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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

you prolly are one of those scrubs trying to do arena on singular cause you cant manage to get a decent one.

and therefor are stuck in the 1200 bracket since you suck monkey balls.

even if you had a cr, you need a brain, and tweak the cr massively. use most by hand.

all the crs was good for was that repetative key mashing.
Exactly this. All CR's I've been using were havily adjusted by me and the first thing I was doing with every CR- turning off all auto CD's usage, half of spells, etc. Good adjusted PVP CR was only 30-40% automated comparing to brainless PVE variants I was also using.
Blizzard had to do something illegal because they aren't telling the people who got ban nothing. They won't even tell you what program was detected since I told Blizzard that I use several programs for my disabilities. I wish its wasn't against the TOS on Bossland to list another wow bot to use until Honorbuddy is fixed. I can't find a bot that quests as good as HonorBuddy now. I miss Pirox bot and wish it was back because I didn't get ban from using pirox bot. I only got ban from buying gold. I didn't get ban from selling gold back in the day when gold was pricey. Why is Blizzard aiming the banwaves on HonorBuddy, because Blizzard lost a case against BossLand or something?

Oh, I even did change the name of the *.exe file too and it was still detected. I think Blizzard did something illegal to find the bot.

Blizzard don't really need a reason to ban you, do they? I mean you are basicly borrowing the account from them aren't you?
I dont know but maybe you guys should just close the forum down since every single post being made is getting closed.

there is no need to close forums,we can "close" you and give you a nice break so you can chill out

your 24 hours mute is your final warning btw

like it or not its a matter of time for a new Hb release,if you dont like Hb dont use it
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100% right! Even with high end pvp CR's if you did not tweak the shit out of it and know your class you wont get any higher then 1500. Arena was a small percent for PVP, what HB should do is remove BG Buddy like we said years ago. But its not what we want its how much money brings them.

ye, but we know nothing, we botted 18-24 hours a day for years, but we dont know shit about programming, so what do we know... zilch.
there is no need to close forums,we can "close" you and give you a nice break so you can chill out

your 24 hours mute is your final warning btw

like it or not its a matter of time for a new Hb release,if you dont like Hb dont use it

Finally. Getting sick of reading the crap he puts up.
there is no need to close forums,we can "close" you and give you a nice break so you can chill out

your 24 hours mute is your final warning btw

so tony

u mute someone on this

I dont know but maybe you guys should just close the forum down since every single post being made is getting closed. No matter what we will get another Banwave with HB since Bossland has no clue how it got detected this time and it will get detected again and again. As for people using it for PVP just move to another bot with PVP enabled. GG Most CR's for pvp are making the move. It does feel good that pvp is getting looked at a lot more. I wont be using HB for a long time since the risk % is a lot greater then it was before. With the response of "We dont know how we got detected" but we are going to release a new version anyway" has really lowered my trust with this software.

as he is 100 % right???

but hey, its bad for business to tell the truth eh?

next time quote the whole message so we can see why u mute him.

its just business, nothing else.
razer is a guy coming out of nowhere,knowing nothing about how Hb is programmed or how exactly it works
having zero knowledge about the usage statistics of BGs,arenas or any other bot mode and how this affects wow etc

so webhond,if you are in need to follow your "Messiah" go ahead

also our moderation actions are not negotiable with users
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That sucks about the TOS EULA that Blizzard can put a program on your computer and scan whatever maybe a screen logger to send back to blizzard and watch what the players are doing all the time. I still think Blizzard needs to let disabled people off the hook, because without 3rd party software I wouldn't be able to play WOW or any games for that matter... My friend is a amputee and needs this type of software to help him play games too. I thought its against the law if companies can't accommodate disabled people. I think the federal government needs to let Blizzard know that if the person shows proof that the person is disabled either from military or on SSI or SSDI then Blizzard should allow us to use the software without being banned. Now if the person is abusing the game with software like putting alot on Auction House or selling gold then Blizzard needs to take care of them. But, if the disablied is using the software to help fight monsters or to run around doing quests as long the person isn't afk then it should be ok to use the software.
Blizzard will buy new HB accounts as soon as it comes back up, and they will use those HB accounts as research for the next few months. Then when all the 6 month banned accounts come back up and people jump back on them with the new HB, they will be permabanned because they will have had the new HB for months and know what to look for on each account. It sucks, but until the detection method is determined, it's just a waiting game for the ban. It's unfortunate, but those are the risks we take. The account I had banned in this last wave was less than two weeks old. In that two weeks I had 4 toons to level 70 and 7 more to level 50+ Whatever it was that happened, it was not because Blizzard had an extensive log on me. I wonder if they might possibly be keeping a hardware ID log of previous botters, and then flagging those hardware ID's for more extensive scrutiny once they log on.
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Blizzard will buy new HB accounts as soon as it comes back up, and they will use those HB accounts as research for the next few months. Then when all the 6 month banned accounts come back up and people jump back on them with the new HB, they will be permabanned because they will have had the new HB for months and know what to look for on each account. It sucks, but until the detection method is determined, it's just a waiting game for the ban. It's unfortunate, but those are the risks we take. The account I had banned in this last wave was less than two weeks old. In that two weeks I had 4 toons to level 70 and 7 more to level 50+ Whatever it was that happened, it was not because Blizzard had an extensive log on me. I wonder if they might possibly be keeping a hardware ID log of previous botters, and then flagging those hardware ID's for more extensive scrutiny once they log on.

