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[Leaves] Community Edition

i have the mushroom on mouseover always, it works best that way, the cr just cant predict the placement as good as yourself
1 thing i agree on ist if its on automatic when im just farming valor points in raidfinder it lets it bloom on certain situations but it doesnt replace it right away, it sometimes takes a minute if at al before the cr places it someware in the raid, i say if it cant find a good place right away to replace the mushroom, just place it on the tank that has the bos, just my 50cent
I could be talking out of my ass, but I sort of remember that Leaves has trouble placing Wild Mushrooms (at least in Proving Grounds) because of an issue with the mesh. I removed the Glyph of Sprouting Mushroom to force placement on players, and I haven't had any issues since then. I'm not certain if this is related to SoO, however.
yeah, i remember something like that as wel, but its no problem for me as like i said i like to place the mushroom myself
i have the mushroom on mouseover always, it works best that way, the cr just cant predict the placement as good as yourself
1 thing i agree on ist if its on automatic when im just farming valor points in raidfinder it lets it bloom on certain situations but it doesnt replace it right away, it sometimes takes a minute if at al before the cr places it someware in the raid, i say if it cant find a good place right away to replace the mushroom, just place it on the tank that has the bos, just my 50cent

That could be a good point, I've actually had some trouble managing to use the mouseover macro from the mushrooms. I use hotkeys for everything else mainly using damage and tank rotation on situational fights but always assumed the mouseover for mushrooms was just bugged. I'll try giving it a try that way instead. Thanks for the tip.
when i use it in bgz it keeps casting the mount at the beginning and casting self heals never does it heal the players on my team
Tried running it today with Tyrael running Continuous Healing mode but it's not doing anything. I'm using the most recent SVN revision.

Logs should be attached, also, why is it defaulting to Chinese on the GUI?

EDIT: Wrong log, I'm a dumbass. Correct one is attached.

EDIT2: Also, set Tank Rotation hotkey as CTRL+F, changed it to CTRL+M and tried to put Mushroom on Mouseover as CTRL+F, Tank Rotation still activated when I pressed CTRL+F though.


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Awesome CR, having a lot of fun with this in arena and rbgs.

Any chance an auto focus will be coming? would be helpful when i get feigned or against rogues.

As for the people having trouble with the pause on manual cast, try macroing your spells with a /stopcasting before them. It helps if your having an issue, just be careful or you will cancel the spell your trying to cast.
Поставь Microsoft .Net frimework. Об этом тысячу раз сказано.. а также написано в FAQ и при покупке бота..

У меня работают ВСЕ рутины абсолютно, кроме Мирабиса. И соответственно net frameworck работает.
Поставь Microsoft .Net frimework. Об этом тысячу раз сказано.. а также написано в FAQ и при покупке бота..

Дружище, можешь дать свой контакт какой-нибудь, скайп или что-то. Я может устанавливаю неправильно? Я купил премиум, скачал базовую рутину, если просто кидаю ее в папку, загружаю ХБ, загружаю профиль, он просит логин и пасс от ассемблы, ввожу и ничего не происходит, рутина не пашет или вылетает вот та ошибка. Пробовал обновить через svn, но он накидывает в папку файлов и тогда при загрузке ХБ профиля вообще не видно, даже выбрать нельзя.
Дружище, можешь дать свой контакт какой-нибудь, скайп или что-то. Я может устанавливаю неправильно? Я купил премиум, скачал базовую рутину, если просто кидаю ее в папку, загружаю ХБ, загружаю профиль, он просит логин и пасс от ассемблы, ввожу и ничего не происходит, рутина не пашет или вылетает вот та ошибка. Пробовал обновить через svn, но он накидывает в папку файлов и тогда при загрузке ХБ профиля вообще не видно, даже выбрать нельзя.
скайп как никнейм. Поторопись, я по магазинам сваливаю
скайп как никнейм. Поторопись, я по магазинам сваливаю

Я все настроил. Спасибо. Действительно,у меня фреймворк был не ласт версия, а Мирабис требует последнюю. Очень благодарен.
Any progress on pvp logic? Its not good atm.
Hotkeys and manuel cast detection not working.
Good evening :)

I just tried out this routine but it doesn't dismount nor heal other people in raid except himself.
Anyone else have this same issue?
Isn't working at all for me with the premium rotation. I reinstalled HB completely to no avail. Not sure what the problem is.
Mirabis great work I love your routine I was wondering do you plan to support ur routine for next expansion I know it still is ways off but just wondering.. also what will be the best profile for challenge modes and is the lfr profile the best one to be number one in heals =)