[12:23:32:454] Switching bot to Instancebuddy
[12:23:32:455] Changed tilemap to Northrend, Tiled: True
[12:23:32:457] Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[12:23:33:758] Spell_C::CastSpell(32223, 0, 0x0, 0) [1224]
[12:23:33:774] Crusader Aura
[12:23:34:568] [Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build
[12:23:34:645] Not in game
[12:23:39:991] Downloaded tilemap Ulduar70
[12:23:40:072] Changed tilemap to Ulduar70, Tiled: True
[12:23:40:257] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Loading dungeon script for 'Halls of Stone'
[12:23:40:339] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Tank is set to: Paladin with MaxHP: 20609
[12:23:40:629] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Reached to the last hotspot. Will leave in 36 seconds