rets pretty good, not perfect but good. i do 300-315k dps 855 ilvlHow well is holy/ret preforming with this Cr. I messed up my trial.
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rets pretty good, not perfect but good. i do 300-315k dps 855 ilvlHow well is holy/ret preforming with this Cr. I messed up my trial.
View attachment 208109
I also found another issue. Beacon of Virtue seems to be casting on cooldown ignoring the checks in the routine. I would like to see more options for the 100 tier talents like keeping Beacon of Faith on the main tank 100% with Beacon of Light passed around or Beacon of Light on 100% on player (For those of us who use Light of the Martyr aggressively and Aura of Sacrifice). I'm planning on playing a lot of Holy Paladin with Legion so you can expect to get plenty of feedback from me. I positive things will work out with time, I'm glad you've picked up Paladin because I love your work.
rets pretty good, not perfect but good. i do 300-315k dps 655 ilvl
Im having the same problem. Whenever i chose the talent Beacon of Virtue it would just recast it over and over on the tank (even out of combat) which makes that talent a bad choise tho it's maybe if not the go to for mythic+ and i cant seems to find a way for the bot to stop casting beacon at all and i cannot set it as (manuel cast) either.
I also wonder why i can only find one post about this issue? And that is on page 5 so its quit a old post aswell.
Has anyone else experienced holy shock spam even on CD? instead of picking another spell out of combat it spams Holy shock for me.
You have 3 settings to configure for SoR to use at certain HP%:Prot paladin
why does it not use all 3 charges of Shield of the Righteous? it only uses 1 at a time
Since patch this no longer works for me as retri (haven't tried other speccs)
It burns CD's stuns and so on, but does not use any damaging abilties.. judgement, crusader strike/Zeal, blade of justice/divine hammer, none of these fires..
Just to let you know..
Oh and they removed blessing of might![]()
We dont have any update for this CR from January?
+1During Raid and Kara I get bad FPS drop when using this CR? Anyone experience the same issue? I've used Mills CR and I am not getting the same issue. Anything pointers on fixing this issue? Do you need a log?