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In first months in a new league, sure. At the end of the league - not so much, and even Standard sucks now, because players/buyers just quit the game until expansion/new leagues are launched. Also almost all uniques (except for a few, which are out of reach for 99% of botters) and levelled gems are pisscheap on poetrade because of oversaturation. Which leads to orb shuffling (in order to obtain ex), which inevitably leads to devaluation of other orbs to exalted.

PoE RMT has one advantage over WoW - orbs are selling way faster than wow gold (on demand prices). Also Blizz is banning like crazy these days, a banwave hits every month. Just reactivated one old account to test - it lasted 3 days before permaban (botting only 10hr/day).

I made money on standard only... new league is too much hassle. This morning a little skyforth.
This morning a little skyforth.

Sure thing. One runs 100+ bots 24/7 for a year without bans, another one gets a pair of Skyforth every morning. )
I myself have to vendor excess mirrors every hour...
I'm sure most top guys here spent 6-12 hours a day at first

yep, totally this.
starting to bot poe with a profitable farm is a fulltime job. 5-15h per day for weeks. after a lot of research, profilebuilding, automating, testing (oh my god so much testing), failing, doing again but better etc it will become better and less and less work every day.

im still at the point where is spend 4-5h per day on my farm, but it also pays out pretty well now.

someone with another job than botting will have a big hardtime to start poe botting tho. might not even be possible, at least no large number botfarm.
I stopped botting wow since like 1 year,but let me show you what i was doing when the price was 0.50$ per 1k

With those chars i was making 150-200k/day good fucking old times.Was using 2x trinkets which drop piles of gold when you kill monsters.It was hella farm to get those trinkets on all chars.As you can see all are on different servers and i was picking the gold on the server with highest demand and price.Now trinkets are so nerfed :D

Leveling was so easy.Multiboxing 5 chars at a time with raf,doing dungeons only after lvl 15.It was taking me max 12 hours for max lvl.
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In first months in a new league, sure. At the end of the league - not so much, and even Standard sucks now, because players/buyers just quit the game until expansion/new leagues are launched. Also almost all uniques (except for a few, which are out of reach for 99% of botters) and levelled gems are pisscheap on poetrade because of oversaturation. Which leads to orb shuffling (in order to obtain ex), which inevitably leads to devaluation of other orbs to exalted.

PoE RMT has one advantage over WoW - orbs are selling way faster than wow gold (on demand prices). Also Blizz is banning like crazy these days, a banwave hits every month. Just reactivated one old account to test - it lasted 3 days before permaban (botting only 10hr/day).

Oh so the sarcastic context to tony was based on this.

You have no clue what you are talking about, that or buyers hate you. I'm on speed dial on skype for almost all rmt buyers. I get asked for orbs in excess 500+ exalts daily, believe me or not, I care not. Your biased bad botting habits getting you banned, therefore not successful, is your issue.

It's a known fact that people leave the game and flock back on expansions, new content, that's nothing new.

What you fail to realize, hence your statements, is that those aren't the majority buying orbs. The majority are the ones heavily invested in the game, are the returning buyers.

Standard has always held the bulk of players, Chris Wilson released statements and charts a while back backing this up. I have to find it.

No uniques are out of reach of buyers, are you crazy? Botters, good ones, most likely supply uniques to the flippers, I know I supply quite a lot of uniques, including mirrors ( rocks and barrels are OP as hell ).

What level gems are you leveling? You are doing the gems market wrong.

I gain 1/4 of my Exalts from drops, half from orbs, and the last from pure items alone.

Meta and crafting runs the orb market, supply is always needed on crafting.

Poe has exponential fold smaller player size then WoW, easily exploitable market cap, free to play advantage, yet I'm making more money in it then WoW.

You're just bad at botting, but please continue, it's good canon fodd for my accounts.
Sure thing. One runs 100+ bots 24/7 for a year without bans, another one gets a pair of Skyforth every morning. )
I myself have to vendor excess mirrors every hour...

Hum, sorry but if it's supposed to be sarcastic, I feel sad for you.

Yep, I have a pair of skyforth to sell on TSC, botting 8 toons atm. Dunno whats wrong with you but you should go outside, breathe some fresh air.

What's wrong on chancing skyforth or botting without bans? you ask me for proofs or something? People these days...
Hum, sorry but if it's supposed to be sarcastic, I feel sad for you.

