The worst part about issues like these; If you in turn do something to cause harm to them, then they will cry foul as if they were the victims all along. Retaliation usually only ends up causing more harm then good. Your best best is to gather some type of video evidence and persue it in civilain court with a magistrate. I have seen quite a few instances where local police will not involve themselves in "petty" matters until something more serious happens. It's unfortunate, but that's just life.
They can cry foul all they want if they come onto the property and get the shit beat outta them its perfectly legal.they will cry foul as if they were the victims all along.
\attach a log please.
i want oneGet an air raid siren like this one Hand Crank Air Raid Siren 1/2 Mile Range - Keepshooting? and when they roll up start cranking. Should get neighbours attentions to what is going on if they choose not to notice it. Also i bet the cops wouldn't take long to arrive eitherWin all round.
P.s. that ones a bit pricey but there are cheaper likewise alternatives.