I have the same issue grinding solo Ramparts with my Rogue 85. Sometimes (i cant determine when and why) toon targets dead body and do nothing, manually targeting live mob only solves this and continue farm.When running as tank, after all mobs in a pack are dead, IB will pick either a dead mob or a party member as target and not move.
If I manually clear the target, it will just repick either a dead mob or a party member and still not move.
The only way to make it continue is to manually pick a hostile target.
wrong, because this happens in solo mode too.Ive had that happen because another party member is targeting a dead mob or another player, causing the tank to get stuck in an assist attempt loop (I'm guessing) as soon as all party members clear their targets, the tank goes back to normal. .
It doesn't leave dungeons after they're done.
With the new Mixed Mode, when using Questing as primary and IB as secondary, IB questing mode never activates if bot has dungeon cooldown.
IB will just sit and wait saying "[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.220]:Waiting for Dungeon Cooldown to end" and "[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.220]:Anti AFK jump"
Switching to plain Questing mode the bot starts immediately doing the quests.
It doesn't leave dungeons after they're done.
My toon never need or greed any loot.. do I have something to set? didn't found anything...
Also another issue is inside "Old Hillsbrand" he don't use flight at the beginning, can't bot those lvls with IB
Thz a lot for th egreat plugin anyway, it's awesome