So the last 5 years Blizz have not thought of this?
Hey guys, now before you start talking about my posting rate or join date, these details mean nothing, im just not an active poster, if I have something to say I will post if not I wont

now onto what I was going to say anyway

I personally have 4 botting accounts active at the moment, only ever had 1 ban and that was for economy abuse, flooded the ah with farmed herbs

I do not farm since this ban which was a few years ago

I do quest/dungeon bot to lvl chars

I do pvp bot in bgs

I do bot the garrison

I do not sell on ah

I do vendor everything I do not need to earn gold

never play during standard working hours for my country

I bot on average 8hrs a day (randomized log ins and outs) login to every char on each account manually throught my login session

all 4 characters play together on same machine and have done so for years (dynamic ip from isp)

I do not leave battle.net app open always set to close before wow.exe is opened

always played wow in 32bit even manually

always played wow with ctm active even manually

always played wow in windowed mode even manually

always played wow on lowest gfx settings, even manually

and always have a monitor plugin active to catch whispers etc and allow response

none of my 4 accounts have been banned/ suspended

I always run honorbuddy first without wow to check for an honorbuddy update, never update with wow running

I hope this info is helpful to the buddy team to help pin point where how and if we were actually detected


your friendly neighborhood botterman
Also botted on my main account of 7+ years. For leveling/dailies/LFR/dungeons/casual gathering and lazy raider... and i've never been banned. I just made sure to never leave the bot and go afk for more than ~3 hours. I'm usually at my PC anyway just tabbed out. Some people spend 48hrs farming herbs then complain that they were banned after a few days of using the bot. Though admittedly i have been away from WoW for the last 2-3 months, so no idea if that helped to evade the banwave. Also a pro tip, if you have a decent smartphone you can download teamviewer and access your PC from anywhere with remote access, you can stop/start your bot on the fly and it's useful for making sure your bot isn't stuck if you go out for a few hours.

Since this might take a while...anyone PM me any bots I can use in the meanwhile? I'm currently leveling in Nagrand and I just feel lifeless...I need a bot which has WoD leveling profiles.

Anyone? Also, please PM the name of the bot written either with space inbetween the name cause HB blocked out names of other bots in personal messages too :)
Google is your friend.
Also botted on my main account of 7+ years. For leveling/dailies/LFR/dungeons/casual gathering and lazy raider... and i've never been banned. I just made sure to never leave the bot and go afk for more than ~3 hours. I'm usually at my PC anyway just tabbed out. Some people spend 48hrs farming herbs then complain that they were banned after a few days of using the bot. Though admittedly i have been away from WoW for the last 2-3 months, so no idea if that helped to evade the banwave. Also a pro tip, if you have a decent smartphone you can download teamviewer and access your PC from anywhere with remote access, you can stop/start your bot on the fly and it's useful for making sure your bot isn't stuck if you go out for a few hours.

sharpmessenger is also very good, teamviewer works similar to rdp in windows and once u have logged into it its kinda noticeable because wow becomes a background process and not foreground and even if you bring it into foreground while accessing via teamviewer or rdp when you log out wow becomes a background process once again, where as sharpmessenger is more like a chat plugin with command functions allowing logout, bg start and stops, botbase selection, stuck indicators, bot status updates, without affecting wow running in foreground, and because there are no visual elements involved does not affect your fps on the wow client, because of this plugin I am able to bot afk and still chat to all of my guild and friends and keep bot suspicions down also keeping my logouts and pc shutdown commands accessible via google talk from anywhere in the world, so in combination they might be very useful, using teamviewer to run arelog or something which will put wow in foreground when launched but also logging in honorbuddy, allowing access to sharpmessenger and its list of commands

worth a look
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