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If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

  • Druid

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  • Paladin

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  • Mage

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  • Rogue

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  • Shaman

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  • Warlock

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  • Death Knight

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  • Priest

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  • Hunter

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  • Warrior

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Well, if its just grinding farming, im using ma rogue.. With the new recooperaid (or whats its name) thay have much more surviveability... But for Farming herbs/mines/ w e, i use my druid, herbing in Flight form ;D its ownage :)
Weird, I have 3 pallys farming, BUT my mage (Which i didn't bot to 80, bought him on that lvl) beats them all in survivability on GB.
Even with better gear (100k+ life vs 65k life) the mage does better if he gets attacked.
So more deaths on pally (if any) but more speed cuz of Crusader Aura
so their equal.

If you also look for an easy class to lvl take pally oder warlock
Druids are by far the best for only Herbalism. Otherwise Paladins and DK's of any of spec are best.
My 3 favorites ..not in any particular order. Mage,Warlock,Deathknight

Pally or Huntard if you have one! ^_-
Herbs - Druids hands down since they don't need to get out of form (just shaves a couple of seconds of each node but it does add up after a while)
Mining - Pally,DK - Unholy Presence/Crusader Aura for the 15% movement
Skinning - Anything that can self heal or basically 0 downtime between mobs (Pally/DK/Druid/Hunter/Lock/shadow priest) and warrior forgot how IMBA Victory Rush is in PvE.

Instances - Pally/DK/Druid are my choices
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I use a druid and a pali now. I have used a rogue dk lock and mage also. DK use to be great before 4.0 hit and blood was all tanking. But druids are by far, hands down, no argument the best at farming. I dont care what ppl say palis will NOT farm faster then druids just because of the 20% increase in flight speed. It sounds great in theory but in reality your not flying long enough from node to node to truly see any benefit from the speed boost. The ability to insta cast to flight after mining and not getting out of flight form for herb gathering alone will pass up a pali every time. Plus since you dont have to get out of flight form for gathering herbs if you are attacked you will more then likely not be taken out of flight form and you move on ending the fight. So here it is as a FACT as far as speed goes for farming: 1 druid, 2 pali, 3 who cares they are a waste of time ;)
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i may only farm for myself and some friends but i have like 5 farmers and by far the best is the druid, faster herbing plus bearform for survivability plus self healing
just my 2 cents

when does gatherbuddy heal? because mine doesnt. i know people say to put food and drink in the 3-4 slots but my guy never touches it..
I usually have some type of heal built into a macro but nah GB wont use it on its own. That would be REALLY sweet though if it did.
I use 2 DK's with blood spec, extra points going into frost for pale horse. 1 is Mine/BS, other is Mine/Herb. The one with BS made all gear they wear. The 1 with Mine/Herb I switch back and forth as need arises.
Do have a druid lvling up only lvl 80 now. But I do notice even tho druid flight form is faster, GB still kinda hangs and takes about same time as would take to mount, dismount on my tauren dk. Tauren druid = fasted flower picker out there. Wish was way he could fly off even if in combat. He can go down pick flower and be gone even if getting hit because so fast. Need a "ignore combat for first 10 seconds" button or something.

With the heals I have it mixed in with the macro. Search the macro section will see. Or if just lazy could add a heal into one of your attack buttons. Use 6 or 7.
For my druid I don't even have food/drink on bar. I put a heal in food spot, and innervate on drink spot.
ATM the way dk's are you get a unholy dk with full crafted pvp gear you will 1 shot anything(other then plate wears you have to 2 shot them)
when does gatherbuddy heal? because mine doesnt. i know people say to put food and drink in the 3-4 slots but my guy never touches it..

if i remember correct you can enable it in the Other tab, a checkbox with 'eat when you have low hp' or so.
It's all situational IMO. My DK used to be the bomb-diggity until this expansion. Now it's a pain getting the right combo setup for GB. My warlock is pretty well geared and annihilates anything in Twilight which mean less deaths which = more uptime :).
I use mainly Gatherbuddy and I used a warlock to start with and it was pretty good, they are awesome just because of there pet and survivability and lower repair costs because of cloth. Then my next farmer was a mage with a water elemental and I can say was wow, was I impressed, they make their own food, good survivability and low repair costs. I then started botting a Paladin and they are pretty good as well, plate, kill things fast and heal. They have higher repair costs, but you find they don't die as often so it's less of a factor. I also bot some druids and they are nice because of the not having to shapeshift, etc, but I find they die a lot in Balance spec anyways (I haven't tried Feral at 85 anyways) and that brings down their time a lot. I haven't tried a DK, but from what some people are saying I think I might go ahead and see what I can do with one. Overall I prefer the Warlock or Paladin, then Mage, then Druid. Just personal preference though...
I have 2 DKs farming. One of very good geared frost (my raiding gear on) and he can kill things super fast but I experience some deaths from others. But the other... Full PvP gear and blood PvP spec really rips asses so hard that makes Peter North feel a pencildick mofo. I see logs after some hours 76 kills one death, most of the kills being other players/bots. For herbs I have a tauren druid with 310% flying speed and it is insane. I used to die until I started using Motherclucker CC. It is much better.