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Secret to botting successfully :1/ Have a solid discipline to balance a job and life and still move ahead botting 2/ Have absolutely no life and what ever discipline you have you put it towards botting.
It's all me.

Ok Time to dissect you. NHK.

1. Don't base sales or demand off of just you. You aren't the only RMTer alive.
1-a If you get banned, and you do, there's a very high chance your "clients" will be dragged along, I don't think they will buy from you again.
1-b The Chinese run bigger operations then you, they can undercut you anyday, and will undercut you. Your customers will be theirs.
1-c This goes back to the banned point in 1-a. I don't get banned, thefore my chinese buyers will not as well. Do you think the chinese work out of one account? They have an account for each individual person selling them orb. How do I know? I sell under different names to see what the actual market is before selling my batches.
1-d You don't account for the fact you are selling for more then the other competition? Short stock, not well known? Well, what a perfect world you live in.

I do things way more planed then your little fail operation.

I run it all by myself, extra plugins come from Alcor, and tonyx.

So, what are "unbiased" and good botting habits?
Also how it's possible to level, equip, maintain 120+ accounts and at the same time, make sure they run 24/7, never get banned AND be able to have time to chance uniques, communicate with resellers AND the same time releasing plugins and posting here.
I'm sure more people would like to know about it, some people itt already asked you btw. Apparently all botters are getting banned except for you.

Unbiased views that since you can't be successful, no one else can. Jelly is real bro.
Good botting habits means you don't get banned, doing 24/7.

It's possible, but since your biased on the topic, you will never believe it's possible. You think after getting the chars to farm optimal, I re-equip them every hour? Your're a tool. I can manage that many accounts because;
I don't get banned, so the account are there, I do batches, 10 + banker, roughly 5 months ago it was all done. But wait, it's not possiburu to auto equip. Right, keep thinking that, because plugins aren't public, they must not exist.

I don't chance uniques, never have, where did you get the mis-information from?

The sellers talk to me, I said I was on their speed dial. I'm selling Exalts for their price, so they can undercut people like you. You think they give a fuck if I demand 0.75 instead of market 0.7? I'm selling them 500 Exalts a day. And I mean not always one buyer, some can only take 100 Exalts a day. I'd love to see your playerauction or whatever 3rdparty placement websites you post to attempt to sell. An ant shouldn't try to be a anteater. Who's every botter? The ones that post here? I only see a few chronic banned ones. Oh wait, are you basing your facts off of what you see on the surface again? Tsk Tsk.

2-a You have no clue how many botters there are on EB, or Crapy-Exile-whaterver it's called. So don't biased your information on unknowns.
2-b I'm not getting banned, because I've been banned, and systematically devised logical tests against GGG's checks, tested, failed, and repeated. That's how I am where I am today.

Also almost all uniques (except for a few, which are out of reach for 99% of botters)
You are correct, I did mis-read that, but.
It's out of reach because of the Drop rates. If you have a lot of bots, your overall drop rate for those increases.
The same can be said for the more mobs you kill > MF but kill less.

I spend 5 hours a day on maintenance and overall bot upkeep. I work at a grocery store 8 AM - 8 PM, I go out, I used to take care of my Kid.

5 Hour Breakdown;
10 Pcs's, 12 Instance of Poe on each PC
10 24/7 Bots, 1 Banker for offline, 1 for Trading Poll.
When I get home, I click a botton on banker and trasfer via trading starts. Thanks to Alcor for those plugins.
Trade poll will auto invite and trade with players matching certain criteria.

That's the overview, there's little things in there to keep my accs safe but =).

7 days a week. 7 Different paypals, 1 banker has his own skype, all bankers have the same contact list.

My Phone is notified when I get skype calls, I sell to Chinese through my phone and it takes 5 mins.

That's how you run an operation. pushedx added many, many QoL to automate things, no one publicly uses them, but those who know, will and we cut our times down exponentially.

One Man Operation, and I've shown proof overtime of what my Pc's can do. Believe me or not I care not. But by all means, don't stop trying, My fodders.

