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I have just lost ALL of my accounts, even the non-botted ones

I think it was IP Ban, Fps comes from a land with static ip?s. Thats what i recognized few times, blizzard ban by IP?s atm. Cant understand this method why they do this hard game with us.
I think it was IP Ban, Fps comes from a land with static ip?s. Thats what i recognized few times, blizzard ban by IP?s atm. Cant understand this method why they do this hard game with us.

Highly doubt it. Think lan centres, college campus', internet cafes, etc.
Did u think on IP Ban (incl. MAC or HWID) ; Blizz scan IP and check all running WOW Accounts manual! If all WOW Accounts running in the same machine or a large number of Accounts, they Ban all because no one use 8 Accounts on 1 machine excl. Multiboxxer. And everyone can see that Botters are no Multiboxxers.

Trust me, i know what i say ;)
I don't multibox, mostly because I'm too much of a perfectionist on the task at hand when I program. Testing would be another thing, but that's what I have the community for.
Trust me, i know what i say


But then you'd probably also know how easily mac and hdd serials can be faked by tools searching for that information and how unreliable it would be as a means for catching bots. I highly doubt they'd invest too much time with this, but it's cool.

Its fine we disagree over something we're both just second guessing.

does make me think though why I lost 4 bot accounts but my 5th account that I was playing by hand (with lazy raider) was fine... And they were all in the same battle.net... :-/
everyone Please let us know if you used same IP/MAC on all accounts, it might not be important but i would like to know anyway
Mine were same IP, but not always same MAC. Multiple computers, depends on where I am in my house.
Part of me really believes this was directed at dev's from HB such as FPSware and Brodieman, definately looks like a big cleanup by Blizz for sure. I bet they really sit back and consider each time they ban. Because I know me personally would be DONE with wow if it wasnt for the botting aspect. They can afford to lose our community as i think alot of ppl bot.
same thing happened to me last month lost 13 accounts including my main account. opened ticket only got my main account back that i never bot on. All account were clean never suspended or banned before, some with my own name and some with random names. i don't really farm ores /herbs that much usually just do raids with lazyraider. been botting since glider i got alot of accounts banned usually just 2-3 accounts at a time, this is the first time that they ban all my account at once all with same email and same time "Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy". guess time to take a break.
Unfortunately, changing MAC addresses depending on the location in the house wouldn't work. If you have 3 computers and 5 accounts, and use each of those 5 accounts going back and forth between those 3 computers, they'll put 2 and 2 together. It wouldn't even be difficult.

Instead, I would recommend the following scenario: 2 email addresses; 2 paypal accounts (or pay with pre-paid cards); 2 different computers (or 1 VPC with a spoofed MAC address); 1 ***** ***.

Associate an account with a computer (or MAC address) and a MAC address with an IP (the ***** *** is your 2nd IP). Only play an account in its associated MAC address and IP. Only access battle.net account website from the associated MAC address. If you have an authenticator, make sure they sync times from different IP addresses, especially if you use a PC-based authenticator.

I think the above is the only way to keep accounts isolated (if you really care to do so). However, I doubt most people would go through the trouble. If you don't follow ALL of the steps above, it would be ridiculously easy for Blizz to determine which accounts belong to which user.

EDIT: Seriously? You draw moral boundaries on ***** and ***? They're not even illegal. Hell, I have to use one to remote into work from home.
i am sorry for your lost. as i think its a hit agains hb devolper. idk how they found out its you but i have some questions.

if you take donations does your pp email is the same as your bnet-loggin?
if not: is your pp name the same as your bnet accountname?
if you writte an email form your pp account do you see your real name (bnetacc name)?
did you ever uploaded logs? if yes can you see in your HB/wow path your real name? i mean like C:\Users\<Eric cartman>\Desktop\HB
do you sell some of your products for HB on your own site? do you have an own company(for wow/hb products)? if so is it on the same (rl) name as your wow account.
LOL video removed. ooops, I may have explosed my character name for a second :)
how many ppl did see the vid? and could there be an reup on an other site?
did you ever uploaded screens form your wow/screenshots folder?
maybe you just was unlucky. so they just banned you for boting. i do not think think they ban every day not more then 5 ppl with (exactly) 11 accounts. after asking they changed to 72h. after they seen someone posted here in forum he lost 11 accs+ is from NZ they could be sure it was you so they changed 72h to perm again

so if they were really out for ya there are (what i am sure about) this could be the points they find you

i hope it helps

Very sad news, fpsware. I read all the 4 pages hoping that you could find a solution, but sadly didn't find. You're a hero around here, and I hope you manage to get at least your non-botted accounts somehow, but if you don't, I am sure the community will help to raise funds for you to acquire new accounts with your demands.

Best of luck for you!
People with multiple banned accounts, were they linked on a battle account? or did they find them all with your credit card payment or account id, so were you as a person in effect banned, so that all accounts with your name on them was banned. or did they use your ip on your computer? could it be they got account information on HB forums and then searched blizzard acocunts for your personal name. Seems that this was more administration related info banning than actual in game observation.

in order to pay HB people have to use their real name, if blizzard got this info..
Well, as someone who's now had active/nonactive/us/eu accounts banned in a single swoop let me tell you what i know;

3 battle.nets;
a) with US/EU/Active/NONactive accts.
b) with US/Active accts
c) with US Active accts

Different email address hosts
Same Surname
B used Credit card. C used game time cards. A used both credit and gametime.
All botted through same IP (along with my wife and kids accounts seperatly - neither of which are banned btw).

account A = 100% BANNED
account B = 100% BANNED
account C = 100% fine

So...Make what you will of that.
In the last hour I have lost ALL of my accounts (11 accounts), that includes my non-botted main accounts and interestingly, some of them have not been active for over six months.

I received the same email for each and every account:
Account Closure Notification -- Exploitative Activity Found

I can accept the fact my farming accounts were banned as that is the nature of what I do but I cannot accept my non-botted inactive (six months) accounts.


Last night I called the support line and spoke to a very helpful guy at Blizard. Unfortunately he was unable to help me at the time but was able to provide some interesting information. As the guy on the phone was only able to deal with general enquiries.

But what he did tell me is that it was identified as a "genuine strike". And he explained that by saying a person, not an automated system, visually observed the accounts in question using third-party software. If it had have been an automated ban he would have been able to reverse it instantly.

So this morning I wake to an email saying that my ban has been thoroughly investigated and has been overturned to a 72 hours suspension. But, reading up further I have another email from Blizzard stating the previous response was mistake and the ban will remain in place.

As it stands right now I have lost 11 accounts in total, a few of these were not associated by contact information or payment details as they were given to me awhile ago by friends who no longer play the game. I'm not concerned that my farming/botting accounts were banned, as that is the nature of what we do and from time to time bans are expected. What I am extremely pissed off with is the banning of my non-botted main accounts.

were you using a credit card?
i'm feeling really sorry for you.
i hope you did not use real billing information or did anything else on any accounts that can compromise your personal security.

as many developers were targeted, let's hope you'll not get sued by blizz