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If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

  • Druid

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  • Paladin

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  • Mage

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  • Rogue

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  • Shaman

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  • Warlock

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  • Death Knight

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  • Priest

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  • Hunter

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  • Warrior

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If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

Please state why in detail why x class has an advantage to farm while using GB.

Range - Pet Classes....
Ranges don't have to walk to the Mobs and their Pets can tank and "kill" the enemy alone
(works great if the bot has an problem and doesn't fight against the enemy).

I prefere a hunter or a DK. Hunter has the advantaged above and DK has so much DPS / Selfheal
well he is just imba ^^
Tauren DK's for the herb gathering cast reduction racial or just DK's in general for their high survivability and mount speed talent =)
Well once you get geared in your lvl 85 honor gear with enchants and gems your bot will handle the bizz

was thinking about trying shockadin because i bot this account but i think if i like shockadin ill make this account my main
Hehe i bot as a shockadin. Working great
noticed other day wouldnt druid be faster herbers cos they dont have to dismount (flight form ) to gather
ok... like Suntzzz sayd... Farming as in Herbalism / Mining i would say Alliance: night elf Druid Horde: Tauren druid. Druid obviously because being able to Herb in flight form is OP as hell. Night elf for alliance b/c if you aggro something, you can simply Shadowmeld and pop flight form. and Tauren because Herb time is like 0.5 Sec.

If your talking about Mob grinding where u have to kill stuff. i would say Beast Mastery Hunter. Alliance: worgen Horde: Orc. this allows the big Pet HP / armor with quite a bit of HP regen with Spirit Bond from the spec

One of the fastest Botted toons i had was a Feral druid.... Melee down the add really quick... and heal up afterword, and then melee some more to regen Mana
so i did SoR i can get any character i want at level 80 which should it be? i am currently leveling a tauren druid level 42, so i dont want a druid because i will be mining aswell, mining/herbing ??? so what should i lebel beast mastery hunter, or a pally and what spec?
Tauren Druids are the best no question about it for gathering i even dropped herbalism from my main and changed it to the druid and i'll do the same for mining soon
I did druid only because I played horde and he was a tauren. Who needs to kill crap when you can herb faster than they can realize you are there.

edit: also if you need to go farm out in the water swim form is op.
Got 16 Feral (cat) Druids Fully 390 PVP Gear (with no enchant / gems / glyphs) and they never dead and can handle 4/5 mobs +