Edit - Typos gree.
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Just a few days ago you've said

Now it doesn't matter? ;)

I wonder how many times i have to write "it's NOT about the Chinese", so you will stop referring to them.

I see. Still have enough time to come here every day and brag about your superiority. I guess that's as important for you as your job and stuff. ;)

Some people needs education there.

1) The league has nothing to do with game mechanics.
2) You talked about non-chinese resellers, meanwhile chinese ones are asking for orbs. (2 different markets)
3) I'm tired, sometimes too much to feel my heart and my brain beat. But I still try to give joy to family, gf, have a promotion at the office, and develop plugins. What have you done? Except exposing us a nice dunning kruger demonstration.

Everything in life is important, considering the degree of importance you give to them.
Some people did not gave enough for your education. Anyway, at this point I'll just add you to my ignore list. You don't wanna believe people are succeeding in something? Cool, but if you can't do better don't bother bragging and spreading bullshit around in the threads.
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Well but still everyones bot explores instance in the same way, creating pattern, there is no escaping from ban. Getting stuck in certain maps or not being able to transition affects all EB users
That's because you are using public plugins, when you can make your custom plugins. Things are different.
I never doubted that. But still even with full automation it's not going to be fully afk. I recall from 2012 about one D3 botting farm with 100+ accounts. There were three guys maintaining it, each on 8hr shift, without breaks (except for server maintenance, patch downtime etc.).
That's D3 with RMAH, way bigger community + way bigger demand for in-game currency. They have managed to last three months before Blizz banned their accounts. Their bots were also vendoring all the legendaries, collecting only gold, because it wasn't profitable to do otherwise. With all automation and RMAH - still, no less than 3 guys on shifts. Not 1 with 120+ accs, not with all the PoE shenanigans.
And here you have this DBF story. Not not saying it's 100% impossible, just sounds little fishy for me. And of course ge's not going to share anything (no one would). Well... ;)
How many years has it been? It's fully AFK, the game is a joke when you're at max potential. D3 the guys didn't make their own things, then ran other people's things. D3 dev is not pushedx, compare d3 bot to eb bot, code wise, EB is superior. They lasted 3 months, I've lasted 1+ year. Idk dude.. You gotta leave that little globe called Tinfoil world.
@dbf why the hell are you still working at a grocery store 12h/day . you should be a programmer or something if you automated all that stuff.
@dbf why the hell are you still working at a grocery store 12h/day . you should be a programmer or something if you automated all that stuff.
Because of benefits, and It's a stable job. I'm 64K after taxes.
From my future standpoint. I'll be 100~k Hopefully in 10 years time.
Poe has no such future, and is a risky second job as it is.

Edit - alcor, tonyx, and pushedx's help I've come to where I am. And I just know how to use tonyx's brains for my gains properly *wink*
AutoEquip does Exists guys :)
It's all mine, haha. No one has helped me, I promise xD
Yup, Alcor just send me another version, totally diff. You should get that com dev tag, I have big plans that will require your skills, hint. It's between my legs j/k ;P.(PLZ DONT MUTE)
Yup, Alcor just send me another version, totally diff. You should get that com dev tag, I have big plans that will require your skills, hint. It's between my legs j/k ;P.(PLZ DONT MUTE)

I said, already did but they ignored me. Maybe pushedx could take a look at it. But it's just a title.
how are you managing the orb trade ups? or are the chinese buying fuses and shit aswell? If you care to say that is
Oh that was one of the QoL alcor added ages ago, we've been doing that since vendor API was added. Chinese buy one specific type, rare occasions they buy bulk of certain things, for their clients. Which nets me more then selling that one specific type. In game trading we also have Trade pollers which are on trade channels watching and will automate something for us, well I do, which will net me faster trades then average Joe.
Oh also, on the fly id's original purpose was what you suggested, Infinite Monkeys, but we never got around to it. I think I did a 50 bot run for a week sample size to figure out the worth and timing on id and drop vs pure clears for orbs. The latter outweighed the first.
Ye i meant trading chromes / fuses / chaos and other stuff for exalts :) thanks for the answer tho. Since when do you leak so much information? haha thanks bro