In first months in a new league, sure. At the end of the league - not so much, and even Standard sucks now, because players/buyers just quit the game until expansion/new leagues are launched. Also almost all uniques (except for a few, which are out of reach for 99% of botters) and levelled gems are pisscheap on poetrade because of oversaturation. Which leads to orb shuffling (in order to obtain ex), which inevitably leads to devaluation of other orbs to exalted.
PoE RMT has one advantage over WoW - orbs are selling way faster than wow gold (on demand prices). Also Blizz is banning like crazy these days, a banwave hits every month. Just reactivated one old account to test - it lasted 3 days before permaban (botting only 10hr/day).
Oh so the sarcastic context to tony was based on this.
You have no clue what you are talking about, that or buyers hate you. I'm on speed dial on skype for almost all rmt buyers. I get asked for orbs in excess 500+ exalts daily, believe me or not, I care not. Your biased bad botting habits getting you banned, therefore not successful, is your issue.
It's a known fact that people leave the game and flock back on expansions, new content, that's nothing new.
What you fail to realize, hence your statements, is that those aren't the majority buying orbs. The majority are the ones heavily invested in the game, are the returning buyers.
Standard has always held the bulk of players, Chris Wilson released statements and charts a while back backing this up. I have to find it.
No uniques are out of reach of buyers, are you crazy? Botters, good ones, most likely supply uniques to the flippers, I know I supply quite a lot of uniques, including mirrors ( rocks and barrels are OP as hell ).
What level gems are you leveling? You are doing the gems market wrong.
I gain 1/4 of my Exalts from drops, half from orbs, and the last from pure items alone.
Meta and crafting runs the orb market, supply is always needed on crafting.
Poe has exponential fold smaller player size then WoW, easily exploitable market cap, free to play advantage, yet I'm making more money in it then WoW.
You're just bad at botting, but please continue, it's good canon fodd for my accounts.