Prot Interrupt problems
Interrupt set to ALL View attachment 7980 2016-10-07 17.59.txtView attachment 7980 2016-10-07 17.59.txt
Interrupt set to ALL View attachment 7980 2016-10-07 17.59.txtView attachment 7980 2016-10-07 17.59.txt
Interrupt set to ALL View attachment 213729View attachment 213729
You might want to look at the config file/ UI interaction then, my UI has always said ALL. I did go and swap it around and save it at then end, but it has always indicated "ALL". I will see if now that it is set to ALL it rebukes properly and update.
Made sure it was set to all, no rebukes. Log:
View attachment 213804
Yes is possible. You have an option to change Beacon at certain percentage... just set it to 0 for no change beacon. In next patch I will add an option for Manual beacon.Hi there. I am looking to buy this CR, i have done the Trial but as holy i found that the bot kept constantly changing the target for Beacon in raids, is there a way to stop it from changing as it should always been on a tank and as there are 2 Paladins in my raid group it kept putting it on the same one as the other holy paladin
this great.
can set does not automatically dismount ?:困惑:
Attilio - does holy pal have settings and priority for "shockadin" type build to stay in melee, use crusader's might, sanctified wrath, avenging crusader to do quite a bit of burst dmg and only healing at emergency thresholds? Holy shock and decide to damage or heal on the fly to do both functions. I want to try this build for 3s arena in a high burst team. It's not hard to pause and manual the burst parts and unpause to let the healer kick in but would be nice if it was embedded. Will definitely buy if this is added well. I saw brief note in ur change log that references this but have you tested it in real action to see how this build is doing?
Go in Settings-> SPECIAL subsection -> disable autodismountOnCombat option
CR already has this functionality: in ROTATION CR settings you will find an option to set the min HP to start heal VS DPS. In next release I will add some Hotkey to increase or decrease this value in runtime without modify in GUI.
Why not attack boss Naraxas in Neltarion Lair???
Why not attack boss Naraxas in Neltarion Lair???
Basebot used?I'm having an issue where my paladin won't run into melee range sometimes for casters. He just tries to cast judgment over and over...anyone else having that issue?