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[PAID] KingWoW2 Shaman

Pro Version: When dispel is enabled, it tries to dispel prismatic crystal ?!

44:112 my HP% 100 MANA% 95.31 RIPTIDE to Mantain TIDAL WAVES on Lvl 100 Horde Warrior
45:306 my HP% 89.23 MANA% 95.38 Cloudburst Totem
46:311 my HP% 90.07 MANA% 94.71 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
47:560 my HP% 90.36 MANA% 92.45 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
48:765 my HP% 93.14 MANA% 90.01 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
49:990 my HP% 93.14 MANA% 86.66 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
51:260 my HP% 94.33 MANA% 84.48 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
52:504 my HP% 94.92 MANA% 82.19 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
53:712 my HP% 96.27 MANA% 79.83 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
55:027 my HP% 99.93 MANA% 77.57 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
56:268 my HP% 100 MANA% 75.26 Elemental Blast: Oro
Pro Version: When dispel is enabled, it tries to dispel prismatic crystal ?!

44:112 my HP% 100 MANA% 95.31 RIPTIDE to Mantain TIDAL WAVES on Lvl 100 Horde Warrior
45:306 my HP% 89.23 MANA% 95.38 Cloudburst Totem
46:311 my HP% 90.07 MANA% 94.71 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
47:560 my HP% 90.36 MANA% 92.45 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
48:765 my HP% 93.14 MANA% 90.01 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
49:990 my HP% 93.14 MANA% 86.66 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
51:260 my HP% 94.33 MANA% 84.48 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
52:504 my HP% 94.92 MANA% 82.19 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
53:712 my HP% 96.27 MANA% 79.83 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
55:027 my HP% 99.93 MANA% 77.57 Purify Spirit: Prismatic Crystal
56:268 my HP% 100 MANA% 75.26 Elemental Blast: Oro

Sorry for this!
Disable npc healing when not needed (provinground/spore...)
I will fix this issue in next release, meanwile disable npc healing...
Ty for your feedback.
okey, I did 5/7 N and 1/7 H, it was all smooth. After tweaking some things you will get fantastic results, rise mountain!

HS spam stopped after changing digit to 0.
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Tested the trial out and this looks like the best shaman routine for elemental atleast right now, if it works for resto too its a buy for me!
Tested the trial out and this looks like the best shaman routine for elemental atleast right now, if it works for resto too its a buy for me!

Default Resto config may be used for instance but not for raid: for raid you need tune config or you will waste all your mana...

Fix trinket/healthstone spam freeze (may be can healthstone spam but no more freeze CR)
Changed some name variable in settings
Add chainheal hope jump (with glyph)
Fix Pet/totem healing when enabled NPC healing

did you get an approval?
did you get an approval?

REV 1.0.2 LIVE

Fix trinket/healthstone spam freeze (may be can healthstone spam but no more freeze CR)
Changed some name variable in settings
Add chainheal hope jump (with glyph)
Fix Pet/totem healing when enabled NPC healing


Fix some issue dispelling NPC
Hi, i just bought your shaman routine - works quit good :)

is there any chance there will be some finished profiles like you have in your priest routine?
I'm liking the cr just be sure to not overwhelm yourself with doing a bunch of crs cause then you will get flack for not updating fast enough
Hi, i just bought your shaman routine - works quit good :)

is there any chance there will be some finished profiles like you have in your priest routine?

