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How to catch some rotten kids?

Where I live... If people do this kinda stuff you can shoot them if there on your property. So.. We don't have this ever happen.
The worst part about issues like these; If you in turn do something to cause harm to them, then they will cry foul as if they were the victims all along. Retaliation usually only ends up causing more harm then good. Your best best is to gather some type of video evidence and persue it in civilain court with a magistrate. I have seen quite a few instances where local police will not involve themselves in "petty" matters until something more serious happens. It's unfortunate, but that's just life.
I would be careful with a good ole' fashion ass whooping. If its a gang of kinds, you would be less safe by kicking one of their asses b/c you are just one person. The evidence and court method is really the best way to go here. If you retaliate with violence, they will do the same. If you retaliate with the law, they will have no ground for retaliation. Not to mention, when you take time and money out of peoples pockets, they tend to listen.
Film them and post on YouTube, get their Facebooks and let everyone they know know. Alternatively just get an air gun and shoot them in their chests, should hurt a little.
Get a shotgun, load it up with rock salt packed shells, shot them; it will hurt them, it won't kill them, salt burns ;)
The worst part about issues like these; If you in turn do something to cause harm to them, then they will cry foul as if they were the victims all along. Retaliation usually only ends up causing more harm then good. Your best best is to gather some type of video evidence and persue it in civilain court with a magistrate. I have seen quite a few instances where local police will not involve themselves in "petty" matters until something more serious happens. It's unfortunate, but that's just life.

If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
i would camp out on the roof with a paint gun and blast'em when they drove by or walked up
Ip camera report to police then when they do bugger all take it to ur local MP. DO NOT do anything physical no matter how much a good hopistal visit they sound like they need. Ur local mp will do something about it as there are breaking the law dispite the police being slack the mp will make them do something. And jail time/community services will be a nasty punishment as they get it on record :P (this is for the uk though i dunno if it's the same everyplace)
My mother had similar problems with kids on scooters, revving theur hair drier engines, doing doughnuts, riding across her garden.. I followed them one night with a friend and we found out where they lived.. Soo we bought sone fruit and sugar.. Poured the sugar into their fuel tanks and forced as much fruit their exhausts would take... Safe to say it.put a stop to it..

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
My 10 cents because i've had similar situations.

1) Boys do these things need no more reason then they didn't like the way you cut your grass. Once you start yelling at them, which you already have it makes your house remembered and you become target number one. Your the most fun.
2) DON'T retaliate unless you know 100% who they are. Otherwise they will have the upper hand and now it is more fun.
3) If you don't want to buy cameras and do all the technical ideas from internet nerds, sit outside and wait for them the old fashion way. Take a picture of them if you want or just personally figure out who they are.
4) The best way to have it just go away is confront them calmly afterwards (NOT AT NIGHT WHEN YOU FIRST SAW THEM). Tell them you know it was them and (you have pictures?) you would like it to stop. Do not get their parents involved at first that will only spark more trouble when the parents defend their children when they have no idea what is actually going on and they will fight back harder than their child.
5) A little bit of accountability (knowing who they are) will go a long way. If they don't stop then, you can start going legal routes.

6) Never threaten or actually beat them up, especially if you don't know their age. If you have to start legal actions will will certainly loose after that.
what you should do is have your dad go in his back yard and have a chainsaw when they come by you yell "DAD THEY ARE HERE NOW" then your dad turns on the chainsaw and have him yell "im coming for u!" now dont actually run at them with a chainsaw lol clearly but those kids will never unless they have the guts of chuck norris to come back there
Load your handgun up with blanks and make a ruckus. They won't be back.
i say get a group of ur "friends" together, wait patiently in ur cars and as soon as the come by box them in....then have ur fun :D...wish i was there to help ;)
If you can get evidence, contact there parents if you possibly can.
Or if your more patient and have alot of self control just dont react when they throw stuff. Just sit inside and let them pass, they'll get bored.
This was happening to my parents, they would only do it when my dad was away to work so my mum used to call me and tell me to come down as the police take 30-45 minutes to respond even though we live less than a mile from the station.

These kids were 17/18 and thought it was great fun, I could never catch them in the act until one day I was going to visit my mum and caught them right as I was pulling up, so I jumped out of the car and shouted abuse at them, most of them ran but the two who thought they were hard men and started to walk towards me like they were going to attack so I ended up tearing the shit out of them and getting arrested for GBH and AOABH, charges were dropped in the end but I recieved a caution.

If I could go back I'd make sure they hit me first but the heat of the moment I didn't think right. A caution isn't a massive deal as it will go in 3 years but I think it still holds me back from jobs.
Get an air raid siren like this one Hand Crank Air Raid Siren 1/2 Mile Range - Keepshooting? and when they roll up start cranking. Should get neighbours attentions to what is going on if they choose not to notice it. Also i bet the cops wouldn't take long to arrive either ;) Win all round.

P.s. that ones a bit pricey but there are cheaper likewise alternatives.