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Kick's profiles...that damn audible warning.

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Jul 1, 2010
That box that appears every time new profiles are compiled, warning me to have Talented and a couple of other addons enabled (which I now do have and have had for ages). How do I stop that shit popping up every time?
That box that appears every time new profiles are compiled, warning me to have Talented and a couple of other addons enabled (which I now do have and have had for ages). How do I stop that shit popping up every time?

if you're using the SVN copy... those only pop up on 1-12 auto loader, then at the beginning of BC, and 1 in LK

if you're not using the SVN copy - then read how to:

I am using the SVN, but if something happens and my relogger has to load these again then the bot just sits at that window. I'm at 68 now so every time there's two of the same box (when it compiles the quests) and I guess a third will arrive when I hit LK profiles, it just seems like an unnecessary pain in the ass. I love the profiles don't get me wrong, but this is so annoying.
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I am using the SVN, but if something happens and my relogger has to load these again then the bot just sits at that window. I'm at 68 now so every time there's two of the same box (when it compiles the quests) and I guess a third will arrive when I hit LK profiles, it just seems like an unnecessary pain in the ass. I love the profiles don't get me wrong, but this is so annoying.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
They only last for 30 seconds and the profile continues.
I got the same problem! I always got this stupid warning! And i am using SVN!
That box that appears every time new profiles are compiled, warning me to have Talented and a couple of other addons enabled (which I now do have and have had for ages). How do I stop that shit popping up every time?

If the "shit" is so annoying, having to click one button every time you start the bot, then maybe you should either use another profile, hire a guy to click that annoying button or just simply stop botting, i'v been around these forums for like 1,5 years and this topic has the price on the dumbest thread ever created.. Im not here to flame you, but seriously, reading threads like these makes me loose all hope for humanity..

Also, try to be more friendly when posting complaints, suggestions or whatever, if you would have spent thousands of hours on a project and some leecher comes along and says "this is shit, why do i have to press my mouse 1 time every hour?" - You would probably feel the same way. Anyway i rest my case
If the "shit" is so annoying, having to click one button every time you start the bot, then maybe you should either use another profile, hire a guy to click that annoying button or just simply stop botting, i'v been around these forums for like 1,5 years and this topic has the price on the dumbest thread ever created.. Im not here to flame you, but seriously, reading threads like these makes me loose all hope for humanity..

Also, try to be more friendly when posting complaints, suggestions or whatever, if you would have spent thousands of hours on a project and some leecher comes along and says "this is shit, why do i have to press my mouse 1 time every hour?" - You would probably feel the same way. Anyway i rest my case

These profiles are bundled with a paid product. As long as they're bundled I should be able to complain about whatever I want :/ It's a box that I personally don't like so I personally asked how I can stop it from happening in my own personal copy. I didn't ask if clicking a box is time consuming, I didn't ask for your opinion on what threads in the forum you've read over the last 1.5 years and I certainly didn't expect someone to get so annoyed by my personal question about my personal issue that I wanted an answer for. You're suggestions are to hire a person to click the button or to quit botting? Your answers are about as useless as the topics you complain about.

And I didn't say the profiles are shit, I actually said I love them if you read. I said "How do I stop this shit from happening" the same way I'd say "Damn this shit is awesome".
These profiles are bundled with a paid product. As long as they're bundled I should be able to complain about whatever I want :/ It's a box that I personally don't like so I personally asked how I can stop it from happening in my own personal copy. I didn't ask if clicking a box is time consuming, I didn't ask for your opinion on what threads in the forum you've read over the last 1.5 years and I certainly didn't expect someone to get so annoyed by my personal question about my personal issue that I wanted an answer for. You're suggestions are to hire a person to click the button or to quit botting? Your answers are about as useless as the topics you complain about.

And I didn't say the profiles are shit, I actually said I love them if you read. I said "How do I stop this shit from happening" the same way I'd say "Damn this shit is awesome".

Ofcourse you are! Complain all you want, but the thing that got me so annoyed was your attitude in the first post, people actually put time into this, whether you payed or not, you could at least respect that. And be honest, if you would have been less experienced with Honorbuddy and didn't know what Talented etc was. then maybe you should have made a thread "Why don't you have a damn audible warning?!?"
Anyhow, Im not gonna give you any shit for posting what you did, its apparently your way of asking polite how to remove/get rid of a simple popup..

But as an enlightenment, posting on a public forum will have people writing replies, and some people might even react on your attitude and give their point of view..

To answer your question - simple remove the "UserDialog.cs" file from your QuestBehaviors folder.
I rather appreciate the popups, because some times, for reasons unbeknownst to me, the azenius plugin or some other important plugin will have gotten turned off and I always take a second to check when that pops up. Usually it's nothing, but that one time when something's gone amuck, it really helps out. But I'd rather always be safe when unnecessary than sorry even once.
Sidalol said:
That box that appears every time new profiles are compiled, warning me to have Talented and a couple of other addons enabled (which I now do have and have had for ages). How do I stop that shit popping up every time?

I find them annoying also after the first time. If you have to stop-start a fair bit to work around problems, they become really annoying.

To remove them, you'll need to edit the profile. Find the line(s) in the profile that contain <UserDialog... /> directives, and comment them out. For example, change:
<UserDialog Title="Kick" Message="This profile is ..." />

<!-- <UserDialog Title="Kick" Message="This profile is ..." /> -->

If the <UserDialog /> directive is the only element within an <If> directive, you'll need to comment out the entire <If> directive to prevent triggering an Honorbuddy/BuddyWing bug. For instance, commenting out such an element looks like:

<!-- <If Condition="not (Me.Class == CharacterClass.Consular)">
<UserDialog Title="Kick" Message="This profile is ..." />​
</If> -->

Using a colorizing editor, such as Notepad++, is helpful. Such editors highlight if you make a typing mistake.

Commenting out presents no problem working in conjunction with SVN, the commented out lines will be 'merged' and remain commented out unless Kick changes them. If that happens, SVN will report a 'conflict', and you'll need to remove your changes, download the new copy from SVN, then re-apply the comments.

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