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Hello Venus, I'm a 15 year old kid, and the best advice I can give you is to simply ignore it. (unless they are breaking anything ofc.) I'm a bit of a troublemaker myself, and I know of experience, that the people who react are the most hilarious.
When it's been going on 5 years in a row and they throw other stuff at the windows like small rocks and such yeh
What we've done now is that i've borrowed some real outdoor security cams from my old job (electrcian) and they are now taping everything outside. Hopefully that'll teach them
If you don't fight back and ignore them, they will get bored.
I used to to do this as a kid, bullying an old man in my neighbourhood.
Only did it because he got mad and ran after us.
Thrill of the chase and all that!
If you ignore them completely, why would they have a reason to come back?
what country are you from?
USA: shoot them, i think it's considered an assult if they throw rocks at a person (or his house)
and/or if you live a distance from other houses.. just take some cardboard, and some nails and lay it across the drivethrew area ^^
ruins their tires (speaking from experience)
Other countries:
the nail thing still works perfectly but remember to pick them up so you don't get sued xD
otherwise, get a paintball gun and mess up their car
China and Africa :
Shoot them, or get their lisence plate-number and send somebody after them..
u can always hide with an m16 with a grenade launcher and say "YOU WANNA PLAY ROUGH?! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO PLAY ROUGH! OKAAAAY IM REEEELOADING!" B)