Yeah will do about checking fresh Parses
On a side note. Before we implement a setting for Explosive trap you can use the Explosive Trap glyph.
If the glyph is active it won't ever use Explosive trap.
Yeah will do about checking fresh Parses
A question, why it never cast "Kill Shot" and prefers Cobra Shot when under 20% of health?
Depending a bit on settings (use in single target) and spec but it will auto use barrage when there are more than 1 target and AoE is enabled.Does it normally use barrage automatically (on +2 targets?) & does this change if the barrage key is enabled?
the manual hot key - I press alt P . . and it does not stop - keeps firing? How do you toggle/pause it off? I should not be casting when the twins cast interrupting shout
A question, why it never cast "Kill Shot" and prefers Cobra Shot when under 20% of health?
Can you post a log?
Ok I found the problem.
It seems right now that Kill Shot will not be used when you are below level 100.
I'll fix this for the next version.
priority with kill command seems to be off for t17 2 piece - its not using it on cd
does the cr work with dire beast as well?
Yes it works with all talents.
KC is being used on CD during Single Target. Only FF/BW/Stampede/DB is used over KC ST.
AoE is a diferent story where KC should not be used on CD. MS/Barrage/ET/SF-Uptime is prioritized above.
Not sure but just from my feeling, isn't it better to use KC on CD even in aoe because of t17 2set bonus to reset BW ? could be wrong, i am not the theorycrafting guy
Nope, and this isn't just a feeling. This is theorycrafting with extensive testing.
ok ok sorry for asking questions.
View attachment 171744
i have a big problem for this routine i have note acces "classe confi"
I bought the routine but I can not have access to the configuration
thxs for repply
If someone has the glyph of misdirection, the CR keeps using misdirection infinitely if there is "auto misdirection on focus/pet" activated.