as you can use Ice Block in so many ways defensively as well as offensively. The use of Block to save yourself when you are about to die is how most casuals see Ice Block, but when your team is on the offensive, Blocking yourself out of a CC to keep your team offensive is game breaking. Just be wise with the use of Ice Block.

Deterrence: If you have Symbiosis on a Hunter, you'll receive this defensive. Personally I use this CD to reflect CC, so the options we have to Enable: Reflect Fear, Poly and Nukes. Anything to keep us out of CC is huge, so the less CC we sit the more time we can be offensive and win games. Also, deterring Chaos Bolts from Destro Locks is big. Don't enable on stun.

Evasion: If you have Symbiosis on a Rogue, you'll receive this defensive. Use manually, read Fortifying Brew above for the same explanation, use this to mitigate damage coming your way.

Icebound Fortitude: If you have Symbiosis on a DK, you'll receive this defensive. This allows us to become immune to Stun effects and reduce all damage taken by 20% for 12 sec. So as always, use this manually when needed.

Wild Charge: We don't use this talent so enabling is irrelevant.

Spiritwalker's Grace: If you have Symbiosis on a Shaman, you'll receive this defensive. Use this spell manually when you need to cast while kiting, Sprit Grace while Tranq is nice (The option is available, so you can enable this if desired) and trying to get a rez off mid game, Spirit Grace plays a huge roll if you know what you are doing.

Demonic Circle: Teleport: If you have Symbiosis on a Warlock, you'll receive this defensive. Manually use this spell. Teleport when needed to draw your team back to recover and get topped off. That should be the main usage of the spell, using teleport to avoid CC is viable, yes.

Leap of Faith: Use manually. Although a tricky spell to master, the proper use of Life Grip is game saving. Using to bring back a pushed in teammate or a teammate that was feared to Africa, gripping someone out of a scatter trap. The list of uses for this spell is endless, use it when the time is right.

Intimidating Roar: If you have Symbiosis on a Warrior, you'll receive this defensive. This is the Druid Symbi version of Intimidating Shout (AOE Fear), use manually when you are going for a CC chain or if you can land the fear on all 3 enemies in Arena.

Disorienting Roar: Disorients multiple targets in a small area for a few seconds, use manually! This spell is basically a way to get clones off on targets. Dis Roar > Cyclone.

Leaves 5.webp

Healthstone: If you are the type to forget to use your healthstone, you might want to enable this feature, 40% HP is standard.

Trinkets: As you should be using your Medallion and Insignia (Which is a proc Not an On Use) these should both be set to NEVER.

Profession Abilities: Enable if you have Engineering or Herbalism to auto use in combat.

Tier Support: This is basically the only time you'll use Healing Touch (Besides in combo with NS) Set to either 4-5 stacks and set a desired HP %.

Other: Enable the use of auto buffing Mark of the Wild and if you are glyphed for treant form, enable that setting as well. You manually want to use Dash and Stamp Roar. Start stealth and dash in the beginning of each arena match to get that Disorient out and clone early.

Racials: Use your racial manually. If you play Alliance, learn to Meld incoming CC. If you play Tauren, use War stomp the same way you use Disorienting Roar, use it prior to Cycloning.

Symbiosis: If you leave Auto target for Symbi, it'll auto symbiosis the best class depending on what we get from them. The CR always chooses the right class in terms of strength and helpfulness. In RBGs though I manually cast Symbi because I enjoy Life Gripping.

Leaves 6.webp

Healing: Don't set target healing, it'll get confusing.

PvP Hot keys: My advice would be to set hotkeys for Clone Focus/Target and Root Focus/Target. While in Arena you should have key binds to target ArenaEnemy123, which in terms you should have macros that Clone Enemys123 and Root Enemy123. If you are already competent playing the old standard way of ArenaEnemey macros, keep playing that way. If you aren't playing with ArenaEnemy123 macros, you should either start or use these hotkeys the CR offers and get used to these, as they aren't as strong as ArenaEnemy123 macros, but they will help you learn.

Rotation Hotkey: Set up a DPS toggle key, as we will need this hotkey when we need to use Heart of the Wild and help our team DPS.

Shroom mouse over: If you have Shroom enabled for auto placement, you don't need this.

Leaves 7.webp

Advanced PvP List: The following are what I recommend Enabling: Anti Fear, Anti Interrupt, Anti Poly, Stun Mitigation, Auto soothe Enrage, Auto root, Auto Faerie Fire, Auto interrupt capping, Auto kill totems. If you have selected the proper settings through out the CR checking these options will benefit us. If you haven't properly selected the manual use of some CDs then selecting some of these options might not be the smartest choices. For example: We enabled Stun mitigation, Enabling this will try to put us in Bear form when were about to get stunned and that's all it'll attempt to do as far as mitigating damage, unless you have Barkskin/Ironbark set to auto use on stuns. So if we get stunned, the CR will shape shift into Bear form + Use Cds such as barkskin, which we might not even need barkskin so that ability will be wasted. Everything else for the most part is quite clear as far as what the option does exactly, just hover your mouse over the option and you'll see a pop up description.

Advanced PvE: Irrelevant for obvious reasons.

