Why would they use illegal methods to find botters when they can use easy legal methods?
Look up the new Computer Privacy laws signed into law in March by the us federal goverment. The point of the new laws is for NSA spying on people....
But the way they are written gives private companys rights to snoop around your computer if you have there programs installed.
It is a bunch of crap and if ANYTHING that is what happened. timing was to coicidental with the new wow external warden scanning being found on 3/21/2015 + Us laws giving us based companys permisition to "snoop" around a pc anywere in the world under the protection of the us goverment and NSA regulations.
PERSONALY I have my own THEROY's on what happened and i have more evidence than most but untill wow comes up again and if we have another ban wave i wont be proven right or wrong.
Care to share your theory and evidence now cause once the next banwave hits it wont be worth a lick to the community