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I have just lost ALL of my accounts, even the non-botted ones

Really sad to hear about all the bannes going out, i heard something about blizzard now can detect your CPU usage, so when you bot it should not use the same cpu useage as if your where playing your self.

Things you maybe can do, and have helpt me alot, is not to change the mac addresse, that just means someone els in your house is using your account, and there rules state that its your own fault, you need to change your outgoing up, so buy a ***** program, so it looks like your from another contry or city. What im doing atm, and working so far, is bot on the ***** server alot of the time, some times change close the ***** program and use your own IP, "you will probberly get alot of mail chaning password cause they know someone els are in your account" Now if you get banned, you can always blame that your wherent home at that time cause of someting and you got hacked, blizzard will look at the logs and see 2 or 3 diffent IPs have been on your account, and assume that your where hacke,d you will get your account back and working. :) works for me, desited to do this cause i got 3 accounts banned some month ago. so had to do someting els. And dont let your accounts be in your own names beside your main account "that you not bot on" All "farming account" use a family name or something, and dont have more accounts on 1 account, but diffrent account on dirffent emails.

Hope it helps for others.
shit son.. ive lost like 30+ accounts, some i played to level 20 unbotted (brand fucking new RAF) insta ban on both accnts.

some i have had them farming on 3 different servers, 3 seperate IPS / vmware all banned exactly same time..

had 2 of my main accounts banned cause i was powerleveling my toons in a dungeon unbotted and still got the 3rd party software..

They have done some Very illegal bullshit to me.. Honorbuddy isnt safe =) plain and simple..

but, everyone has that choice.. ive lost over 800$ on accounts and couldnt even get past level 85 without being banned. Thus leading to a 0$ profit, Period.

so, imo they shouldnt even release a version of HB but.. i understand wanting to get rich i do hah.

Main acc got banned like 2 months ago, havent touched HB since.

Heed my caution Fpsware - i love your CC and such for Druid, and everything else you do. but, you are a target =x No matter what you do, how many clever tricks you can think of, any acc you make will most likely get banned from now on just like mine were.
Really sad to hear about all the bannes going out, i heard something about blizzard now can detect your CPU usage, so when you bot it should not use the same cpu useage as if your where playing your self.

the CPU thing is wrong, I do a lot of my pc while playing wow, even if I was not botting my cpu usage can get high from rendering having other programs open like photoshop and more. So what you heard was wrong they cant ASSUME you are a botter due to high cpu usage lol
I wouldnt put it past Blizzard to cheat to defeat the botting community.
In other words go against court orders and monitor thier clients like they were ordered not to.

Besides it would be hard to prove. Although they would lose a pile of $$ because im sure alot of cash is generated by our community.

I wouldnt play if I couldnt Bot. Its just too boring otherwise.

But then you'd probably also know how easily mac and hdd serials can be faked by tools searching for that information and how unreliable it would be as a means for catching bots. I highly doubt they'd invest too much time with this, but it's cool.

Its fine we disagree over something we're both just second guessing.

does make me think though why I lost 4 bot accounts but my 5th account that I was playing by hand (with lazy raider) was fine... And they were all in the same battle.net... :-/

HDD Serials are easy to change , Create a Ramdisk and run your stuff from there, copy into and backto the HD, then delete the ramdisk and create a new one ... it should have a new ID if you change the block size ......just my 2c. The Upside to it is all your stuff runs F A S T!
Sounds like the main account ban/s was a direct "F you" from Blizzard. Is it wrong? Sure is, but they can and have ... assholes they are.
Update. All accounts are still banned. I'm still submitting tickets daily for my main account but this is unlikely to yield any positive outcome.

I recently started 3 more accounts. All under different emails, battle.net, paypal accounts. They too have been banned.
Update. All accounts are still banned. I'm still submitting tickets daily for my main account but this is unlikely to yield any positive outcome.

I recently started 3 more accounts. All under different emails, battle.net, paypal accounts. They too have been banned.

Was it on the same pc you used before ? With the same ip? Same windows installation ?
I don't think this was just an attack on developers. I was banned while playing by hand after taking over the bot. I had switched over to the beta version of HB because everyone was saying it was much faster, which it was. But I'm still sticking to HB Beta is detectable. There are just way too many 72 hour bans going out right now.

My account was clean and had zero bans on it. I play on one of the CRZ free realms, I almost never ran into another person which would make the odds of getting reported lower than the average I would imagine. I think Blizzard is cleaning house and trying to strike fear into botters, which for me personally, they have. I hate leveling by hand, but I just can't risk losing my account.

To be clear this is my one and only account. I do not farm on it to make gold.
I had a thought about it and I got banned on the same day I installed the new Battle.net client beta.
Coincidence?, maybe.