I need equip my shammy in order to do some normal/heroic raid before upload some base settings.
If anyone has good settings can share here.
I'm using the free shaman king and it keep spamming healing surge.
chain healt at 70% , healing wave at 92% , Riptide at 90% and healing Surge at 40% no change at all
I do self play ele blast .
seems to be casting healing surge more then chain heal .
I did heal Ko'ragh Boss umber 6 on HM hc new raid .
I were with 2 druids
they both did near 30k HP
I did 18k top healer heal for 10M and I did 6M
my healing Surge 1.45m was top of my 2nd is healing wave 1.3m , 3d is Riptide 1m , 4th Healing tide 589.2k which I use self play , 5th Healing Stream totem 543k , 6th Chain heal 454k then Cloudburst totem 399 last talent totem .
I'm liking the cr just be sure to not overwhelm yourself with doing a bunch of crs cause then you will get flack for not updating fast enough

I have 3 pro CR atm: priest mage shammy and i can manage them. A new and probably last one coming soon...
I'm using the free shaman king and it keep spamming healing surge.
chain healt at 70% , healing wave at 92% , Riptide at 90% and healing Surge at 40% no change at all
I do self play ele blast .
seems to be casting healing surge more then chain heal .
I did heal Ko'ragh Boss umber 6 on HM hc new raid .
I were with 2 druids
they both did near 30k HP
I did 18k top healer heal for 10M and I did 6M
my healing Surge 1.45m was top of my 2nd is healing wave 1.3m , 3d is Riptide 1m , 4th Healing tide 589.2k which I use self play , 5th Healing Stream totem 543k , 6th Chain heal 454k then Cloudburst totem 399 last talent totem .

Probably you set and enable an hight value for SOS Healing.
Atm free version has some bugs. try trial pro version meanwile i find time to fix: you have 7 days free tryal!!!
Probably you set and enable an hight value for SOS Healing.
Atm free version has some bugs. try trial pro version meanwile i find time to fix: you have 7 days free tryal!!!

SOS healing is 35% and True

I can not see the 7 days free trial...!
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Probably you set and enable an hight value for SOS Healing.
Atm free version has some bugs. try trial pro version meanwile i find time to fix: you have 7 days free tryal!!!

SOS healing is 35% and True

I can not see the 7 days free trial...!

Can you post your config and a log file so i will try help.

You can find pro trial here: Buddy Store
Also if this is the FREE version, from posted log i cant see any bug: CR correcly cast sos healing at right percentage... may be your equip is very bad to consume so much mana in few spells!
Try disable sos healing and set surge at 25% and enable trysavemana option. chain heal lower: for example 50% 3 people, but repeat you consume too much in few spells ( your party is taking huge damage/your equip is not so good)
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Also if this is the FREE version, from posted log i cant see any bug: CR correcly cast sos healing at right percentage... may be your equip is very bad to consume so much mana in few spells!
Try disable sos healing and set surge at 25% and enable trysavemana option. chain heal lower: for example 50% 3 people, but repeat you consume too much in few spells ( your party is taking huge damage/your equip is not so good)

if u read on the top healing Surge was top healing even if I consume mana too much coz spamming healing surge if u check the post I link with the healing done and u will noticed .
well my IL 654 my mana is bad any shaman spam healing surge will drain his mana even with high item level gear.
6th boss do aoe damage and must use chain heal more then spamming healing surge maybe .
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if u read on the top healing Surge was top healing even if I consume mana too much coz spamming healing surge if u check the post I link with the healing done and u will noticed .
well my IL 654 my mana is bad any shaman spam healing surge will drain his mana even with high item level gear.
6th boss do aoe damage and must use chain heal more then spamming healing surge maybe .

Disable sos healing in free version can help.
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Hey, I've got the PRO version and for enhance it doesn't use frost shock whatsoever, so it will hold onto 2 stacks of elemental fusion forever until it needs to flame shock again, even if it's just auto attacking for like a whole empty GCD or two without any maelstrom stacks it won't bother to frost shock at all. Have you got an ideal raid config for enhance where the talents and rotation are better off without even using frost shock? Also, it won't use liquid magma or call of the elements, so yeah. If you've got a preferred and tested talent/glyph build and a good config to go with it can you post it here for me to try out? I can sit around 12.5/13k dps with 624 iLvl which isn't too shabby, but I feel like it could utilize a few talents and spells more effectively to make that even better.