Haha nr1 lawlAh, so you are a SBR developer then?
Haha nr1 lawlAh, so you are a SBR developer then?
Still no working bot ? This is lame. On patch day I already botted with other bot and made a combatroutine for my spec. What are they doing here ?
don't compare any other bot to HBIt's comparing amateur works with professionals
The moarn above is getting out of ComDev? Are you serious or just trolling?Still no working bot ? This is lame. On patch day I already botted with other bot and made a combatroutine for my spec. What are they doing here ?
Still no working bot ? This is lame. On patch day I already botted with other bot and made a combatroutine for my spec. What are they doing here ?
Still no working bot ? This is lame. On patch day I already botted with other bot and made a combatroutine for my spec. What are they doing here ?
200€ for legendarybuddy.... Two F....ing hundred euros.....good joke hb staff.....
don't compare any other bot to HBIt's comparing amateur works with professionals
Any proof?they want you to buy legendarybuddy for 200E so you have an advancetage over others thats why they wait so long legendarybuddy already done because the legendarybuddy has already a working honorbuddy
Any proof?
i know this i was in the beta testing of honorbuddy we always had sometimes one quicker then the public this might be a new name of me but my Old name was Mario27 i use this bot since the day glider died for a long time
stop talking bullshit plz
you are not a part of any alpha/beta group of ours...that simple
the fact that your main acc is already banned on this forums and this one is one step before perma ban haven't taught you anything it seems
consider this post as the last warning