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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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Yes but that is hard to prove for them when its super easy watching people auto move takes all but what a few secs to catch someone and on to the next person. Disagree if you want but it makes perfect sence and the fact i have friends that still use Gladator suit and still playing today it makes even more sence because all they do is use kickbot and manually move there toon,
id like to point out so do most questing addons that auto accept and turn in quests, auctionator that will mass post listings. Im sure there is quite a large list of legit addons that "automate" game play but they are still okay. point in case dual boxing programs are allowed!? how is 1 character being afk'd against tos but one person, playing only one account and 63 more accounts mimicing everything he does not against tos?
Yes but that is hard to prove for them when its super easy watching people auto move takes all but what a few secs to catch someone and on to the next person. Disagree if you want but it makes perfect sence and the fact i have friends that still use Gladator suit and still playing today it makes even more sence because all they do is use kickbot and manually move there toon,

it's not hard to prove at all, they have logs, they can read the LUA injection... infact up until recently some things were printing to chat log (chat log is saved on blizzard servers) pretty easy to run a parse to find a specific phrase or keyword in the chat logs to cross reference against.
I agree with you its kinda twisted as far as when the look at. But when a bot is auto questing or Auto farming for you or auto ashran ect those are kinda easy to catch. Think about it Lvling lets use that i used honorbuddy alot to lvl and when i first started using it it lvled kinda smooth but over the past few months i noticed i was getting hung up on things and i was going to quest givers that wasnt even spawned yet and just sitting there waiting just to come home from work and noticing i been in the same place for 6 hrs.
Yes they record logs threw the LUA but prove to me that it wasnt me that was using my ablitys and it was the bot.
But main reason is since blizz came out with the tokens to auto DING to 90 the BOT kinda ruined that money grabber because who would pay 60 for a AUTO ding to 90 when you can run the bot and in a day you would be 90. I am not going to argue about it its just he kinda says it in a way but doesnt say it in those words because he could lose his job for giving 2 much info.
Yes they record logs threw the LUA but prove to me that it wasnt me that was using my ablitys and it was the bot.

do you think the bot just magically presses buttons... you know it has to push commands into the wow client to make it happen...

i only rotation botted, in guild in raid... noone of them reported me, all of them are waiting for me to get my account back.
maybe not on the fact you're running 32 bit alone... but considering the game default is 64bit and to run 32bit you have to go into settings and change it / manually set up 32 bit usage. it sure narrows down the amount of people

let's say

database query 7.1 million accounts - 1.8 million come up using 32 bit

they have already narrowed down a massive portion of the player base to investigate.

You do realize many people still don't have 64 bit right? Many people still operate on 32 bit because they haven't updated the computers their kids have.
You do realize many people still don't have 64 bit right? Many people still operate on 32 bit because they haven't updated the computers their kids have.

i know 0 people irl / online that are still running a 32bit machine... including their children. my son is 4, but when he gets his first PC it wont be a 32bit, because unless you're running something older than like 10 years now, which i doubt many people would because it would hardly be running anymore... there is no reason (monetary or functionality) wise that you would have a 32 bit processor > a 64 bit one
If i were all of you i would just sit back stop talking about it and let HB do its thing so we can see it go up. We can sit here for months and stew or ponder about what happened but in all reality unless we actually know then its just speculation. There fore we cant do shit about it and having these longs talks about what happened what might happen or how it happened it pretty much useless. I am just as excited to have HB up and running again but am in no hurry until i see alot of my fellow botters back up and running strong. I myself am giving it a few months before i turn HB back on so if this was a setup i wont get perma banned and might have a chance to move some shit around before it happens. so everyone relax sit back grab a girl smootch and enjoy time away from wow god knows this game sucks without a bot so i cant imagine any of you playing it for real.
weeee new version, thats fine. About all speculations; many were banned for this and that but all for running the bot. Thats the one thing only all have in common. I go on like before - i wasnt banned before and wasnt banned yet, so i guess i do something right. (Or was just lucky). If i loose my account - so what, i wouldnt play if it wasnt for HB...
It's the weekend!! So excited for this! I've been checking this every hour to see if they released it yet. WE WANT THIS FOR THE 3 DAY WEEKEND BOSSLAND! :D
You do realize many people still don't have 64 bit right? Many people still operate on 32 bit because they haven't updated the computers their kids have.

This thread is bonkers..but to that I would say, maybe if you cant afford to upgrade your computer for 15 years..it is time for less wow..
I will Def be buying more accounts and selling more gold and making more money off this game.
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