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Issues with Instancebuddy - POST HERE

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Does anyone know a way to stop the bot from leaving the instance? Or from releasing?

I like running 5 man's lazy raider style and these are my main problems.
guys don't use hb till they fix it don't risk ur account... i don't know why some of this admins stop hb its SHIT needs work on it
umm, it works as well as it ever has for me, far better even.

Over ten toons to lvl 85 using questing, instances, arch and gatherbuddy.

Plus using it daily on my main for fishing and modified cc's for lazy raiding raids and five mans.

Shit isn't perfect but it's still damn amazing.
When running as tank, after all mobs in a pack are dead, IB will pick either a dead mob or a party member as target and not move.
If I manually clear the target, it will just repick either a dead mob or a party member and still not move.
The only way to make it continue is to manually pick a hostile target.
I have the same issue grinding solo Ramparts with my Rogue 85. Sometimes (i cant determine when and why) toon targets dead body and do nothing, manually targeting live mob only solves this and continue farm.

Ive had that happen because another party member is targeting a dead mob or another player, causing the tank to get stuck in an assist attempt loop (I'm guessing) as soon as all party members clear their targets, the tank goes back to normal. .
wrong, because this happens in solo mode too.

any ideas?
I can?t activate click the Drop&Down Menu where you can choose between Grind Mode and Doing nothing while waiting for Instance...Is this not available atm?
Can u make option to need all blues u can need?Cause u miss all the gear cause it failes hard 2 compare green 2 blue in dungeons
if i died and no rezzer avaible it released my ghost and then nothing done..i still stand at the spirithealer the hole time

Sry for my bad english
Every time I load Honorbuddy I get: "An error occured when loading InstanceBuddy"

I've redownloaded Honorbuddy twice already and I don't know how to fix it...
If i have low mana, IB will start drinking, but if the tanks moves too far away it will move towards the tank (even if he only moved an inch forward) which causes me to cancel drinking, move forward, then drink again. If the tanks moves again it will repeat it, which causes me to burn through a lot of water quickly. Is there anyway to make it force drink even if the tank is too far away, only if the tanks hp is above 80%? or something like this.

how to stop hb leaving instance before finishing loot rolling after final boss?what kinda of joke coding case is that.
Rolling for loot has been removed from Instancebuddy. Use AutoEquip2 for rolling on loot
With the new Mixed Mode, when using Questing as primary and IB as secondary, IB questing mode never activates if bot has dungeon cooldown.
IB will just sit and wait saying "[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.220]:Waiting for Dungeon Cooldown to end" and "[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.220]:Anti AFK jump"

Switching to plain Questing mode the bot starts immediately doing the quests.

Has anybody even looked at this? IB still behaves like this, which is especially frustrating in the 70-80 range. Would be really great if this could be fixed.
My toon never need or greed any loot.. do I have something to set? didn't found anything...
Also another issue is inside "Old Hillsbrand" he don't use flight at the beginning, can't bot those lvls with IB :(

Thz a lot for th egreat plugin anyway, it's awesome
My toon never need or greed any loot.. do I have something to set? didn't found anything...
Also another issue is inside "Old Hillsbrand" he don't use flight at the beginning, can't bot those lvls with IB :(

Thz a lot for th egreat plugin anyway, it's awesome

Under plugins is a plugin named autoequip2, go into settings and scroll down check if roll for loot is enabled.
Trying to farm regular sethekk halls, instancebuddy will run the entire instance perfectly but after the last boss kill the bot stops and just stands there. It won't run out for a reset and go back in.

Attached is the wall of text error that occurs after the last boss dies.

And now that i've done the place once, the bot has stopped moving on it's own, no longer running on auto.

Would be neat if someone could write a script that would go through and do all three auchindoun heroics back to back.


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persistent sethekk halls issues

sethekk halls heroic and regular:

After zoning it and turning the bot on, it runs through once without problems until after the last boss.

After killing Talon King Ikiss, bot will run my character down the exit ramp, however the bot then just stops and stands there. Makes no attempt to zone out.

I tried turning the bot off, zoning myself out and turning it back on. The bot will run back into the instance and kill the first two patrols before bugging out and spamming totem recall messages in the debug log. See attached log.


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