<!-- Revision: 313 - Version Date: 14-06-2014 -->
+ All : Merge TuanHa's branch into master
+ All : Code cleanup & optimizations
+ All : Caching Line of Sight again
+ PvE : Increased priority for NPC's in our raidlist
+ PvE : only scan for encounter damage in weightfilter if we are in a bossfight
+ PvE : Re-enabled rotation for Immerseus ( overrides to heal puddles)
+ All : Will not use Genesis again if already used.
+ HB : SpellManager.GlobalCooldown seems to be fixed, never had any issues.. but y guess...
+ PvP : Throittled KillTotem
+ PvP : Tweaks to AutoCyclone & AutoHibernate
+ PvP : More Crowd controll priority entries
+ All : Plant lifebloom if none up
+ All : Removed aura caching
+ PvE : Fixed Swiftmend being used to keep harmony up while in SotF Spec
+ PvE : Fixed Swiftmend not being used to keep harmony up while not specced for SotF
+ All : Added unaligned Wild GRowth in SotF Rotation
+ PvE : Rotation change in favour of AoE healing and better usage of Hps spells
+ PvE : Changed health calculations on Malkorok. More efficiency, less cooldown spamming
+ All : Removed Sleeps in Soul of the Forest rotation
+ PvE : Changed logging for Soul of the Forest
+ PvE : Only use Regrowth based on currentHealth when fighting Malkorok, save mana.
+ All : Changed TrackGenesis Struct into Class, to populate default values
+ All : RessTimers increased from 5 to 15 seconds
+ All : REbirth now checks if we can REbirth , based on resses in-fight
+ All : Fixed Memory errors caused by caching
+ ALl : Fixed error in Track Genesis
+ All : No longer adding 10 % add the change value for HealingStyle
+ All : Change printing text of mushroom bloom
+ All : Fix Rebirt & Revive
+ All : Stability tweaks
+ PvP : Updated Burst buff aura list #c. TuanHa
+ PvP : Barkskin based on health and being targeted instead of health only.
+ PvP : Barkskin based on enemy bursting us.
+ PvP : Fixed PvE Shapeshfit code being used in Pvp, instead of Pvp one.
+ PvP : Replaced Root detection with ApplyAuraType, instead of lists
+ PvP : Moonfire on units trying to cap our flag in Battlegrounds
+ PvP : removed boss entry from the rotation 0.o
+ PvP : Use Swiftmend before Nature's Swiftness + HT if it's off cd and target is swiftmendable, save cd
+ PvP : Tracking which unit has Genesis now
+ All : Only ironbark when the unit is being targetted by an enemy
+ PvP : Force only swap when >2 stacks and 2000ms for Lifebloom
+ All : Fixed it using double Genesis, trying to buff rj further
+ All : Mushroom charging is more efficient now
+ PvP : Nature's Grasp checks immunity now
+ PvP : Faerie Fire only on rogues and druids
+ PvP : Faerie fire only whne they are in dps spec
+ PvP : Removed few auras from ToSoothe, soothe less now
+ PvP : Fixed Regrowth not checking if we are moving or not
+ PvP : Only shapeshift for travel if not in combat
+ PvP : Tweaks to the Hotkeys
+ PvP : Rewrote the priority
+ PvP : Lag Tweaks to PvP Rotation
+ All : Tweaks to Swiftmend+ Lifebloom i nSOul of the Forest rotation
+ PvP : Try to enter Bear form before Ursoc for more health
+ PvP : Stay in MoU for 500ms longer.. then do other stuff
+ PvP : Tweaks to AutoCyclone
+ PvP : Tweaks to AutoRoot
+ PvP : Tweaks to AutoHibernate
+ PvP : More requirements for Force of Nature
+ PvP : Minimum dispel time decreased to 2s from 3s.
+ PvP : Don't swap lifebloom to self if target has 2 stacks and below X health.. so make it pop.
+ PvP : Lifebloom swap now checks the Hp of old target, before swapping... to fix it swapping when it should pop.
+ PvP : Fixing Hibernate not being used by checking Cyclone checks ;S
+ PvP : Better tracking for Hibernate and Cyclone, to double check for bugs
+ PvE : Added Contaminated Puddle to whitelist on Efficiency, so it always heals it.
+ All : Made a whitelist for Efficiency mode, to ignore efficient on certain npcs.
+ All : Tranquility now uses a Wait and forces a pause.. to make sure it won't cancel.'
+ All : Transmission wait time on SotF sequences decreased, uses latency.. server time instead of hardcoded 250ms
+ PvE : Will not use SageMender or NS + HT while we have SotF buff active, they don't stack
+ PvP : Barkskin on enemy cooldowns # TuanHa
+ All : Fixed Treant Form not being used
+ All : Fix bug for Wild Mushroom when Glyphed
+ All : Fixed a bug in TalentManager not removing 'the' from the names, causing the code to bug.. for glyphs as mushroom, Treant etc
+ GUI : Fixed issue with toolstripcombobox
+ PvP : Rejuvenation before Regrowth if target > 50% and takes less then 70k damage per second
+ All : Simplified code for Lifebloom, Automatic Mode
+ All : Fix for mushroom plant, it didn't wait for it to cast
+ PvE : Scan encounter only once every minute.. not all the time..
+ ALl : Randomizing mushroom plant, so it won't cause any suspicion like it did before # below the players
+ All : Fix mushroom being replanted too often
+ All : Slight logging change for healing
+ PvP : Fixed automated crowd controlling
+ PvP : Only react t o stuff within 40yds
+ All : Removed SingleBloom for mushroom, will just bloom on health based... save resources