To clarify a few things.
1. WoW has been dying for many years:
3. And WoW is making more money than it ever has:
Thanks to the monthly subs, expansions, transfers (as economies and servers die), name changes, faction changes, mounts, pets, etc., but especially the TOKEN. That is why the token was added and it also why blizz no longer publishes sub numbers. And that is why Blizzard will no longer suffer farmer botting, as higher auction prices mean casual users buy more tokens for raiding mats and enchants, carries, rare mounts, etc. As WoW is just a poor ripoff of Lord of the Rings (the book), it should be dubbed the JRR Token.
I just wanted to approach these two statements that in someways contradict themselves. The first is accurate and the latter is not.
WOW is dying and has been for years. WOW maxed out in the 12 mil to 15 mil range many years ago and is in steady free fall. It is estimated it has around 4 million subs today. Your charts you connect to show "WOW" making money is in fact ACTIVISION/BLIZZARD making money not WOW. The company has a shit load of products being sold not just wow and in fact if you had taken ooh 5 minutes and looked into their financials you will see that there is Activision, Blizzard and King, a new acquisition of the Activision/Blizzard group.
The tokens will not EVER replace subs and will never make AS MUCH money as or more than subs would. This is just a desperate attempt by blizzard to somehow make more money from existing subs. How this all plays out I am not 100% sure. I am still having difficulty seeing the full picture on the tokens. There are two theories out there...
1. Tokens come from buyers - This theory suggest the only tokens on the AH comes from people buying them from the store and selling them on the AH to gain in game gold. If so I can see SOME revenue generation but would never equate to drops in subs as this would be limited.
2. Tokens come from Blizzard - This theory is what I believe happens and as such would be a loss to Blizzard because every botter alive would NEVER buy a subscription again. We would all use gold generated from botting to keep us well, botting for more gold. Subs revenue would fall off substantially and this meets with why the increased pressure on botting.
Everything else you spoke of is garbaldigook off the top of your head and out the extremities comments. There is nothing biblical in your comments at all and for us to print it out and keep it by us is REALLY over reaching to be honest. Print it off and use it as toilet paper is closer to being accurate.
Please get off your high and mighty and check yourself before you make outlandish comments.
Demon out...