They always claimed that a. it's incompatible with their libraries (fair enough - redesign then) and b. it will be a challenge to "inject" the client with their specific code to make it work.
I think NOW is the time for BOSSLAND to go back to the drawing board and redesign HB for the 64-bit WoW client; at this moment, HB is dead in the water anyway, so start investing again in other methods and techniques.
This should include 64-bit, PLUS DX11 support .. Yes, DX11 as well, since many(!) users can't run HB on a DX11 WoW client.
BUT, and it's a big "BUT" : Regardless what the fanatic HB adepts claim, the WoW client _CAN_ and _DOES_ scan the system's memory, looking for concurrent processes, just as the Windows Task Manager does. Any technique to disable "Warden" is useless, as long as HB doesn't conceal itself from that kind of detection. It has to be made like an "ordinary virus" : run, self-mutation and hide.
To answer the OP's question : yes, I have 100% faith in the capabilities of the BOSSLAND dev-team - for them, it's only a matter of being open-minded and of thinking outside the box.