Cheers To All My Druid Family
Last edited:
BG Buddy Issue

Attached is log file. When trying to use Leaves with BGBuddy It doesn't que for battlegrounds, and when in a battleground it doesn't do anything. But other plugins are working like pimpmyguild.


Attached is log file. When trying to use Leaves with BGBuddy It doesn't que for battlegrounds, and when in a battleground it doesn't do anything. But other plugins are working like pimpmyguild.

[23:03:31.253 D] Leaves - Tree Heals Go Whoosh.. v0.0.0.0
[23:03:31.253 D] Singular v3.0.0.3502 v3.0.0.3502
[23:03:31.253 D] Stars - Flurry from the Sky v0.0.0.0

You are running bare defaults, please do a <SVN Update> on both routines.
[23:03:31.253 D] Leaves - Tree Heals Go Whoosh.. v0.0.0.0
[23:03:31.253 D] Singular v3.0.0.3502 v3.0.0.3502
[23:03:31.253 D] Stars - Flurry from the Sky v0.0.0.0

You are running bare defaults, please do a <SVN Update> on both routines.

I knew I forgot something stupid lol. I assumed the one I downloaded directly was up to date. Thanks for the awesome routine.
Not working with Release 743

So with the latest release of HB 743 it just sits there and does not cast. So I had to switch back to HB 742.

Attached are logs for this.

View attachment 2836 2014-06-17 22.46.txt
View attachment 3872 2014-06-17 21.32.txt
View attachment 7780 2014-06-17 21.33.txt

With HB 742 I was seeing this error every time Genesis was cast.

[01:46:28.467 N] [28:467]: [Genesis][On: Me] [HP: 100.0]  [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Charge Mushrooms(Overheal)]
[01:46:28.830 N] [28:829]: Event: SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -  Index: 14 - Length: 14 - Values: System.Object[] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.TrackGenesis(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.HandleCastSucceed(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Modules.CombatLog.HandleCombatLogEvent(Object sender, LuaEventArgs args)

[01:47:18.593 N] [18:593]: [Genesis][On: Me] [HP: 100.0]  [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Charge Mushrooms(Overheal)]
[01:47:18.954 N] [18:954]: Event: SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -  Index: 14 - Length: 14 - Values: System.Object[] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.TrackGenesis(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.HandleCastSucceed(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Modules.CombatLog.HandleCombatLogEvent(Object sender, LuaEventArgs args)

[01:48:26.660 N] [26:660]: [Genesis][On: Me] [HP: 100.0]  [PLPS: 0.3] [Reason: Charge Mushrooms(Overheal)]
[01:48:27.026 N] [27:026]: Event: SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -  Index: 14 - Length: 14 - Values: System.Object[] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.TrackGenesis(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.HandleCastSucceed(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Modules.CombatLog.HandleCombatLogEvent(Object sender, LuaEventArgs args)
On the Malkorok fight routine doesn't do much. Sorry don't have the log this time.
On the Malkorok fight routine doesn't do much. Sorry don't have the log this time.

I had 400k hps there lol... on debug. Make sure it switched to Malkorok in bossmechs, purple text. Might bug if u start the bot mid-fight. It does require a bit of settings tuning because health values are calculated differently.
So with the latest release of HB 743 it just sits there and does not cast. So I had to switch back to HB 742.

Attached are logs for this.

View attachment 133305
View attachment 133306
View attachment 133307

With HB 742 I was seeing this error every time Genesis was cast.

[01:46:28.467 N] [28:467]: [Genesis][On: Me] [HP: 100.0]  [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Charge Mushrooms(Overheal)]
[01:46:28.830 N] [28:829]: Event: SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -  Index: 14 - Length: 14 - Values: System.Object[] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.TrackGenesis(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.HandleCastSucceed(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Modules.CombatLog.HandleCombatLogEvent(Object sender, LuaEventArgs args)

[01:47:18.593 N] [18:593]: [Genesis][On: Me] [HP: 100.0]  [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Charge Mushrooms(Overheal)]
[01:47:18.954 N] [18:954]: Event: SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -  Index: 14 - Length: 14 - Values: System.Object[] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.TrackGenesis(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.HandleCastSucceed(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Modules.CombatLog.HandleCombatLogEvent(Object sender, LuaEventArgs args)

[01:48:26.660 N] [26:660]: [Genesis][On: Me] [HP: 100.0]  [PLPS: 0.3] [Reason: Charge Mushrooms(Overheal)]
[01:48:27.026 N] [27:026]: Event: SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS -  Index: 14 - Length: 14 - Values: System.Object[] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.TrackGenesis(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Base.HealBase.HandleCastSucceed(CombatLogEventArgs e)
   at Leaves.Modules.CombatLog.HandleCombatLogEvent(Object sender, LuaEventArgs args)
Yeh somehow it triggers twice and fucks up the check .. need a throttle or workaround.
after going in other world on norushen LFR, he just stopped healing, standing and doing anything. I tried to stop tyrael and relaunch it, but it was like cr just didnt want to heal anymore.
My group wiped 3 times, taking big damage and my drood did nothing.
I have Leaves premium edition.


after going in other world on norushen LFR, he just stopped healing, standing and doing anything. I tried to stop tyrael and relaunch it, but it was like cr just didnt want to heal anymore.
My group wiped 3 times, taking big damage and my drood did nothing.
I have Leaves premium edition.
Same happens with hb *32?