Sidalol said:
That box that appears every time new profiles are compiled, warning me to have Talented and a couple of other addons enabled (which I now do have and have had for ages). How do I stop that shit popping up every time?
I find them annoying also after the first time. If you have to stop-start a fair bit to work around problems, they become
really annoying.
To remove them, you'll need to edit the profile. Find the line(s) in the profile that contain
<UserDialog... /> directives, and comment them out. For example, change:
<UserDialog Title="Kick" Message="This profile is ..." />
<!-- <UserDialog Title="Kick" Message="This profile is ..." /> -->
If the
<UserDialog /> directive is the only element within an
<If> directive, you'll need to comment out the entire
<If> directive to prevent triggering an Honorbuddy/BuddyWing bug. For instance, commenting out such an element looks like:
<!-- <If Condition="not (Me.Class == CharacterClass.Consular)">
<UserDialog Title="Kick" Message="This profile is ..." />
</If> -->
Using a colorizing editor, such as
Notepad++, is helpful. Such editors highlight if you make a typing mistake.
Commenting out presents no problem working in conjunction with SVN, the commented out lines will be 'merged' and remain commented out unless Kick changes them. If that happens, SVN will report a 'conflict', and you'll need to remove your changes, download the new copy from SVN, then re-apply the comments.