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is there a -- 9 books profile / bot ??


Nov 10, 2014
good mornign i have searched the forums.
but i cannot find it,
if you have the link please share :)

i need the profile that kills the 100 mobs needed for the book
i need the proflile to go and wait for the FATEs to pop.
(( some of them take hours ))

i can do the LEVEs and DUNGEONS on my own

thanks guys
today is 12-15-2014 @ 09:50
No, there is not a profile that will do this yet.

However, as far as FATEs go. You can use FATE bot to single out certain FATEs. Just move your character to the spawn place and start FATE bot with the name of the fate in the settings and it will do it.
thank you Zamphire.

how about killing mobs
can you link me an orderbot profile
that i can just
modify the name of the mob i want killed

for example ::

<ItemName>Giant Lobber</ItemName>

or something like that :)
thank you Zamphire.

how about killing mobs
can you link me an orderbot profile
that i can just
modify the name of the mob i want killed

for example ::

<ItemName>Giant Lobber</ItemName>

or something like that :)

   <Name>Aldgoat Skin</Name>
      <GrindArea name="beginning_area">
            <Hotspot Radius="80" X="-284.0486" Y="-36.32752" Z="71.0205" name="beginning_area" />
            <TargetMob name="Myotragus Billy" />
            <TargetMob name="Myotragus Nanny" />
      <Grind grindRef="beginning_area" while="Core.Player.ClassLevel &lt; 51" />

replace xyz with wherever.. use Reborn Console (plugin that comes with RB) and do:

Change targetmob name to whichever.. but thats just a basic orderbot grinding profile for you to base your profile off of.
   <Name>Aldgoat Skin</Name>
      <GrindArea name="beginning_area">
            <Hotspot Radius="80" X="-284.0486" Y="-36.32752" Z="71.0205" name="beginning_area" />
            <TargetMob name="Myotragus Billy" />
            <TargetMob name="Myotragus Nanny" />
      <Grind grindRef="beginning_area" while="Core.Player.ClassLevel &lt; 51" />

replace xyz with wherever.. use Reborn Console (plugin that comes with RB) and do:

Change targetmob name to whichever.. but thats just a basic orderbot grinding profile for you to base your profile off of.

Hey Zamphire.

so i tried to make this code
but, it is looking way too obvious that its a bot.

the target mob could be right in front of me
but the bot will make my character
go back and forth
back and forth
without actually getting to the "water sprite"
and engaging it.

i have to stop it.
since there are people around
and they will notice a bot.
if i just let it run.

this is my code :::
hopefully you or someone in the community can clean it up.
and make it actually work (( this is in quarrymill btw ))

<Name>Spirit BONDING</Name>
<GrindArea name="Spirit BONDING">
<Hotspot Radius="200" XYZ="587.9095, 21.66599, 111.0817" />
<TargetMob name="Water Sprite" />
<Grind grindRef="Spirit BONDING" while="Core.Player.ClassLevel &lt; 51" />
This sounds like it could be a LoS issue with your combat routine, which job are you doing it as, and which routine are you using?

Also. That is a VERY BAD place to bot sb at. So much traffic, and so many PTs go there to SB.. it will be obvious you are a bot sooner or later.
i'm doing it as warrior since
its the one that just keeps going
when i go BLM... it says
a lot of times...
(( waiting for HEALTH / MANA. ))

I just load the BOT under (( orderbot ))
i really dont know which / how to load a routine.

which place do BOTs go to SB ??
i posted a video of this
and someone requested the log
but how do i pull LOG out.
As for places to go to SB.. just run around and find a quiet place.. there are many of them.. I end up doing lvl 44-45 mobs to SB off of since I found a nice isolated spot with no traffic.. except one other person who now goes there to sb.. and farm an item.. Sure it takes longer than killing ilvl48-50 mobs.. but I'm sb'ing crafting/gathering gear.. so 48-50 mobs take a while to kill with a shitty weapon anyways..

As for the BLM.. if you are using kupo (default routine).. i'm not too sure since I havent touched blm since 1.0 ifrit days.. but that sounds like a routine issue in itself.. since BLM uses abilities to regen mana.. it sounds like you are going through mana then the routine is picking up as showing low mp before doing whatever ability it is that gives you mana..

I'm not too positive if any of the CRs out there currently support blm.. I notice most of them are for melee classes (including bard).. but yeah that sounds like what your issue is.

**The log is found in the Logs folder of your RB.
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