Maybe some people don't understand this. Blizzard made it pretty freaking clear that they weren't going to condone cheating. Let me point this out for you.
1. They made a blue post telling people that had recently just taken action against numerous people found using third party software.
2. Holinka tweeted that you shouldn't be cheating. He also went on to say that he wants to fix PVP and it is impossible with people using third party software for an advantage.
3. People were given 6 month bans as a warning more or less, you can bet your ass that it will be permanent the next time around.
4. Along with it being a 6 month ban, Blizzard has clearly refused to appeal these decisions and it is because "TADA!" They have a detection method that they have used to figure out that you have been using a third party program.
For point number 4 let me better elaborate this for all the idiot skeptics and the people who clearly have no idea how programs operate and how Blizzard gathers it's information.
-Blizzard has to scan it's own process to realize if their is a potential hook into it based off how the program responds when Blizzard is sending packets to it. Through API's, Blizzard can regulate and discern the difference between what a normal 32-bit client would operate as and how the now-hooked 32-bit client is running. When they test this theory against all other known API's Blizzard can make the assumption that your client is hooked and that you are automating commands.
-Much like on private servers there are automated systems that can catch and snag things in the packets that are being sent to the server. The same way private servers can pick up on people who are fly hacking etc. This sends a signal back to Blizzard which in turns cause a flag to happen. This is how they protect themselves versus people who try to modify the packets with programs like CheatEngine and other tools that manipulate the game in a way not authorized.
-Your account is always subject to ban based on personal investigation by the GM and support staff, You are an idiot if you think that Blizzard hasn't collected information on bot behavior over the last few months and probably even longer. People who report you for cheating will automatically flag your account but that is more of a novelty. If I walked around WoW and reported everyone for cheating it would be stupid right? They all going to get banned? The reason they have this tool for people to report you for cheating is so that the support staff can tell how many times you have been reported. etc, etc. Let's say a person who has been flagged for cheating 3 times doesn't look as dramatic as someone who has been botting battlegrounds or farming gold and has been reported 150 times. These are all tracked via time stamp and collected in a database. Character info is linked back to account info, other characters can then also be seen to see how many reports they have had on them. Making sense now?
Another Blizzard fanboy,
another useless wall of text.
How could you write 28 lines of test without a single proof behind your words?
Blizzard is doing this, Blizzard is gonna do that ... yea of course - because you have just witnessed this from Blizzard's office right now? Stop dreaming!
Blizzard is just a company, yes, with much more financial resources than Bossland GmbH, for example. But that have not helped them much in the last 5 years, till last week's wednesday, at least.
It was lawsuits, it was pseudo-banwaves, it was HB-named codes in the game files. They tried virtually anything in the last years to stop HB and they achieved ZERO success! Honorbuddy was up, running and growing ... unstoppable!
7th of May 2015 came, with one of the many court hearings, and SHOCK!:
On 6 May 2013 The Hamburg Regional Court had issued a temporary injunction without a hearing and thereby ruled that the defendant (Bossland GmbH) have to refrain, without the consent of the applicant to operate a gold-trading website for the game Diablo III.
On 7 May 2015 (3 U 45/14), the Civil Division of the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court ordered that the entire costs of the two instances of the process be paid by Blizzard Entertainment S.A.S.
So there is no doubts that Blizzard have done something breaking!
Were they lucky to identify some lua elements, leaving tracks on the server logs,or done some desperate or furious move with running malware for short periods of time in the last few months?
We yet have to find out!
But one is solid!
They suspended tons of accounts: Heavy botting accounts, barely botting accounts, never-botting accounts, active accounts, frozen accounts.
That means only one! They cleared their database off all the accounts, accused for any kind of botting in their noticeable past (3-6 months probably).
So there is no surprise, how very different behaved accounts got hit, even these, frozen for 3+ months!