actually i stopped farming ores & herbs.I am just farming whelps with 3 accounts 20 hours a day getting a total of arround 15 whelps. With that i make something between 20.000 and 35.000 a day. Lot more then farming other stuff and very less time effort.
On severals servers I play, I have never seen whelps go for above 800-1k each. Therefore, across 20 hours, each account is getting around 5 whelps, going for an average of 4.5k total, for 225g/hour of botting.
On these same servers, I can make around 300-500g/hour farming eternals, 250-350g/hour fishing, 300-400g/hour mining...
This is a prime example of being economically smart. Finding what sells on your server and what doesn't is what's really going to maximize your income. I find that it also helps to know when to sell and what to sell.
For example, if I put all my eternal fires up on the AH in the morning for 26-28g each, they're all guaranteed to sell before noon. If I put them up on the AH in the evening, I'll be lucky to get 20g each for them, and they probably won't all sell. If I decided to fish for a night, I can get full bags worth of glacial salmon, nettlefish, and muscleback sculpin within 4-5 hours, and after a full night of fishing I usually get about 60-70 stacks of each. I can sell the salmon for 18-20g a stack, the nettlefish for 14-15g a stack, and the sculpin for 12-14g a stack, but it takes me 4-5 days to get them all sold.
So making 2-3k over night really isn't that out there (depends on how long you sleep xD), but you can't just take everyone else's word of what sells well and try it without any prior research.