View attachment 123438View attachment 123439View attachment 123440Mirabis, how do i make the CR heal wrathion in the end cenario @ chi-ji, i tried multple things but the best it could do is heal him for a few seconds
i loaded senario defaults (i also tried it with arena dungeon and proving presets), configured heal target
started the senario, selected wrathion as focus and no heals, i pressed the heal target function, CR starts to heal wrathion till full health and then nothing, only an iron bark but no real direct heals anymore so he dies ...
am i missing something in the configuration ?
also when i manualy heal wrathion, i put the cr in dps mode so i can kill the adds and help wrathion, but then i die

dps mode doesn seem to care about yur own healt it seems or at least in this senario, it would be nice that dps mode would order the CR to dps when possible but not let you or partymembers die
log from my last tests, i could finish the cenario myself but im interested to see if its a glitch someware in the CR or i did something wrong
Edit: tested it with singular, does an exelend job in off-dps, keeps me up while nuking the adds, but no heals on wrathion as well, oracle no off-dps no heals