This is greattoo bad that I can not provide much useful information because I just came back after being busy for a long while
But I do have a minor suggestion. Can power surge be used when jump cool down is less than 3 seconds?
Some things I noticed
- Could enhance the opener by delaying the first 2 jumps until BOTD is used.
- Often it uses Power Surge with Spineshatter Dive instead of Jump
Hey, what would be the proper opener for a bossfight?
Would you mind if I use your CR as a base for a Monk CR? I was originally considering extending Ultima but since Endus doesn't appear to accept and include patches, I would be more inclined to fork Kain instead.
Sometimes it's too difficult to hit 4th combo positionals if Jumps go off after CT or FT. Would it be possible to prevent jumps attacks from going off between CT/FT and 4th combos
Balsagna said:Hey there, did some testing in raid with this. Noticed that keen flurry and bloodbath get used by the rotation. These should not be in the rotation as they cost oGCDs when regular raid damage is taken. These either need a defensive cooldown toggle or totally removed. As of now I had to remove them from the coding to get optimal dps. I also notice that when litany is clicked on, 3 oGCDs (Battle litany, B4B, and Internal Release) are used between heavy thrust and impulse drive. Using a pot at all during the opener will extend your GCD wait quite a bit. If a potion could be added into the rotation with a toggle in the UI, the overall opener dps would be hugely increased. The only other thing that struck me as an issue was the fact that jump always comes right before the 4th part of the combo in the opener making it impossible to position correctly.
fakeangels3 said:A minor suggestion. Can Power surge be used even when jump is toggled off?
Hotkey to hold = don't use buff
Hirobo said:Just curious, as i am currently lvling my Dragoon to 60, is this routine compatible with Heavensward abilities?
also, dnno if this is just me, but with the opener, it's using power surge then not jumping for quite a while. Buff falls off several seconds before the first jump is used.
I dont have a log for this. When we already have BotD up and the routine is using Geirskogul to expire the timer for a refresh, it looks like the routine is trying to use BotD again, but it doesnt fire off so it skip one rotation for me. I dont think its a latency issue, but I do use WTfast maintaining about 75 ping.