<Name>Aldgoat Skin</Name>
<GrindArea name="beginning_area">
<Hotspot Radius="80" X="-284.0486" Y="-36.32752" Z="71.0205" name="beginning_area" />
<TargetMob name="Myotragus Billy" />
<TargetMob name="Myotragus Nanny" />
<Grind grindRef="beginning_area" while="Core.Player.ClassLevel < 51" />
replace xyz with wherever.. use Reborn Console (plugin that comes with RB) and do:
Change targetmob name to whichever.. but thats just a basic orderbot grinding profile for you to base your profile off of.
Hey Zamphire.
so i tried to make this code
but, it is looking way too obvious that its a bot.
the target mob could be right in front of me
but the bot will make my character
go back and forth
back and forth
without actually getting to the "water sprite"
and engaging it.
i have to stop it.
since there are people around
and they will notice a bot.
if i just let it run.
this is my code :::
hopefully you or someone in the community can clean it up.
and make it actually work (( this is in quarrymill btw ))
<Name>Spirit BONDING</Name>
<GrindArea name="Spirit BONDING">
<Hotspot Radius="200" XYZ="587.9095, 21.66599, 111.0817" />
<TargetMob name="Water Sprite" />
<Grind grindRef="Spirit BONDING" while="Core.Player.ClassLevel < 51" />