Yep, I have a pair of skyforth to sell on TSC, botting 8 toons atm. Dunno whats wrong with you but you should go outside, breathe some fresh air.

What's wrong on chancing skyforth or botting without bans? you ask me for proofs or something? People these days...
He's one of those, "If I can't do it, no one else can, because I eat wheaties every morning, so only I can do it."
dbf teach me the way of the unbanned... i believe you bros . haters gonna hate . Most people forget all the stuff you released for free . If i were you I would keep it to myself
dbf teach me the way of the unbanned... i believe you bros . haters gonna hate . Most people forget all the stuff you released for free . If i were you I would keep it to myself

It always feel great to release a polished bunch of stuff, but anyway we don't have to justify ourselves, we do our best to sustain the hype of developing such plugins and wilson knows it Kappa.

There's no secret, you know it's like facing a lion and he feels the fear in your blood, you'll end up being a piece of meat. Yesterday a guy PM'd me and told me "Hey, have an account with 3k hours on it, it got banned" well, some people will never learn that those accounts are meant to be banned a day. There's a little chance of it once you get the bot started/hooked on the process.

I'm starting to consider that the reason we don't get hit is the Faith... Kappa
Ah, the duo returned in force. :)
If i didn't see that the biggest resellers right now have drastically lower amount of sales in comparison to the December and January I might have taken your b8. But when i see guys that had over 30+ orders a day having 1-2 (if at all) i believe my own eyes more than your trolling about the unchanging demand (and unbannable 120+ 24/7 bots). Again i was talking on demand sales to private buyers, not to selling to Chinese for 0.6-0.7 a pop.

What's wrong on chancing skyforth or botting without bans

You made it sound like it's no biggie, "oh got them the other day", like it happens every day or so for you. While it's a huge luck and everybody knows that. I would know, as I did some heavy chancing on my own some time back.

Also, that was quite funny too:

First this:
I made money on standard only... new league is too much hassle

and then:

Yep, I have a pair of skyforth to sell on TSC

So, what was it "made money on standard ONLY" or "8 accounts on Talisman SC"? ))
Your biased bad botting habits getting you banned, therefore not successful, is your issue.
You're just bad at botting

So, what are "unbiased" and good botting habits?
Also how it's possible to level, equip, maintain 120+ accounts and at the same time, make sure they run 24/7, never get banned AND be able to have time to chance uniques, communicate with resellers AND the same time releasing plugins and posting here.
I'm sure more people would like to know about it, some people itt already asked you btw. Apparently all botters are getting banned except for you. :)

No uniques are out of reach of buyers, are you crazy?

I said out of reach of majority of BOTTERS, not buyers. You have misread my post. )
And it is so. Majority of botters don't run bot farms, get banned frequently, unless they have a BIG strike of luck, mirrors and skyforths are out of reach for them. You know, one of the reason mirrors and skyforths are still so pricey is because they are extremely rare. And they are rare because most botters don't see them. You are going to argue with that? :)
Ah, the duo returned in force. :)
If i didn't see that the biggest resellers right now have drastically lower amount of sales in comparison to the December and January I might have taken your b8. But when i see guys that had over 30+ orders a day having 1-2 (if at all) i believe my own eyes more than your trolling about the unchanging demand (and unbannable 120+ 24/7 bots). Again i was talking on demand sales to private buyers, not to selling to Chinese for 0.6-0.7 a pop.

You made it sound like it's no biggie, "oh got them the other day", like it happens every day or so for you. While it's a huge luck and everybody knows that. I would know, as I did some heavy chancing on my own some time back.

Also, that was quite funny too:

First this:

and then:

So, what was it "made money on standard ONLY" or "8 accounts on Talisman SC"? ))

I have my dev account on TSC, the league doesn't matter for dev. :D and it's on this one I have skyforth :) by having lot of accounts you raise the chancing rate, you get it?

