Similar issue as yesterday:
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[CombatUseItemOnV2-v719(error)] PROFILE ERROR: One or more of the following attributes must be specified:
UseWhenMeHasAuraId, UseWhenMeMissingAuraId, UseWhenMobCastingSpellId, UseWhenMobHasAuraId, UseWhenMobMissingAuraId, UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent
[Ref: "[H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 2703 $)" @line 5613]
[CombatUseItemOnV2-v719(error)] PROFILE ERROR: For a UseItemStrategy of UseItemOncePerTarget, ItemAppliesAuraId must be specified
[Ref: "[H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 2703 $)" @line 5613]
[CombatUseItemOnV2-v719(warning) @line 5613]: Attribute 'MaxRange' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CombatUseItemOnV2-v719(warning) @line 5613]: Attribute 'MobHpPercentLeft' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CombatUseItemOnV2-v719(warning) @line 5613]: Attribute 'NumOfTimes' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CombatUseItemOnV2-v719(error) @line 5613]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Bot Stopped! Reason: Profile has too many errors
Did an experiment with yesterdays tactic, this time disbanding quests one by one, and it seemed that the culprit was Direhorn Raiders (ID 27340). However, after bot picked up the very same quest (Direhorn Raiders) it stopped with the same error. I did this quest manually, but bot refused to work anyway, then I disbanded all the quests. NOW issue was solved.
View attachment 2680 2013-09-02 10.31.txt