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If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

  • Druid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death Knight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Priest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hunter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior

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New Member
Feb 24, 2010
[GB] If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

If you focus on Farming, what class would be your pick?

Please state why in detail why x class has an advantage to farm while using GB.
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I'm using a Prot Pally. The easy regen of Mana and the ability to self heal and to take on more than one mob at a time.
Overall I think pally wins, in almost any configuration.

At first I hated my druid but I do love the fact that after I set him to just herbing it's probably one of the more effecient farmers out there. I did have a lot of problems with deaths starting out but once I found some better macro's I was set.
My 2 best farmers are my Pally and my DK. If geared correctly and a good AOE profile is configured, they make huge bank and dont need to carry around food/water. Those 2 toons carry maybe 40 of each food/drink and usually 14-16 hours later they only use 4-5 food/water. I average around 110-120k per week off those toons combined, but i don't run them 24/7.
Seal of insight and blessing of might. You never stop you never die FTW

Very true, although as good as the bot is, it doesnt win against world pvp and the pricks who like to kill my farmers :D Most likely why I drink/eat at all is from pvp deaths.
Well once you get geared in your lvl 85 honor gear with enchants and gems your bot will handle the bizz

was thinking about trying shockadin because i bot this account but i think if i like shockadin ill make this account my main
Pally and dk make excellent farmers but at the same time druid doesnt need to come out of flight mode to farm and i think rogues can farm without agroing by using stealth [not sure if this is right]
Pally and dk make excellent farmers but at the same time druid doesnt need to come out of flight mode to farm and i think rogues can farm without agroing by using stealth [not sure if this is right]

Unfortunatly, rogues have to leave stealth to farm/mine. :(
Depends on what you mean..in terms of farming via grinding mobs then I would say warlock or hunter. Wtih gatherbuddy however I would have to go with paladins. If gb had better logic like hb then things would probably be different although you cant beat crusader aura.
Paladins and DKs have mounts speed increases, druids can herb without leaving travel form.
If you're going to have a dedicated farming account then pick the following as nothing can beat it.

Mining: Paladin
Herbing: Druid

I have four accounts:

1. Pally - mine/herb <-- ret pally, he's about the same as DK
2. Druid - herb <-- not sure how to get him to do flight mode only without mounting, otherwise not bad
3. Warlock - mine/herb <-- he can hold his own if he's got enough pet
4. DK - mine/herb <-- same as pally

Inside of those accounts i have mains who are cloths - they are utter garbage for farming, death after death after death. Only usefull for pve raiding
I am getting a little tired of threads like this. Countless such threads have been made. Pages upon pages of people's suggestions are posted throughout the forums - go do some research.

But to throw in my two cents, so this post is not all flaming and whining: Paladin is superior, imho.

DKs are also a good choice, but with the removal of the Blood DPS specc, much of their survivability is gone. The Paladin survivability has been boosted massively.
I am getting a little tired of threads like this. Countless such threads have been made. Pages upon pages of people's suggestions are posted throughout the forums - go do some research.

But to throw in my two cents, so this post is not all flaming and whining: Paladin is superior, imho.

DKs are also a good choice, but with the removal of the Blood DPS specc, much of their survivability is gone. The Paladin survivability has been boosted massively.

Why are DK's 2nd in the poll then?
paladin or dk for mining (speed buff and heals)
druids for herbing (generally doesn't get out of flight form except for agro / stuck)

paladin or dk or mining + herbing

for leveling / grinding up - many classes are capable, but paladins and shammies are quite attractive in these area's! (yes, lots of other classes, too - but these are my fav)
My main toons for farming are dk and war, second is hunter, third is druid.

I chose the dk(herb) and war(miner) as they are pretty tough, plus pally's are NOT my thing. Hunter because pet can keep agro while i herb/mine. Druid is herb as mentioned no need to leave flight form. Shammy and war are my skinners, really either way i have every class and can alternate whatever gathering i need them to do.

i may only farm for myself and some friends but i have like 5 farmers and by far the best is the druid, faster herbing plus bearform for survivability plus self healing
just my 2 cents