I have demand on SC 2 times a day. (chineses) believe what you want. I'm not your mom and won't teach you that you're not the world's shell. I have more things to manage these days. Job promotion and stuff :)
The demand is way less on TSC since the league is ending, sitting on something like 150ex
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So, what are "unbiased" and good botting habits?
Also how it's possible to level, equip, maintain 120+ accounts and at the same time, make sure they run 24/7, never get banned AND be able to have time to chance uniques, communicate with resellers AND the same time releasing plugins and posting here.
I'm sure more people would like to know about it, some people itt already asked you btw. Apparently all botters are getting banned except for you. :)

Custom made stuff gives many benefits. With enough time and knowledge you can automatize everything, even RMT. I'm botting PoE for few months but already made various custom stuff for myself. AutoEquip while leveling and AutoRMT is the only thing I'm missing to run my bot farm and let it running 24/7. Auto Poe.trade would be great, but I don't think it's worth time spending, maybe in the future. In Guild Wars 2 I've had dozens of accounts that could run for whole weekend (until next patch) without me looking at them.
I have my dev account on TSC, the league doesn't matter for dev.

Just a few days ago you've said
new league is too much hassle

Now it doesn't matter? ;)

I have demand on SC 2 times a day. (chineses) believe what you want.

I wonder how many times i have to write "it's NOT about the Chinese", so you will stop referring to them.

I have more things to manage these days. Job promotion and stuff :)

I see. Still have enough time to come here every day and brag about your superiority. I guess that's as important for you as your job and stuff. ;)
Well but still everyones bot explores instance in the same way, creating pattern, there is no escaping from ban. Getting stuck in certain maps or not being able to transition affects all EB users
Custom made stuff gives many benefits. With enough time and knowledge you can automatize everything, even RMT.

I never doubted that. But still even with full automation it's not going to be fully afk. I recall from 2012 about one D3 botting farm with 100+ accounts. There were three guys maintaining it, each on 8hr shift, without breaks (except for server maintenance, patch downtime etc.).
That's D3 with RMAH, way bigger community + way bigger demand for in-game currency. They have managed to last three months before Blizz banned their accounts. Their bots were also vendoring all the legendaries, collecting only gold, because it wasn't profitable to do otherwise. With all automation and RMAH - still, no less than 3 guys on shifts. Not 1 with 120+ accs, not with all the PoE shenanigans.
And here you have this DBF story. Not not saying it's 100% impossible, just sounds little fishy for me. And of course ge's not going to share anything (no one would). Well... ;)
I never doubted that. But still even with full automation it's not going to be fully afk. I recall from 2012 about one D3 botting farm with 100+ accounts. There were three guys maintaining it, each on 8hr shift, without breaks (except for server maintenance, patch downtime etc.).
That's D3 with RMAH, way bigger community + way bigger demand for in-game currency. They have managed to last three months before Blizz banned their accounts. Their bots were also vendoring all the legendaries, collecting only gold, because it wasn't profitable to do otherwise. With all automation and RMAH - still, no less than 3 guys on shifts. Not 1 with 120+ accs, not with all the PoE shenanigans.
And here you have this DBF story. Not not saying it's 100% impossible, just sounds little fishy for me. And of course ge's not going to share anything (no one would). Well... ;)

They were newbs then ;p Behind DBF's stuff is few people, not only him. If I was able to do such progress in few months alone, what could they make in group within a year or two. I do believe him because I know what I've had in GW2.
Behind DBF's stuff is few people, not only him.

My thoughts exactly, that would explain the whole story. That's why i brought up this example with the bot farm.
DBF never mentions that's the group effort though, claims all the credit for himself ;)

They were newbs then

They could have been yes. Just saw the opportunity, collected the cash for the hardware and did the gig. Made like 40-45k euros in those three months iirc. Not bad even for pros. )
some of you are taking this thing way to seriously .
How i see it :with 12 accounts i make ~400$/month selling to private sellers. It takes me ~6-8h every 4 days to transfer everything and exchange orbs for exalts and chaos. 4h /day for the first week to babysit the accounts. After 28-30 days I get banned.
with 120 you can make maybe 4000$ and would need to invest a lot of time. And it's imposible to do it alone. and need to put a lot of work because there is no ah, you have to interact with ppl. In most countries that number is not that impressive . So nobody is getting rich off this, just something to leave afk and make some extra cash . also why do you care that dbf has 1000 bots and never gets banned. it's the internet , everything must be true if you write it on a forum.

IMO the golden years of botting are ending. I remember when I was making a lot of cash from wow,diablo 3 , lineage 400$-500$ was nothing back then. You could make 400$ /month with one account.