i believe it's basically focused as a dungeons/raiding CR. you have to move yourself.
the thing about it's own thread is quite nice... i would keep this thread to keep on discussion and changes and stuff and maybe ama can set up a new one if he got the time.
I tested our Trooper-Gunnery today. It did do more than just Grav round =P
It seemed to have a rotation until it used Hail of Bolts, then it would just spam auto shot until HoB was off CD.
It also healed itself, which may not seem like a big deal, but I like to survive.
It doesn't seem to use defensive CDs effectively, sometimes it uses them, sometimes it doesn't, othertimes it uses it randomly.
I appreciate you making a gunnery routine though, I wanted to get back into the character, but gave up after Joe's broke on me.
Commited a change with BuffCount... wrote it in a different way. Hope it works.
As for a new thread, maybe this weekend, unless someone else wants to post it.
Smuggler/Sawbones: done, but needs high-level testing. My smuggler is only level 23. I finally got him to stack Slow-release Medpac.
I played on my Sawbones toon (lvl51) using your CR this morning in a multibox env., and it was pretty sweet. I could not see any problems and everything looked good (but I am a total ignoramus, so would not know if there was problems - she did not die though!) lol
Now, if only you can add a <target leader> and <follow leader> somewhere in that CR....er....
Smuggler/Sawbones: done, but needs high-level testing. My smuggler is only level 23. I finally got him to stack Slow-release Medpac. I had so many problems with this, and I finally fixed it by changing the Spell.HoT to Spell.Heal. It instantly worked correctly. I'm not sure why the Spell.HoT call wouldn't respect buff stacks, but it doesn't matter. Any ideas Ama?
I need to figure out how to call a "time remaining" on a buff. Basically, I don't want to waste time reapplying 2 stacks of Slow-release Medpac, so I need the smuggler to reapply the buff when there are 2-3 seconds left, instead of reapplying after the buff has fallen off (this is what he currently does). Anyone know the syntax for this?
Yeah, the Gunnery rotation is a non-starter until we can get the buff stacking thing sorted. It looks like it might have been fixed, but I haven't tested this morning.
What I want it to do is:
Use High Impact Bolt at 5 stacks of Charged Barrel (not working because I can't get the buff stack thing to work properly)
Use Demo Round with Gravity Vortext (did it do this? my commando is too low)
Use Full Auto with Curtain of Fire buff up (did it do this? my commando is too low to test that out)
Spam Grav Round until 5 stacks of Charged Barrel
Use Full Auto without Curtain of Fire
Filler with Hammer Shot
Aoe rotation is also wonky because I don't know the syntax for Ground-cast AoEs. I've been putting most of my energy into finishing finals and working on my Scoundrel healing routine, so I can put more love into the Gunnery spec next week.
You said it healed itself, but it wasn't consistent? I'm curious why that was. It should use Advanced Medical Probe at 5 stacks of Charged Barrel (free and instant). It should use Medical Probe and the other CDs at certain HP thresholds. Is there a better way to manage the CDs than through HP thresholds? I don't play my gunner spec much (he's only 30) so I'm not fully aware of all the nuances.
How about this:
Tell me what the rotation should look like, and what you'd like it do with CDs. That way I can start working on a rotation that makes sense. Thanks a bunch for testing!
1. Didn't use High Impact Bolt (which you said wasn't working anyway)
2. It cast Grav Round until Vortex, but it didn't seem to use Demo Round.
3. Full Auto (I think I mistook for Hail of Bolts sorry names mix me up sometimes) was instead cast on Grav Vortex, didn't seem to wait for buff. Though sometimes they coincided.
4. What it does do well is spam Grav around twice, then use Full Auto. Then it spams auto shot until Full Auto is off CD.
5. As for the AoE, you might want to look at Joe's code, I remember it using AoE pretty well.
6. Healing: it didn't cast at 5 stack. It used medical probe and defensive CDs only if it was in the Grav Round cycle. If it stuck on the auto shots between Full Autos, it just let itself die.
Out of curiosity, does the routine check for or physically change what canister your using? I seem to remember another CC having trouble because the canister checks weren't registering to use in the correct spec. Might be something to look at at least.
I played on my Sawbones toon (lvl51) using your CR this morning in a multibox env., and it was pretty sweet. I could not see any problems and everything looked good (but I am a total ignoramus, so would not know if there was problems - she did not die though!) lol
Now, if only you can add a <target leader> and <follow leader> somewhere in that CR....er....
Spell.HoT doesn't check any stacks... It just checks to see if the target has the aura and that the aura came from you. Might as well use Spell.Heal for anything involving stacks.
Just added an extention for BuffTimeLeft(buffname) and DebuffTimeLeft(buffname).
Just wanted to confirm: do the time left calls use milliseconds? So would it look like:
BuffTimeLeft("Slow-release Medpac") <= 2000
if I wanted it to reapply when less than 2 seconds left?
I'll check that stuff out.
Regarding your feedback, was that from a session before or after noon EST today? If you're in California, I think that's 9am. I ask because I put up a pretty major change that should have fixed some of those problems, and if it didn't I need to go back to figure out why it was working for me and not you. If it was from before 9am pacific today, try getting the update from the SVN and see if it helps.
Again, Commando is super hard for me to code because I don't actually understand how most of the power work-- I'm just using Noxxic and my level 30 commando to program it.
public static bool ScanForLootables()
//if (KillFest) if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(datLLS).TotalSeconds < 120) return false;
//foreach (TorNpc unit in ObjectManager.GetObjects<TorNpc>().OrderBy(t => t.Distance))
int Looted = 0;
foreach (TorNpc unit in ObjectManager.GetObjects<TorNpc>().OrderBy(t => t.Distance).Where(t => t.Distance <= 10.0f))
if (unit != null) if (unit.IsDead && unit.IsLootable)
if (Me.InCombat) { BuddyTor.Me.ClearTarget(); return false; }
Logging.Write("Loot: Moving to " + unit.Name + " Distance: " + unit.Distance.ToString() + " Position: " + unit.Position.ToString());
Looted += 1;
datLLS = DateTime.Now;
catch {
//return false;
return Looted > 0;
Actually it was from yesterday (Sunday).
So, I will try it again when I get home. And let you know.
And honestly, as much as I dislike Noxxic for WoW, they seem to be the only ones who even offer rotation/spec info for SWTOR. So no worries.
Also, when I have some more time, I'll check out the mirror for Operative you made.
Trying to go down your list and check them out =P
Aside from that, has anyone made a Gunslinger routine yet? I'd be interested in trying that out aswell.
do you use your CR for questing?