Money back indeed!, i have like 5-6 cr's for arena only use...I have to buy a lot of hb + gladiteur result there one month < ?? I ask a Money Back
If this sticks i'm moving to private servers for pvp. Fuck all ya'll
Money back indeed!, i have like 5-6 cr's for arena only use...
[size=+1]Honorbuddy and Arenas[/size]
The next (post-.787) drop of Honorbuddy will explicitly disallow Arena play. This includes Combat Routines. From the Release Notes, the appropriate report is HB-2458 ("Honorbuddy is no longer allowed to be used in Arenas").
The report/release note is for Arenas-only. A similar issue for Battlegrounds is being considered, but still under discussion.
The mandate to completely disable Arenas comes directly from Bossland, and non-negotiable. Honorbuddy actively enforces the disabling of all extensions in Arenas, including Combat Routines. Please do not badger Combat Routine (or other) developers about this.
Ref: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Honorbuddy and Arenas
HB already don't support Arena. You think CR devs wont be able to work around that?
this is so unaceptable bossland! what is wrong with you now? you openend the buddystore for us that we could BUY PVP CRS and then you will not allow this? --.--
You guys are all missing the point. They didn't bait and switch on you with the buddy store, the buddy store was around before the ban wave. Now they are trying to avoid another one. I bought a bunch of PVP CRs too, but I am not going to demand my money from the developers of the CR because HB disabled arenas to try to lower our radar profile, and will continue to bot for gold and raids.
Grow up and quit whining.
you stil can use it for pve raiding to do the best healing dps wise i think pvpers complained about the interupt and healers could not have a chance to heal in arena witch is annoying for fair players thats why he removed the arena cr option i gues.
Thats like crashing your car that you have used for 6 months and then taking it back to the dealer asking for your money back. Don't really think that will happen, that just the way the world works lol
It's a positive thing, at least to allow us to be slightly off the radar. Nobody is going to moan about someone doing decent DPS in a raid, but someone quite clearly botting in an arena is going to seriously annoy people. Smart move, tough call from a business perspective but it's good to see you're doing the right thing rather than what suits you. Well played.