mmm.. maths.. I hate maths.. but i'll try this one.
99.9% uptime.
so if 0.1 = 1 day, 99.9 would be 999 days, which is.. 2.73 years.
1 days downtime every 2.73 years is a big ask.
does wow give us that?
the wow game itself with weekly downtime, patches and new expansions has, at the least, a 1 day a month downtime
add to this the server downtime through faults and internet outages and the failure of machines from blizzards servers through to our isp's routers and we have something like a 48 hour loss per month (720 hours) which is a 6.6% loss, or 93% uptime.
whereas honorbuddy's uptime is likely to be 99.9% against the AVAILABLE uptime of wow.
someone check my maths cos im old, but its gotta be in the ballpark.
sue for lost gametime? why suggest it if you wouldn't do it...
what a tard
i have to correct you Fellow WoW player if 100% is taken as 1 year Bossland has the right to take down their service for 3,65 Days/year or 87,68 hours/per year, cause this is what makes 0,01% of a year... this leads me to the Conclusion that all the flamer Kiddies should Kindly screw them selves...Thank You