2015-10-18 15:00:43,498 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - You won the game. Waiting 15-30 seconds for leave button!
2015-10-18 15:00:53,398 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG DefaultBot - Logic switched to BaseMapLogic
2015-10-18 15:01:05,250 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Game finished! Clicking the leave button!
2015-10-18 15:01:34,272 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Match is starting! Waiting...
2015-10-18 15:01:39,420 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG DefaultBot - Logic switched to BaseMapLogic
2015-10-18 15:01:39,420 [Pulsator Thread] INFO BotEvents - Map Changed to (Unknown)
2015-10-18 15:01:40,702 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-18 15:01:41,363 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG DefaultBot - Logic switched to GardenOfTerror
2015-10-18 15:01:41,364 [Pulsator Thread] INFO BotEvents - Map Changed to Garden of Terror (GardenOfTerror)
2015-10-18 15:01:47,597 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-18 15:01:54,226 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-18 15:02:00,954 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-18 15:02:02,159 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Catalog - Loaded 968 entries for Unit catalog.
2015-10-18 15:02:07,415 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-18 15:02:14,819 [Pulsator Thread] INFO DefaultCombatRoutine - Current combat logic set to LiLi
2015-10-18 15:02:14,862 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Navigator - Navigator selected lane 0
2015-10-18 15:02:14,862 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Navigator - Navigator is using 27 waypoints for the lane!
2015-10-18 15:02:14,862 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Navigator - Navigator skipped 1 waypoints when switching lanes.
2015-10-18 15:02:14,862 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseMapLogic - Idling for security pause
2015-10-18 15:02:15,888 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseMapLogic - Idling for security pause
2015-10-18 15:02:16,890 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseMapLogic - Idling for security pause
2015-10-18 15:02:17,912 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseMapLogic - Idling for security pause
2015-10-18 15:02:18,937 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseMapLogic - Idling for security pause
2015-10-18 15:02:19,957 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseMapLogic - Idling for security pause
2015-10-18 15:02:30,725 [Pulsator Monitoring Thread] FATAL Pulsator - Pulse Monitor detected very long pulse time of 00:00:10.0142888. Restarting the bot in case of deadlocks.
2015-10-18 15:02:35,712 [Pulsator Thread] FATAL Pulsator - Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
2015-10-18 15:02:35,712 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Pulsator - System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
в GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
в GreyMagic.Executor.ExecuteInternal(Boolean inject, Int32 timeout)
в GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
в GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
в Buddy.GameEngine.Pulsator.Pulse()
в Buddy.GameEngine.Pulsator.?????????????????????????????????????????()
2015-10-18 19:20:41,178 [13] ERROR MainWindowViewModel - Game Process has exited. Shutting down!